Daily Broadside | My Name Isn’t Alice And I Don’t Live In A Rabbit Hole

When gays and lesbians agitated for their “rights” to fornicate with others of the same sex without prosecution, they argued that it was nobody’s business what went on in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Once they got that, they argued that they weren’t represented in mainstream America and they couldn’t be discriminated against. So they began to show up holding hands in public and appearing in commercials as though it were the most natural thing in the world. Then they argued that they had the right to get married, along with all the benefits and privileges that came with that station in life. It didn’t “hurt” anybody, and they were the victims of oppression since marriage should be open to everybody. Love is love, right? And when the Supreme Court agreed, they demanded that Christians bake the cake, bigots!

Now the “T” people in the LGBTQANON+ conglomerate are arguing that they have the right to participate in life according to what they declare they are, not what their biological sex has determined that they are. Mostly men pretending to be women want to use the same bathrooms, go to the same prisons, and play the same sports as females.

This sickness is so pervasive that it has radically changed the nature of our culture to the point that a young woman speaking out of her “lived experience” (a favorite phrase of the cultural Marxists) is shut down at a public library for “misgendering” not anyone in particular, but in general, for talking about biological men participating in women’s sports.

This is delusional. We are not just sliding down the rabbit hole, but being forced to live there. And all of our natural rights, including the freedom of speech and of religion and of the right to assemble peacefully and to petition the goverment for a redress of grievances, are being subverted by irrational, specious, weak-minded anti-American cultural Marxists.

I, for one, will not play that game. You don’t get to have your own pronouns, you don’t get to decide you’re a “woman” and demand that I treat you as one if you’re a biological male. I live in reality, and I will not bend to the absurd.

As Christ followers, we cannot deny the truth, even it if causes someone to feel “unsafe” or they claim it’s an act of “violence” to misgender them.

This occurs at a public library, where all over the country drag performers are welcomed and given a platform to perform for the public — especially children. But when an organization that has a different viewpoint wants to use the public facility to share their story, they’re shut down.

Free speech for me, but not for thee.

If you can bear it, watch the whole surreal, nauseating thing.

This isn’t the America I knew.

Daily Broadside | No Joke: They Really Are Coming For Your Children

So over the last couple of days I’ve been chronicling the filthy behavior of the Alphabet mafia during their so-called “Pride” events across the US and Canada. I’ve noted that barely clothed and fully naked men have been gyrating or bicycling or twerking in public with children present.

And the children are present with parents who either don’t care about the psychological damage such exposure will do to their kids or are simply too weak to resist being carried along by the open sewer running down the middle of our culture.

Worst of all, the sexual anarchists aren’t hiding that they are targeting our children.

LGBTQ activists participating in New York City’s annual Drag March on Friday sparked outrage for chanting “we’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children” in a Manhattan park.

The marchers, many wearing flamboyant dresses and clothing, walked through Tompkins Square Park in the East Village Friday night as part of the city’s Pride Month celebrations.

Video of the march shows people laughing and joining in with the cheeky chant — including one dancing topless woman.

C’mon, guys. It’s just a “cheeky chant.”


A little naughty nothing to worry about. No big deal.

Many online users pointed out that the chant was more than likely a joke in response to accusations of pedophilia among the drag community from the right.

We’re just joking. LOL!

We’re not really coming for your children. We’re just mocking the totally unjustified stereotype you conservatives have of us. It’s your fault H8er!

What the reaction to the declaration that “we’re coming for your children” tells me is that there’s still a wide swath of the American public that does not accept homosexuality and transgenderism as “normal.” They only “accept” it because the state has told them to accept it. They only “accept” it because they no longer have the cultural weight to oppose it.

Another part of it is that no one wants someone else usurping the role of parent in a child’s life. Atheists and the irreligious don’t want Christians telling their kids about Jesus. Christians don’t want secular humanists telling their kids about evolution. And nobody wants sexual deviants telling their kids about fisting or tucking and binding.

Especially a stranger.

Any parent would feel offended when someone else undermines their authority by teaching their children something the parent wouldn’t. It’s a shocking loss of control that threatens the parent. That’s why parents are showing up to school board meetings to express their outrage about middle school teachers groomers.

