Daily Broadside | You May Soon Want a Fake Vaccine ID

Daily Verse | Jeremiah 35:15
“Each of you must turn from your wicked ways and reform your actions; do not follow other gods to serve them.”

Wednesday and we’ve hit the middle of the week. I think I’ve missed my window to try high-diving into a pool of jello.

One of the guys that I enjoying reading is Doug Wilson over at Blog & Mablog. He’s a theologian/philosopher of a reformed/evangelical bent and writes with clarity, wisdom and wit about God’s truth and its intersection with our culture and politics. He’s a careful student of our times and an expert at explaining the disease behind the madness.

In his post on Monday, he presented a biblical defense of fake vaccine IDs. (I personally prefer reading his posts, but he also records them as audio and, below, video.)

What he impressed on me is not so much the logic and biblical support of getting a fake vaxx ID (which is strong), but that he is convinced we are fast approaching a situation in which fake IDs will be necessary. In other words, he and I agree that we are unlikely to avoid further descent into the tyranny of the ruling political class. As he says, “things really are that dire.”

That means that Christians who oppose vaccine mandates will have to make a choice. For Wilson, “Believing Christians have three basic options—compliance, non-compliance with a guilty conscience, and non-compliance with a clean conscience. I am urging you all to the third option, and I believe that these principles below can help with that.”

He then goes on to outline seven principles regarding fake IDs. Let me briefly summarize them for you:

  1. Resist openly. “If massive numbers of people simply refuse to take the vaccine, there is nothing they can do.”
  2. Resist clandestinely. If you can’t resist openly, “then feel free before God to resist” using fake vaccine IDs.
  3. Fake vaccine IDs are not to be used just in the context of doing gospel work. “These are liberty issues, and any kind of lawful liberty is never a trifle.”
  4. You can be right with God and use a fake ID, but “there are wisdom issues involved also, and so you should do a reasonable cost/benefit analysis with regard to whatever it is you are doing.”
  5. “If you are a Christian elder or pastor … at least have the decency not to rat out Christians who do have that liberty in their conscience” to use fake vaccination IDs
  6. If you choose to “use a fake ID, then don’t settle for less. Use only the best” fake vaccine IDs.
  7. Think longer term. “Behave in such a way now as that you will not be ashamed to talk about it afterwards.”

I haven’t written about it for a while, but I still believe there’s a good possibility that our current cold civil war will go hot. I don’t particularly want that to happen, but I’m not the one forcing the issue. It’s our lying government and the lapdogs in the media who cover for them.

When it comes to dealing with leaders who deceive and take away liberties that have been long established, it is they who have broken “comity” as Wilson calls it, and we are then faced with a choice of being complicit in our own destruction or resisting sin, potentially to the point of shedding our blood (Hebrews 12:4).

Whether you agree with Wilson or not, he provokes thought, and now is the time to do your thinking.