Daily Broadside | An Intelligent Woman Says She Doesn’t Know What a Woman Is

Daily Verse | 1 Samuel 23:16
And Saul’s son Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him find strength in God.

Thursday’s Reading: 1 Samuel 24-26

It’s Thursday and the days drag by as we wait for our deliverance from the clown show being forced on us from all quarters. I wrote yesterday that Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson should not be confirmed to the Supreme Court because she is an unrepentant ideologue and liar who consistently under-sentenced child pornographers over the course of her career, essentially framing the pornographers as victims rather than the children who were exploited.

Add to that the latest imbecility and you’ll understand why I fiercely oppose her nomination. She doesn’t know how to define a “woman” because she’s, get this, “not a biologist.”

That is a disingenuous lie. I know what a woman is. You know what a woman is. And we’re not biologists either, are we?

Why can’t a supposedly intelligent female jurist say what a woman is?

She won’t say what a “woman” is because what the Cultural Marxist-Democrat-Media Industrial Complex says a woman is won’t fly with half the Senate or half the country. It’s a dodge.

If she’s dodging one of the simplest questions to answer, that means she’s hiding something and we all know what she’s hiding: she supports the trans-sexual movement.

She wants to be a supreme court justice so bad she’s willing to deny the truth by lying to the rest of us.

Not only that, but Brandon’s qualifications for his SCOTUS pick consisted of two characteristics: a “woman” and “of color.” If she doesn’t know what a woman is, how does she know she meets Brandon’s criteria? How does Brandon know? A Republican worth their sordid salary should’ve asked KBJ, “Are you a woman?” as follow up.

Here’s how John Hayward summed it up:

The funniest thing about Jackson’s “I’m not a biologist” dodge is that under current Democrat Party ideology, biologists are the absolute last people on Earth who have anything to say about the definition of womanhood.

Biology and science left the room a LONG time ago in the politicized discussion of human sexuality, and they won’t be invited back into the room any time soon. The entire point of transsexual ideology is the triumph of individual will and collectivist politics over biology.

This is highly relevant to Supreme Court confirmations, because militant transsexualism is all about using coercive force to make EVERYONE ignore biology. Trans fascism is quite literally about punishing anyone who brings biological science into the conversation.

There will be legal fights over trans fascism in the years to come, and when they reach the Supreme Court, radicals and their enablers have no business being there. KBJ was caught lying far too many times yesterday for anyone who knows what time it is to vote for confirmation.

These were not little lies she told, either. She lied about issues of great relevance to the American people, like critical race theory, pedophilia, and the 1619 Project garbage:

Five Key Points from Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Tough Day in the Senate

It’s illuminating that even at this late date, Democrats feel obliged to back away from the madness they gleefully impose on America’s children behind closed doors. They still can’t be loud and proud about their indoctrination programs. That’s a hopeful sign for the country.

But it matters a great deal that KBJ looks like another in the long line of Democrats who conceal their radicalism until they have the power to impose it on the rest of us. Our government is riddled with people like that, and it’s killing us. We need no more stealth radicals.

The story of the Left over the past half-century has been talking one way to the normies, when it’s time to cadge their votes or slip a nominee through confirmation hearings, but acting very differently when there’s no scrutiny. That’s why they fight so hard against scrutiny.

Supreme Court hearings are just partisan shouting matches and exercises of raw power these days, but if this were any kind of real deliberation or reasoned debate, KBJ would have disqualified herself yesterday. The GOP probably can’t stop this, but they should damn well try. /end

It’s time that Normal Americans stand up and call BS on this BS. Stop being afraid of “offending” someone or being called “racist” or “homophobic” or “hater” or some other verbal insult that the irrational truth deniers use to shut you up.

Stand for truth and common sense.