But it’s more than that.

It’s that parents don’t accept homosexuality and transgenderism personally. They don’t accept it morally. And they sure as heck don’t want some godless hedonist influencing or molesting their children. They don’t want someone screwing up their kid’s moral center or their emotional stability.

Most of us have accepted that homosexuality has been mainstreamed. We’ve had our misgivings about where such integration into the culture would lead and warned that once we gave an inch, we could expect that other dominoes would fall. And now here we are with transgenderism already forcing itself toward normalization while drawing p3d0philia in its wake.

Disturbing details in the arrest of the nation’s first elected transgender legislator and a Massachusetts preschool worker on child exploitation and pornography charges have been released by the United States Department of Homeland Security.

Former New Hampshire State Rep. Stacie-Marie Laughton, a Democrat from Nashua and Lindsay Groves, a caregiver at the Creative Minds Learning Center in Tyngsboro, were both arrested and charged last week with multiple counts of child exploitation and distribution of child pornography. 

Laughton made history back in 2012 when she was elected as the first transgender lawmaker in the United States. She was elected to the New Hampshire House of Representatives.

The arrests of Laughton and Groves were initiated by the Nashua Police Department, but because of the nature of the crimes, it has been transferred to HSI for federal prosecution.

According to a report  based on a preliminary investigation into the case by a Homeland Security criminal investigator, Groves bragged in text messages that  she used  “natural bathroom breaks” at the daycare center prior to “naptime” to take photos of children’s genitals.

Special agent Rocco Rauseo said he was able to determine that the children allegedly exploited by Laughton and Groves are between the ages of 3 and 5. 

No joke.

Daily Broadside | New Term Tries to Make “Normal” Just Another Brick in the Wall

Not sure if you’ve heard, but there’s a new term being bandied about that applies to me and my sexuality. Straight men are now “gynosexuals” and we’re just another stripe on the Pride flag.

Are You Gynosexual? Here’s What It Means, According to Experts

It isn’t easy being a straight male these days unless maybe you enjoy all the privilege that Hunter Biden does. Everybody else gets their own special color on that increasingly garish flag, gets to bobble their man-boobs on the White House lawn, and has the entire month of June dedicated to whatever naughty thing they’re doing with their private parts — slice it, dice it, even make Julienne fries!

But as a straight white male, I don’t get any of that stuff. I have to make do somehow with my gorgeous wife of 21 years, my two handsome sons, and the rewarding career that I’ve pursued for more than two decades. It’s a daily struggle.

As of today, though, I don’t have to settle for less. Thanks to the experts, I now understand that I’m a total freak with my own special made-up word and everything.

Bite me, normies, because my color just went up on the Pride flag. That’s right: I’m a gynosexual, unlike the rest of you squares.

Stephen Green’s tongue-in-cheek take on the latest development in the dynamic world of ever-evolving sexual freakisms is humorous, but there is something vaguely threatening about it.

Gynosexual, according to sex educator Lilith Fox “refers to being sexually attracted to femininity, irrespective of one’s own gender identity or the gender identity of the femme-presenting person they are attracted to.” In plain English, it means that whether you’re a man or a woman, you are a gynosexual if you’re attracted to femininity in either a male or a female.

It means that you can be a boy and like girls, or you can be a girl and like girls. You can also be a boy and like a girly-boy, or be a girl and like a girly-boy. Up until a minute ago, we’ve known boys who like girls as normal and girls who like girls as “lesbian,” and boys who like boys as “gay” and girls who like boys as normal.

But once the LGBTQWERTY+ mafia began defining every conceivable combination of sexual deviancy, they had to invent labels for the normies.

That’s what I find vaguely threatening. Don’t label me. Don’t add me to your endless list of sex-addled possibilities. Don’t try to force me into some little quadrant of your sexual matrix. Doing that destroys the historic “binary” norm of “men” and “women.”

Which is the point.

One guy has put up a fight on Twitter over being labeled “cis” by the trans-community.

He was, of course, taken to the woodshed by the TransElites, who told him that he had no choice. He was “cis” and that was that, you “cissy.”

That’s when Elon Musk jumped in.

