Daily Broadside | Woke Evangelicals Prove To Be Useful Idiots for Joe Biden

Daily Verse | Joshua 24:24
And the people said to Joshua,
“We will serve the Lord our God and obey him.”

Happy Thursday, my friends. This special moment brought to you on purpose.

If you’ve read any of my commentary you know that I have no problem taking my political opponents to task over their policies, lies, hypocrisies, overreaches and the nonsense they espouse when it comes to the American experiment. But I’m also willing to go to the mat with members of my own “tribe,” as it were, in the evangelical community. This week provided an opportunity to do just that. And it is spectacular.

A group called “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden” (PLEB) published an open letter bemoaning the fact that, despite their support for Joe Biden’s candidacy, the Biden administration is driving full speed ahead with radical abortion legislation.

Specifically, they are upset that the Hyde Amendment wasn’t included in the Covid-19 spending millstone that’s about to be hung around our collective necks like a cement albatross. Initially passed in 1976, the Hyde Amendment puts a check on the use of taxpayer money to pay for abortions. According to the New York Times, “In a 2016 report, the Charlotte Lozier Institute, which opposes abortion, cited studies showing a 13 percent increase in births among Medicaid recipients after the amendment was enacted, and estimated that it prevented more than 60,000 abortions per year.”

Now PLEB are shocked—shocked, I tell you!—that two of the most pro-abortion candidates ever—Biden and Kamala Harris (and endorsed by Planned Parenthood) are doing what everyone and their mother knew they would do. They profess that they were blindsided by such a callous disregard of their support for Biden.


Dr. Richard Mouw and Ronald J. Sider are both known progressive evangelicals who have embraced the cultural Marxist framework for how we should organize our society. They differ from secular liberals when it comes to abortion but, other than that, there isn’t much that conservative evangelicals like me have in common with them.

In fact, it’s hard to imagine that their complaint is sincere. PLEB is “pro-life,” meaning that their primary concern is reducing or eliminating abortion, but they voted for the most radical candidates ever on the issue while voting against the most pro-life administration ever in Donald J. Trump.

And their complaint that “there has been no dialogue since the campaign” is a knee-slapper. There was never going to be any “dialogue.” Anyone could have told them that. So of course they feel “used and betrayed.”

Hey, PLEB, you know what you are to the Democrats? Useful idiots. You were useful to get them elected and now you’re of no use to them. But at least there are no more mean tweets from Orange Man Bad!

Scripture is full of admonitions to love one another and to treat others with kindness, even loving our enemies and doing good to those who persecute us. But let’s not forget that Jesus also excoriated the Pharisees and teachers of the law—the religious leaders of his day—for their hypocrisy, pride and lack of love for those they led.

Ronald J. Sider, Dr. Richard Mouw and everyone else who signed on to elect the Democrat Party will have the blood of thousands, if not millions, of the unborn on their hands over the reign of the current administration. It calls to mind what Jesus said to his disciples when they told him he had offended the Pharisees.

“Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”

Matthew 15:14

“Blind guides.” A perfect description of Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden.

[Image: clker.com “>\\SAS 01-19-2018]