Daily Broadside | Virtue Picks Are Popular But Make Us Stupid

Daily Verse | 1 Samuel 15:7b
“The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Wednesday’s Reading: 1 Samuel 20-23

Wednesday and we’re about a week away from the end of the month as we count down the remaining time we must live under the thumb of the illegitimate ruling junta in the White House. Once we hit April, there will be about six months to the mid-terms; from there, it’s a full two years to the next presidential election.

Honestly, I don’t know what our country will look like by then, but judging by how it looks now, I’m not so sure there will still be sentient beings able to rebuild on whatever remains. Otherwise, we may have to just bulldoze the entire thing and start over.

For instance, here is what passes for profundity from the second-most powerful person in the United States (and, if we still believe it, in the world).

I’m moved. Aren’t you?

“We were … talking about the significance of the passage of time. Right? The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time, in terms of what we need to do, to lay these wires, what we need to do to create these jobs. And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children.”

This is what you get when politics trump principles. This is not a serious person. She’s done nothing—zip! zilch! nada! bupkis!—to be a heartbeat away from the presidency of the United States. And she shows what an empty, hollow and shallow thinker she is.

As Brit Hume points out, she’s only there because “she checked certain political boxes.”

Speaking of checking certain boxes—the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court of the United States is exactly the same. She’s black (check!), she’s a woman (check!), and she’s an ideologue who supports Critical Race Theory (check!) and is soft on child pornographers (check!).

In other words, she’s a Democrat’s dream candidate.

Listen to her reasoning for why she consistently under-sentenced child pornographers over the years:

She’s using the “volume” of materials the criminal was caught with as a baseline. Presumably, the higher the volume, the stronger the sentencing. She argues (rightly) that now, because of the Internet, it’s easy for child pornographers to amass large amounts of kiddie porn, which has led to “extreme disparities in the system”—which, by the way, someone should ask her to say more about. Any time I hear about “disparities” it’s usually about some oppressed minority group. How do guidelines created before easy access to child pornography create “extreme disparities” in the age of the Internet?

Don’t ever tell me that choosing the next SCOTUS Justice isn’t about finding someone who will advance the ideology of the party in power. Those who can’t get their laws passed through the legislature use the courts to sue for what they want.

Judge Brown Jackson is not someone we want on the court. She will likely not rule objectively based on the Constitution, but on the grievances she has against her fellow citizens.

Don’t let the Democrats force another virtue pick on the country.