This is a front in the war on cultural norms. Language is powerful; if the trans-activists can change the language, the terms of the debate, they win the culture. And so far they’ve been very successful.

Resist. Refuse to accept the label.

Daily Broadside | Some Kids Got Killed But the Real Story According to the Media is Trans ‘Hate’

We don’t know a lot more about Audrey Hale, the young mentally-ill woman who shot dead three 9-year-olds and three 60-year-olds at a Christian school yesterday. But we’re learning a lot more about the trans community and their allies, of which she was a part.

Our noble media (*spit*) are blaming Republicans and Christians for what happened and spinning the story to make “trans” people the victims or to make the story about guns.

Fox News had this:

Forget that Audrey slaughtered six innocent people, including the three children. Instead, lecture those you despise with “Hate has consequences.” What are you implying, Trans Resistance Network? Seems to me the only one with “hate” around here is Audrey Hale.

And maybe you.

“Many transgender people deal with anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide, and PTSD from the near-constant drum beat of anti-trans hate, lack of acceptance from family members and certain religious institutions, denial of our existence, and calls for de-transition and forced conversion,” TRN claimed.

“Anti-trans hate”? “Denial of … existence”? “Forced conversion”? You’d think the whole country was out hunting these people like fox hounds.

Matt Walsh addressed the shooting on his show yesterday.

Here’s a few paragraphs that I found helpful.

The transactivists are assured that, somehow, those who disagree with them are a threat to their very lives. Just by disagreeing. That those who do not affirm their self-identity are engaging in violence, simply by not affirming. That the refusal to affirm is essentially an act of murder, okay, because you’re murdering me by not affirming my self-identity, because my self-identity is the only identity that matters, and if you make me question my self-identity then you are basically killing me.

That’s the logic. And it is a logic that gives a green light to carry out atrocities. It is intended to do that. That is how it is intended. Let’s stop beating around the bush and pretending otherwise. This is what they want.

Every time someone, someone in the media, someone in D.C., anyone else, points at Christians, at conservatives, at any of us, and says, “They want genocide!” what they’re really saying is, “Deal with them! Shut them down! Silence them! Take them out!” That’s how the words are interpreted. How else could they be interpreted?! After all, if somebody was really carrying out a genocide, then violence would be the appropriate response.

Nobody I know wants to be targeted by transactivists for refusing to “affirm” a transsexual’s “identity.” But for most Christians, this poses a problem because it is clear that a person who is confused about whether they are a female or a male has some psychological issues. We don’t “affirm” someone who makes irrational claims. We get them help.

As believers, we also let them know that God loves them, right where they’re at, but we don’t let them stay in that confused state. We get them help. They need healing.

It’s a tough needle to thread.

This is the evil that we are up against. And evil is the point, here. Because, y’know, no matter who’s responsible for the latest burst of demonic evil, what lies at the root is the reality of human evil and a society that fosters this evil, and fertilizes it, to help it grow.

I think this is an important point. It’s not just that the people in charge are cultural Marxists; it’s not just that they celebrate the crazy over honoring historic and traditional norms; it’s that they encourage what is evil, what goes against “Nature and Nature’s God.” Our institutions, our politics, our universities, our entertainment, our mainstream heroes, are fostering evil.

We’ve become an evil empire. And why?

Whether it’s a trans person or anyone else carrying out the latest mass murder, the root is always a culture in a state of spiritual and moral decay. We’ve become a country filled with numb, detached, empty, desensitized people with no sense of underlying purpose.

Again, I’m brought back to John Adams’s statement because it so clearly underscores why things are off the rails in our country.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” — John Adams, Letter to the Militia of Massachusetts, 11 October 1798

While there are exceptions, especially in our churches (but not always), the institutions that drive culture are no longer populated by “a moral and religious People.” And, therefore, says Adams, the Constitution they created is “wholly inadequate” to govern us.

Guns aren’t the issue. We’ve had guns for hundreds of years but it’s only been recently that “guns” have become a problem — that comes in the wake of a society that has forsaken God and actively fosters evil.

And that evil will go after the only thing standing in it’s way: Christians.

