Daily Broadside | You’re In the Way of the Globalists

I’ve never been a fan of the United Nations, especially since it is anything but a neutral organization on the world stage. The United States funds nearly 20 percent of the UN budget, the UN sits on prime beach front property in their building in NYC—and what do they do for us? What do we get out of the UN?

I’ll tell you what we get: we get an organization using our money and our land to orchestrate an invasion of our country by third world nations. They are plotting with the White House to flood our nation with the world’s poor.

The UN, as my last essay on the border pointed out, is actively staging an invasion of the Southern border of the United States, weaponizing cynically the bodies of millions of people. There is, believe it or not, $372 million from the UN, funding a “voucher system” to support illegal migration into the US.

Readers must understand that this is an act of war, since the UN has, by doing this, gone from being (or at least claiming to be) a neutral global arbiter, to being a supranational body that is using its immense power and resources to wage war on the laws and policies and national sovereignty of a specific member state.

This is unprecedented.

The UN is not supposed to be an activist destroying a nation’s borders. It is not supposed to carve up countries, or depopulate and repopulate, against national laws, whole regions.

Unbelievably, the UN, along with aligned puppet NGOs, is coordinating with the White House to manage this extraordinary flow of humanity into the United States. These documents can be hard to follow, as they cover up rhetorically who is going where, and why; but the UN, with the collaboration of the White House, is managing the movements of millions of people: via aid to Honduras, and via complex and highly funded staging areas in Guatemala, with a stated goal of getting millions, especially children with tenuous connections to sponsors, into the United States.

That’s from Naomi Wolf’s latest column. (Wolf, as I’ve written before, was a well-known liberal feminist who has undergone an eye-opening awakening over the last couple of years since COVID. While I wouldn’t say she’s a conservative (yet!) she’s being red-pilled and probably has more in common with conservatives than with liberals now.)

Here’s what’s even worse: the White House is coordinating with the UN to manage this extraordinary flow of illegal aliens into the United States. This is treason of the highest order. This isn’t some individual elected official enriching himself by selling state secrets to our enemies (although don’t be so sure someone isn’t getting rich off of this). This is an administration which is SUBVERTING THE NATIONAL IDENTITY OF THE VERY COUNTRY THEY ARE CHARGED WITH PROTECTING AND GOVERNING BY THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE UNDER THE U.S. CONSTITUTION (and even that is suspect given the steal of the national election in 2020).

You, if you are reading this, are being replaced. You are being pushed aside in favor of foreigners who have no intention of becoming “Americanized.”

Normal Americans—birthright citizens—are being dispossessed of the land of their birth through an intentional displacement orchestrated by traitors at the very pinnacles of power. Your children are being marginalized by an intentional act of subversion. You are being betrayed by globalists who hate the United States as founded. Those globalists include political apparatchiks in the halls of Congress and the White House.

You are being deceived and lied to by those in power while you’re distracted by the Circus because you represent the individual and freedom.