Daily Verse | Jeremiah 17:9-10
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?
“I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind,
to reward a man according to his conduct,
according to what his deeds deserve.”
Friday and the end of another week — and what a week it has been.
When the 12-story Champlain Towers South condominium building collapsed in Florida back in June, initial reports found that, while the cause of the collapse isn’t known, “the structural slab was deteriorating because it was flat instead of sloped. That meant the water didn’t drain off the concrete’s waterproofing quickly” and that “failure to complete the ‘extremely expensive’ repairs … would ’cause the extent of the concrete deterioration to expand exponentially.'”
It feels like the United States has finally slid off its “structural slab” after decades of neglect and abuse, and is collapsing in a heap on the world stage. Perhaps the anti-American wokesters and progressive Marxists who pollute our country are learning that facts don’t care about your feelings.
It’s a pleasant LARP, with self-reinforcing loops of hashtags, New York Times puff pieces and Psaki ‘circling back’, until one day the Taliban roll in and everyone is running for the helicopters. It’s like US elites finally had the VR headset knocked from their faces and actually had a look around. And what they saw was a roomful of men with faces out of an illustrated bible looking like they’d just pillaged a Cabela’s—that’s how much top-shelf, modded-out AR hardware they captured—sitting down for a super-awkward Zoom meeting announcing a sudden change of plans for American foreign policy.
While there is plenty of blame to lay at the feet of George W. Bush, Barack Hussein Obama, and Donald J. Trump for the situation in Afghanistan, the one who matters is Joseph Robinette Biden. The most far-left executive ever to hold office (and that includes Obama), Biden has proven to be a one-man wrecking crew. It’s not that he’s doing it all himself; he has plenty of help from the junta installed after the hijinked election in 2020.
But he’s the acting head of our government.
More like acting the village idiot:
10,000-15,000 (!) American citizens are trapped in Taliban-held Afghanistan.
The U.S. government cannot go out and give them safe passage to the airport.
The U.S. government cannot guarantee the safety of American citizens in Afghanistan.
The Biden administration is making Americans pay $2,000 for a flight out of Afghanistan. (Hunter needs new shoes, baby!)
Afghan parents so desperate they’re passing their babies and kids over the crowd at the airport!
US soldiers stuck at Kabul airport while UK and French soldiers are getting their citizens out.
The Taliban are using our abandoned equipment. Say, where do you suppose the surplus will end up?
State Department won’t say why it killed Pompeo’s crisis evacuation unit. (One hint: #OrangeManBad!)
Joe Biden calls it a day for the weekend while Afghanistan burns. (He’s tired, doncha’ know.)
Can one man literally be this incompetent? Or is there something more sinister at work here? I mentioned in yesterday’s post that Biden has been compromised by China, so one can legitimately wonder if there’s more than just poor management at work here.
Lara Logan thinks that the United States “chose this outcome” and it’s tough to deny her logic.
“Whoever is in power right now, whoever is really pulling the strings — and I don’t know [who is pulling the strings] — they could do anything they want to change this. And they’re not.” — Lara Logan
Are Biden and his cabal so utterly ruthless that they would proactively destroy all the work we did in Afghanistan just so that the U.S. would be humiliated before a watching world? So that our reputation as a so-called superpower would take such a massive hit as to be mocked by China and censured by the UK? To degrade the intimidation factor that Trump had recently brought back? To wreck a country with no regard for how many people die?
Honest answer? Yes, I believe they would. They are in a “no holds barred” situation because 2022 is coming and they know they have the potential to be slaughtered (figuratively speaking!) in that election. That is, unless they depend on late-arriving ballots to swing the elections to themselves.
It’s no secret that the far-left has taken over the Democrat party, and they HATE America. They hate our founding, they hate our constitution, they hate our rights, they hate whites’ skin color, they hate men, they hate normal marriage, they hate normal sex, they hate normal gender, they hate God, they hate Christianity, they hate Christians, they hate churches, they hate law and order, they hate our traditions, they hate our history and they hate our norms. These people are filled with a seething rage and indignation over the Western tradition and wisdom that gave us the most powerful and wealthy nation in all of human history.
It doesn’t take much imagination to see a logical connection between the unmitigated disaster that is Afghanistan, the Left’s control of our government, and the beating that our country’s standing in the world is taking right now. What other country in its right mind would trust the United States to be a strong and stable partner with financial and military might when they need it?
More to the point, what confidence do regular Americans have in our government and the vast military that it wields? I speak for myself when I say that when I see the fustercluck in Afghanistan and contrast that with “pregnancy flight suits” and pride flags and transgenders in the armed forces, I no longer feel confident in my country’s ability to protect me from our enemies or, for that matter, to protect me from my own government’s overreach.
Maybe they should start focusing on winning wars instead of helping men walk in stilettoes.
In fact, I’m starting to suspect that the military is being prepared to lock down and harass and possibly arrest all those “potential terrorists” who oppose Covid lockdowns, question the 2020 election or support Trump.

I’ve never felt so unsettled about our country as I have this week.
Have a good weekend.