Daily Broadside | Why a Woke Military Leaves Us Defenseless

Daily Verse | Judges 17:6
In those days, Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.

Happy Tuesday! Snow returned to my area yesterday after a near 70-degree weekend. Also, we need to liberate ourselves from Daylight Saving Time.

I’ve often said I believe we are headed for some kind of domestic armed conflict in the United States. From conversations I’m having with friends and neighbors, I’m not alone in that belief. Not everyone thinks it will be another civil war, but almost everyone I’ve spoken with says the same thing: we’ve lost our collective mind as a country, it’s going south, and they expect there will eventually be a fight.

These are not conspiracy nutters. These are normal Americans who look at our political leaders and our cultural decay and wonder what the heck has happened. They’re angry. They’re worried. Many of them are armed. And they’re unsure of what to do next.

There are other reasons to be concerned. I became aware over the weekend that Tucker Carlson had come under fire by the U.S. military for comments he made on his show comparing how the Chinese are preparing for war versus how America is preparing for war. You can watch here:

Got that? China is concerned about improving the masculinity of their men to secure their future and building the largest navy in the world, while the United States is busy designing “maternity flight suits.”

As Tucker said, “Pregnant women are going to fight our wars.” And, apparently pointing that out is verboten.

Even the US Marine Corps’ own study showed that women cannot perform in combat as well as men.

Data collected during a monthslong experiment showed Marine teams with female members performed at lower overall levels, completed tasks more slowly and fired weapons with less accuracy than their all-male counterparts. In addition, female Marines sustained significantly higher injury rates and demonstrated lower levels of physical performance capacity overall, officials said.

But still our military leaders push ahead with woke doctrine, chanting the “diversity is our strength” canard. Does a woke military instill confidence in their ability to protect us from the growing threat of China and Russia?

Worse, America has consistently been losing war games for some time now. Put the United States up against China or Russia and we find we don’t have the superior military we think we have. We lose and we lose fast. Instead of putting all of our energies into winning, Resident Biden’s military is prioritizing women’s hair styles and uniforms.

The late Rush Limbaugh saw this coming as far back as 1993, nearly 30 years ago. In his book, See, I Told You So, he wrote (with my emphasis),

What is the whole purpose of the armed forces? It is designed to kill people and break things. We have to look at the military as a separate and unique institution with separate and unique requirements. It’s different from all other institutions in our society, and our only standard must be excellence—no matter whose feelings get hurt. Our only concern should be that the military does what it is supposed to do.

He wrote that in reference to women in the military and it’s just as true about any other social experiment that our woke warriors want to inflict on our military preparedness, including the insanity that is transgenderism.

Here’s why this matters. First, forcing the integration of women, gays and transgenders into an all-male military destroys unit cohesion and trust, weakening confidence, capability and overall performance. Second, when the civilian, apolitical institution of the military is subverted by Marxist doctrines, who becomes their likely targets?

Conservatives. Normal Americans.

As Tucker’s guest Rep. Banks says, the armed forces are in the midst of a 60-day stand down “to root out extremism in the ranks”—but then that “extremist-free” military can be used to defend against the extremists they expunged. Think that’s far-fetched? Remember what former CIA Director John Brennan said after the January 6 riot:

“Members of the Biden team … are now moving in laser like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we’ve seen overseas, where they germinate in different parts of the country and they gain strength and it brings together an unholy alliance frequently of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, Nativists, even libertarians.

If the poop hits the rotary oscillator, do you really think a woke military will side with patriotic Americans?

Don’t bet on it. Instead, build networks with like-minded friends, arm yourself, and have a plan.

[Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash]