Daily Broadside | Your Fast Approaching Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Destiny Courtesy of Brandon

Daily Verse | 2 Samuel 3:36
All the people took note and were pleased; indeed, everything the king did pleased them.

Monday’s Reading: 2 Samuel 5-7

Monday and here’s a few tidbits to be aware of.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-Not Conservative) will vote to confirm Non-Biologist and Radical Jurist Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.

“Just as I have with previous Supreme Court nominees, I met with Judge Jackson and evaluated her qualifications to be a Supreme Court Justice. After meeting with her, considering her record, and closely monitoring her testimony and questioning before the Senate Judiciary Committee this week, I have determined I intend to vote for her nomination to serve on the Supreme Court.”

When Manchin opposed the Build Better Bolsheviks plan under Brandon, there was talk of him joining the Republican Party. But someone who would vote for a woman who can’t say what a woman is to the highest court in the land after “closely monitoring her testimony and questioning” should remain a pariah in his own party while we occasionally welcome his help.

The enemy of my enemy isn’t necessarily my friend.

It’s unfortunate that SCOTUS is being radicalized with picks like KBJ, because in the not-too-distant-future there are going to be court challenges to things like this: The coming federal weaponization of banking.

A digital version of the dollar has been in the works for over a year now. Earlier this month, [so-called president] Biden signed an executive order both curtailing existing cryptocurrencies and laying the groundwork for a federal digital currency. Crypto regulations have been a favorite topic of Democrats on Capitol Hill and regulators in the federal bureaucracy. Biden deployed numerous excuses, including the risks of money laundering and the carbon emissions needed to produce crypto, to justify cracking down on these currencies. But the kicker of the statement is the regulatory groundwork for the coming “digital dollar.” The United States will be the second major power to foster such a move, after China, where efforts to create a digital currency as part of its social credit system are a sign of what might be coming here soon.

Physical currency likely will be phased out entirely over time, in favor of a digital format controlled by the Federal Reserve. The ubiquity of cell phones and scannable codes will make integration of a digital currency, under some form of the blockchain, relatively easy to implement. This soft-nationalization of the banking sector would leave the United States in uncharted waters. Nearly every transaction, from political donations to purchases as seemingly insignificant as a pack of gum, would be visible to the government and subject to scrutiny. Government regulations could block or track certain transactions with no trial or public recourse. Even worse, if you were placed on a list by a federal bureaucrat — not a judge — your access to banking and credit cards potentially could be shut off without a warrant or trial.

Buy what you need now—like a generator for when the electrical grid eventually breaks—before your purchasing freedom is verboten by non-descript womyn like KBJ.

Of course, the other thing you should buy is seeds for things like lettuce, tomatoes, onions, corn, cucumbers, carrots, celery, strawberries, blueberries and other fruits and vegetables. That’s so when Brandon’s disastrous economic policies and international political failures finally catch up with food prices here in the U.S., you can blunt the impact on your personal grocery bill.

[So-called president] Biden on Thursday warned of global food shortages as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine — predicting that the war would upend global wheat supplies.

Russia and Ukraine jointly supply about a fourth of the world’s wheat exports.

“With regard to food shortages, yes we did talk about food shortages. And it’s going to be real,” Biden said at a press conference in Belgium after attending meetings of NATO and G7 leaders.

“The price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia, it’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country,” Biden said.

When your sanctions on another country badly hurt your country, you’re doing it wrong.

Brandon says we don’t expect food shortages in the U.S., but neither did we expect the never-ending surge in gas prices, the supply chain bottle-neck, the empty store shelves, the scarcity of used and new cars, the failure in Afghanistan, the worst inflation in 40 years, the Chinese Bat Flu, or the severe lockdowns imposed on us by our betters in Washington, D.C. and across the nation.

I don’t trust a single thing these people say and even less what they do.

From the “Department of Pure Speculation But Not Really”: imagine a scenario in which Hunter Biden is indicted on federal charges of influence peddling, but then, because his daddy is the Resident, he is PARDONED.

Friday, FNC host Jesse Watters told his viewers he heard Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, would be indicted.

In addition to that, Watters speculated the President would pardon his son and announce he was not seeking reelection in 2024.

If Trump tried that he’d be impeached. Of course, Trump would never have to try that because he’s not a life-long grifter who hasn’t worked a day in his life like career criminal politician “the Big Guy.”