Daily Broadside | Woman Kills Six at Christian School; Link to Gender Confusion Suspected

Over the past few years I’ve written about specific attacks on people who are Christians because they are Christians — for examples, see here, here, here and here. My point is to be taking notes and pointing out that Christians are fair game in the culture war, and I expect it to get more overt.

None of the incidents I’ve chronicled have been violent, until yesterday, when a confused and spiritually ill young woman who pretended to be a man deliberately targeted a Christian school that she attended as a kid and shot to death three children and three adults.

Nashville Police announced on Monday they responded to a shooting at a private elementary school and preschool as officials confirmed three children and three adults died.

Officials identified the child victims as Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs, and William Kinney, saying they are all aged 9.  The adult victims were identified Cynthia Peak, age 61;  Katherine Koonce, age 60; and Mike Hill, age 61; according to a post on Twitter.

Police Chief John Drake told reporters that the shooter was identified as Audrey Hale and that “she identified as transgender, yes,” when asked about whether she had. “At one point she was a student at that school,” he added hours after the shooting. “But unsure what year … but that’s what I’ve been told so far.”

Ms. Hale was confronted on the second floor of the school and shot dead by responding police. No motive has been determined yet, but investigators say they recovered a manifesto and other materials from her car. When asked if her “identity” may have been a motive, the Nashville police chief indicated that there was evidence to that effect. When asked if it was a targeted attack, the chief nodded and simply said, “It was.”

So we’ll have to wait and see what the motive was. My guess is that 28-year-old Audrey Hale blamed Christians for her misery and self-loathing.

The tone-deaf moron in the White House made a statement about the shooting, but not until he had made an ass of himself joking about ice cream and how he had a whole freezer of it upstairs.

President Biden was criticized Monday for his response to the Nashville school shooting after he joked that he only made a public appearance because he heard there would be ice cream before discussing the tragedy that claimed the lives of three adults and three children at an elementary school earlier in the day.

“My name is Joe Biden. I’m Dr. Jill Biden’s husband,” Biden said from the White House’s East Room in his first public appearance since a 28-year-old woman shot and killed three students and three teachers at a Christian private school in Nashville. “I eat Jeni’s ice cream — chocolate chip. I came down because I heard there was chocolate chip ice cream,” he continued. “By the way, I have a whole refrigerator full upstairs,” he added. “You think I’m kidding? I’m not,” Biden told the crowd.

I have it on the very best of authority that when the Resident was installed, “the adults were back in charge.” We can all see how that’s going as he yuks it up at a moment that calls for somber reflection. But that’s what passes for adulthood in this adminstration.

Brandon didn’t waste any time in turning the moment to his extreme contempt for the Second Amendment and exploiting the shooting to push for stricter gun control laws.

“We have to do more to stop gun violence. It’s ripping our communities apart, ripping the soul of this nation — ripping at the very soul of the nation. And we — we have to do more to protect our schools so they aren’t turned into prisons. You know, the shooter in this situation reportedly had two assault weapons and a pistol — two AK-47. So I call on Congress, again, to pass my assault weapons ban. It’s about time that we begin to make some more progress.” 

One thing I’m sure about is that we are no longer the “moral and religious People” that John Adams said were necessary under our constitutional government. Because we don’t control ourselves, the powers that be try to impose control through the law. But laws don’t change a heart — only Christ can do that.

As if on cue, here’s an advertisement floating around out there.

I would say that’s a call to violence. Do you suppose the DOJ and the FBI are all over it? I wonder if Ms. Hale was having her own “day of vengeance”?

Daily Broadside | Progressives, When Pushed, Can’t Handle the Truth

Daily Verse | Job 40:8
“Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself?”

Wednesday’s Reading: Job 41-42

Wednesday and a couple of nights ago we watched “What is a Woman?” starring author Matt Walsh of The Daily Wire. Bottom line on top: watch it.

In an age of progressive sexual insanity, Walsh sets out to ask experts, activists, and regular people on the street, “What is a woman?” You won’t be surprised to hear that most of them have no idea how to answer the question. Not only do they not know how to answer the question, a few of them threaten to end the interview—and one eventually does.

My wife and I sat there, astonished, at just how inverted (at least part of) our culture has become. It is so upside-down.

Like, Sodom and Gomorrah upside-down.

Then the Lord said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know.” (Genesis 18:20-21)

Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” (Genesis 19:4-5)

Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens. Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. (Genesis 19:24-25)

To give you a taste of just how far some members of our society have fallen down the rabbit hole, here’s part of the conversation Walsh had with pediatric professor Dr. Michelle Forcier.

In their sit-down, she says kids are ready for ‘medical affirmation when they ask for it’ – even if it’s before they have reached puberty.

‘Medical affirmation begins when the patient says they’re ready for it.

‘That could be a kiddo who is just starting puberty and they’re panicking because they’re just getting breast buds, or their penis is getting bigger and busier and they’re worried about all kinds of masculine changes,’ the doctor said.

That is when she says doctors can safely prescribe puberty blockers, claiming they are ‘completely reversible’ and ‘don’t have permanent effects.’

‘[They are] wonderful because we can put that pause on puberty, just like you’re listening to music.

‘You put the pause on and puberty would go right back to where it was, the next note in the song, just delay that period of time.’

Dr. Forcier also told him that his sperm doesn’t make him male and that an objective truth does not exist.

‘Whose truth are we talking about?’ she said.

‘The same truth that says we’re sitting in this room right now you and I,’ Walsh replied.

She shot back: ‘No, you’re not listening.’

Walsh pushed back: ‘If I see a chicken laying eggs and I say that’s a female chicken, did I assign female? Or am I just observing a physical reality that’s happening?’

The doctor, rejecting his argument, said: ‘Does a chicken have gender identity? Does a chicken cry? Does a chicken commit suicide? A chicken has an assigned gender but a chicken doesn’t have gender identity.’

She also said it’s only an assumption that a chicken laying eggs is female.

Among the puberty blockers that are used is Lupron, which can also be used to treat endometriosis and prostate cancer.

It has been used in the past to chemically castrate sex offenders.

Fortunately, Walsh also interviewed a Dr. Miriam Grossman, who “spoke of the dangers of prescribing kids with the drugs too early and said she’d spoken to the mother of a teenage trans girl who now has osteoporosis.” Osteoporosis is an old person’s disease.

‘How can they be removing the healthy breasts of 15-year-old girls? How can they be sterilizing kids? How can this whole thing be happening, Matt?’ she said.

I kept asking the same question throughout the documentary: “How is this possible?” It was all so absurd.

It wasn’t until Walsh flew to Africa that there was finally some relief. There, he met with tribal leaders and asked them some of the same questions he was asking in the United States.

“If you want to become a lady but you’re a man, you have something wrong in your family. Something wrong in you.” Right.

It feels so weird to have to look for some semblance of normalcy in a third-world country instead of one of the most advanced countries in history. But those tribesmen are who I identified with—not the “experts” that Walsh interviewed.

The trans-cult is truly troubling because they’re denying biological reality in favor of “feelings” or “perceptions” or “my truth.” It is irrational, meaning not logical or reasonable, detached from what is, in fact, true. And the worst part of it is that those who subscribe to such irrationality expect you to affirm their delusional views.

Some of the “experts” that Walsh interviewed got very testy or talked in circular arguments when he pushed on their assumptions. One in particular, a University of Tennessee women’s studies professor, said it was “transphobic, rude and condescending” to seek objective truth rather than accepting what people tell you.

When Walsh asked him to define what a woman is, the same professor answered, “A person who identifies as a woman.”

Walsh: “But what are they identifying as?”

Professor: “As a woman.”

Walsh: “What is that?”

Professor: “As a woman.”

A woman is a … woman. That’s the definition.

And these are the people teaching our children.

These are the people grooming our children.

These are the people abusing our children.

The Left has pushed for a utopian future, but we’re well onto the leading edge of a creeping dystopian nightmare.

“What is a Woman?” is a swift kick to the shins. As we sit in our suburban homes and attend our suburban churches, there is an evil rot saturating every facet of our society that is being ignored. At what point will sane men and women mount a counter-offensive?

Should you watch the movie? Yes, and encourage others to do the same.

