Daily Verse | 1 Samuel 12:23
“As for me, far be it from me to sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you.”
Good Monday morning, my friends. Does anybody really know what time it is?
Joe Biden, the current White House resident, is falling apart before our very eyes. Conservatives made a big deal out of his tripping the light fantastic up the stairway to Air Force One, wasting no time in reposting Biden’s snotty remarks about how agile he was compared to Trump during the campaign.
Yeah, just look at how Biden skips, hops and jumps up the stairs. Ol’ Twinkle Toes himself.
But, of course, that’s just the latest in the pathetic story of Joe Biden, who’s spent 50 years in Washington, D.C. demonstrating what an idiot he was even in his right mind. Now he can’t remember the name of his Secretary of Defense, can’t read his teleprompter, has no idea what he’s signing, goes to bed early and hasn’t held a press conference in almost 70 days, which sets a record for both legitimately-elected American presidents and illegitimate commie squatters.
This is tragi-comic. It’s comical to watch the failure theater of the Left, who hated Trump so hard and then rigged the election so that this fraudulent, unaccomplished career politician and his Wife, Ed.D., became Resident. Everything they screeched about Trump’s health and fitness for office is exposed for what it was—politically-motivated muckraking.
It would be hilarious if it weren’t so tragic. It’s clear that, at age 78, Biden is cognitively compromised and in physical decline, too. We can’t tell just how badly his mind has deteriorated, but no one can deny he often looks and sounds lost. It’s probably not too far off the mark to say that Biden can’t meet the demands of the office he holds, no matter how he got it.
Biden is nothing more than a prop, fronting a cabal of anti-American socialists who, behind the scenes, have their grubby hands on the levers of American power. For the first time in our history, we know we have a sock-puppet as Commander-in-Thief and no idea of who’s actually running the show.
But, worst of all, our enemies can see the same thing we see. The Left might be able to pull the wool over the eyes of the uneducated college graduates that populate our country, but our cold-blooded adversaries aren’t fooled. The most dangerous of them, Russia, China and Iran, have all bullied the United States since Biden stole office.
But the real challenge will be how well [the Biden Administration] responds to the aggressive designs of adversaries in Beijing, Moscow and Tehran. The hard men in these capitals recall how they were able to advance when Mr. Biden’s liberal internationalists were last in power under Mr. Obama. Russia grabbed Crimea, invaded eastern Ukraine and moved into Syria. China snatched islands for military bases in the South China Sea and stole U.S. secrets with impunity. Iran spread terrorism via proxy throughout the Middle East and fleeced John Kerry on the nuclear deal.

Can you imagine president-in-exile Trump ever being challenged by any one of these evil dictators the way they so freely challenge the current occupant of the White House? But, hey, at least there’s no more Mean Tweetsᵀᴹ to offend the sensibilities of the soi boys—just the possibility of being made a vassal state of Asia.
I’ve never felt as vulnerable as an American as I do now.