Daily Broadside | The House of Mouse is a Sleazy Trap for Children

Daily Verse | 1 Kings 11:6
So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord; he did not follow the Lord completely, as David his father had done.

Thursday’s Reading: 1 Kings 12-14

Thursday and the Pied Pipers of the Deranged Left continue forcing on our country their latest insanity and insisting that we all skip along behind them lest they shout “racist!” or “transphobe!” at us and cancel our very lives.

We’re all aware of the woke Lefties who run Disney Corp. and who were recently found to be actively and intentionally promoting the LGBTQUERTY+ sexual deviance in their products—products that are primarily aimed at young children.

When Rufo, who’s done a yeoman’s work on this issue, got pushback from fake conservative publication The Bulwark, he brought the receipts.

At the same time, there’s an effort in our public schools to … how to say it? … GROOM our children into the perverted world of deviant sex. To show you how far it’s gotten, here’s a report on a Denver middle school that has created a “trans closet.” What’s a trans closet, you ask?

The closets are specifically designed for students to hide their clothing from their parents, and the school is facilitating that deception (and charging the parents for it through their property taxes). But if you thought that these closets are just filled with clothes, there are more pernicious things inside like breast binders and instructions on how to tuck your penis. (One closet I found offered tutoring in this area, but it was not in a school but in a church—which is equally inexplicable.) Both of these practices, binding and tucking, are extremely damaging to the body and can cause lifelong injury. All of this is paid for by your tax dollars, housed in a school you paid for, and causing harm to your kids by usurping parental authority and encouraging children to lie to you and trust agents of the state—whose salaries you also pay. Don’t forget, these are the same schools that won’t give your kid an Advil without your written permission. Are we having fun yet?

This is in a middle school, my friends, with children about ages 11-15, depending on which grades are handled by which schools (sixth grade for me was still in elementary school).

I’m with Allie Beth Stuckey:

And now there’s a war of words over the word “groomer.” You may remember that there was a popular social media meme of the words “OK, boomer” that dismissed the attitudes associated with baby boomers. Some on the Right have adopted a reworked version of the phrase: “OK, groomer.”

The idea of grooming a child has always been connected to pedophilia, and now fake conservative and NeverTrump liberal Christian David French is whining about the nuances of the term “groomer” and how anybody using it is guilty of “pure malice” that’s “incredibly dangerous.”

Really, pastor French? You’re gonna slap a Christian camp horror show on us while we’ve got pink-haired teachers with nose rings out in the field who pledge to chat up our children as young as five-years-old about their sexual preferences and identity and ALL YOU’RE CONCERNED ABOUT IS THAT THE WORD “GROOMER” MIGHT NOT BE TECHNICALLY ACCURATE?

What a putz.

This woman, who detransitioned, gets it.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again now: the only thing these large corporations understand is the bottom line. If their earnings tank, heads roll and extremes are reeled back in.

Not only that, nobody NEEDS Disney. You do realize that, don’t you? Disney is a discretionary spend. No one “needs” to visit the Magic Kingdom. No one “needs” to purchase the latest Disney DVD. No one “needs” a Disney plush toy.

Disney is not life; only Jesus is that.

I think it’s hard for some parents to let go of the idealized family vacation to the Magic Kingdom, maybe because they went as a kid and they want their kids to have the same experience. But the House of Mouse isn’t what it used to be. If you don’t believe me, scroll through Rufo’s Twitter account and look at all the ex-Disney employees who have been prosecuted for being child sex predators, plus all the reporting that CNN (¡CNN!) did on that subject.

I personally think that our culture, which is so immersed in entertainment, could use a good detoxification so that we would all know that there’s more to life than sitting slack-jawed and passive in front of the screen, even if it is Disney.

Do it for the children.

Daily Broadside | An Intelligent Woman Says She Doesn’t Know What a Woman Is

Daily Verse | 1 Samuel 23:16
And Saul’s son Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him find strength in God.

Thursday’s Reading: 1 Samuel 24-26

It’s Thursday and the days drag by as we wait for our deliverance from the clown show being forced on us from all quarters. I wrote yesterday that Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson should not be confirmed to the Supreme Court because she is an unrepentant ideologue and liar who consistently under-sentenced child pornographers over the course of her career, essentially framing the pornographers as victims rather than the children who were exploited.

Add to that the latest imbecility and you’ll understand why I fiercely oppose her nomination. She doesn’t know how to define a “woman” because she’s, get this, “not a biologist.”

That is a disingenuous lie. I know what a woman is. You know what a woman is. And we’re not biologists either, are we?

Why can’t a supposedly intelligent female jurist say what a woman is?

She won’t say what a “woman” is because what the Cultural Marxist-Democrat-Media Industrial Complex says a woman is won’t fly with half the Senate or half the country. It’s a dodge.

If she’s dodging one of the simplest questions to answer, that means she’s hiding something and we all know what she’s hiding: she supports the trans-sexual movement.

She wants to be a supreme court justice so bad she’s willing to deny the truth by lying to the rest of us.

Not only that, but Brandon’s qualifications for his SCOTUS pick consisted of two characteristics: a “woman” and “of color.” If she doesn’t know what a woman is, how does she know she meets Brandon’s criteria? How does Brandon know? A Republican worth their sordid salary should’ve asked KBJ, “Are you a woman?” as follow up.

Here’s how John Hayward summed it up:

The funniest thing about Jackson’s “I’m not a biologist” dodge is that under current Democrat Party ideology, biologists are the absolute last people on Earth who have anything to say about the definition of womanhood.

Biology and science left the room a LONG time ago in the politicized discussion of human sexuality, and they won’t be invited back into the room any time soon. The entire point of transsexual ideology is the triumph of individual will and collectivist politics over biology.

This is highly relevant to Supreme Court confirmations, because militant transsexualism is all about using coercive force to make EVERYONE ignore biology. Trans fascism is quite literally about punishing anyone who brings biological science into the conversation.

There will be legal fights over trans fascism in the years to come, and when they reach the Supreme Court, radicals and their enablers have no business being there. KBJ was caught lying far too many times yesterday for anyone who knows what time it is to vote for confirmation.

These were not little lies she told, either. She lied about issues of great relevance to the American people, like critical race theory, pedophilia, and the 1619 Project garbage:

Five Key Points from Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Tough Day in the Senate

It’s illuminating that even at this late date, Democrats feel obliged to back away from the madness they gleefully impose on America’s children behind closed doors. They still can’t be loud and proud about their indoctrination programs. That’s a hopeful sign for the country.

But it matters a great deal that KBJ looks like another in the long line of Democrats who conceal their radicalism until they have the power to impose it on the rest of us. Our government is riddled with people like that, and it’s killing us. We need no more stealth radicals.

The story of the Left over the past half-century has been talking one way to the normies, when it’s time to cadge their votes or slip a nominee through confirmation hearings, but acting very differently when there’s no scrutiny. That’s why they fight so hard against scrutiny.

Supreme Court hearings are just partisan shouting matches and exercises of raw power these days, but if this were any kind of real deliberation or reasoned debate, KBJ would have disqualified herself yesterday. The GOP probably can’t stop this, but they should damn well try. /end

It’s time that Normal Americans stand up and call BS on this BS. Stop being afraid of “offending” someone or being called “racist” or “homophobic” or “hater” or some other verbal insult that the irrational truth deniers use to shut you up.

Stand for truth and common sense.

Daily Broadside | That Time Jesus “Transgendered Himself” in the Gospels

Daily Verse | Exodus 15:11
Who among the gods is like you, Lord?
Who is like you—majestic in holiness,
awesome in glory, working wonders?

Tuesday’s Reading: Exodus 19-21

Happy Tuesday and if you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time you know that it’s mostly focused on the crazy of our political class and its intersection with American culture. I also try to pay attention to where faith is making a statement in our culture, but come at all of it as an unapologetic conservative evangelical Christian.

With that in mind, I recently came across an article that showcases how the culture has, at least in one instance, twisted the very person of Christ himself in service to an agenda. In the following video, Simon Woodman of London’s Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church holds forth on his unique interpretation of Jesus’ activities. (Yes, I know it’s Britain, but “woke” is international and we know this stuff is here in the U.S.)

In case you don’t have time to watch it all, here’s what this misguided pretender said (my transcription):

So, if we think of Jesus as, um, the one who reveals God, uh, I was really struck by Angela saying earlier that “God is queer.” And, uh, I, I think, as humans we have a tendency to construct God in our own image, rather than to recognize that we are made in the image of God. And, therefore, the dominant expression of humanity ends up writing itself onto God, and making that God. And, and I think, in, in the story of Jesus, the stories of Jesus’ life, we, we find that being very condemned, um, in, in some quite radical ways, which is then having the ‘knock-on effect’ of altering the way we understand who God is in relation to humanity. So, I think Jesus, um, transgenders himself on a number of occasions. Um, I, I think, you know, just, just the little phrase, uh, Jesus is lamenting over Jerusalem, longing to gather Jerusalem as a mother hen gathers her chicks. Um, I think if you look at, um, the foot-washing from John’s gospel, foot-washing elsewhere in both Old and New Testaments, that it, it’s consistently done by, by women. And, yet, Jesus takes this on. People often cast that as being the servant’s role — it was the women’s role. And, and Jesus does it and becomes the woman at that point. And, and, I think, you know, we’ve observed that either he’s a marriage [sic], he’s childless, he defies gender and sexual norms of his day, he’s known for associating with those whose own sexual history or gender identity may be ambiguous. So, I think in Jesus, we’ve got a revelation of God as encompassing far more, than what historically and recently, at least, um, Christians have tended to construct God as being. And I think there’s a bit of an antidote to, uh, heteronormative idolatry hidden in the story of Jesus.

This statement is so full of holes and absurdities and contradictions and half-truths it’s hard to know where to start. But let me try. The logical flow of his argument is:

1) Jesus reveals God;

2) Humans “construct” God in their own image;

3) Therefore, the “dominant expression of humanity” makes God “heteronormative” (i.e. men attracted to women and vice-versa);

4) But, Jesus condemns that understanding of God by “transgendering” himself multiple times;

5) Ergo, Jesus reveals God as embracing transgenderism, which is an antidote to “heteronormative idolatry.”

So much theological nonsense, so little time.

We agree that Jesus reveals God. Jesus says, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). We can also agree that people often imagine (“construct”) God according to their own ideas or “image.” After that, we disagree with everything else he says.

God Himself is not “heteronormative” nor “transgender” because he is Spirit and “not a man.” Woodman argues that the “dominant” practice of humanity is heterosexuality (true), which mankind has projected (or written) onto God. The scripture says otherwise from the very beginning: “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). God “wrote” that onto humanity.

Woodman claims that Jesus “transgenders” himself. What the heck does that even mean? Nobody saw Jesus as a “transgendered” individual. For instance, the Jews were ready to stone Jesus in John 10:33 because “you, a mere man, claim to be God.” Is Woodman suggesting that Jesus “pretended” to be a man pretending to be a woman? And then went back to being a man?

It’s sheer nonsense.

Woodman also claims that foot-washing is done by women in both old and new testaments. This is not at all clear from the texts that mention washing feet. In fact, it seems like most of the time guests were expected to wash their own feet (see Genesis 18:4, 19:2, and 24:32 for three quick examples).

As far as Jesus hanging out with sexually “ambiguous” people — Woodman gives no examples of such people in scripture. However, the people that Jesus was most often associated with in the gospels were “sinners and tax collectors.” Some of the sinners were sexually immoral, like the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11) or the Samaritan woman who had five husbands and was living with a sixth not her husband. All heteronormative relationships, I might add, even if sinful.

What’s so ironic is that Woodman starts off his argument by admitting that “as humans we have a tendency to construct God in our own image,” and then proceeds to do exactly that. None of his arguments hold up under scrutiny.

This is a case of someone with an agenda who “writes” onto God what he wants to see. You know how I know? Count the number of times he says, “I think.”

I’ll save you the trouble: eight times.

Eight times in roughly 13 sentences Woodman starts his thought with, “I think.” His entire statement is what he thinks—not what God thinks and not what the scripture teaches.

And when he concludes with the charge of “heteronormative idolatry,” that gives away the game.

Wokeness is envy run amuck.