Daily Broadside | Brandon Locks Up Nomination for “Worst President Ever” in Just His First Year!

Daily Verse | Exodus 4:13
But Moses said, “O Lord, please send someone else to do it.”

Friday’s Reading: Exodus 7-11
Saturday’s Reading: Exodus 12-14

Friday and we’re officially into the second year of the catastrophic failure that is the Brandon administration. Joey Sugar Cone was, at best, a mediocre Senator during his years in the upper chamber, and even that’s being generous. He’s always been an empty, clueless, vacuous, talentless greasy fabulist in a suit without an original thought or spine, and zero leadership skills.

He’s an actor who’s fed his lines by a staff that is paid to make him look smart. But get him away from his script and he says things like, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” or “it depends on what [Russia] does [in Ukraine]. It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion,” or “There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy in the—of the United States from Afghanistan.”

Now he’s old and his mental acuity (if you can call it that), is in decline. Combined with his untalented, incompetent, pretentious buffoonery over the last fifty years and you get what we’re looking at today: an unmitigated disaster of a man who has no wisdom, no idea how to navigate the political waters he’s floating on, and is an empty vessel onto which the extremists he brought with him into the White House project their vomit-inducing ideology.

The result of Brandon’s empty rhetoric and yummy vanilla ice cream cones?

  • Brandon revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and killed our energy independence. That contributed to a 60 percent rise in gas prices, the highest since 1980.
  • Brandon botched our withdrawal from Afghanistan, getting 13 U.S. soldiers killed and abandoning thousands of American civilians and allies to the Taliban.
  • Brandon has U.S. inflation running at 39-year highs, with 6.8 percent year-to-year inflation, the greatest 12-month increase since 1982. December’s inflation rate was 7 percent.
  • Brandon can’t fix supply chain issues, causing a shortage of essential commodities across the country.
  • Brandon has created even more division than under Trump with his administration demonizing conservatives and Republicans as “domestic terrorists.” Brandon has also likened his ideological opponents as the worst of racist Democrats like Bull Connor and George Wallace while trying to wear the mantle of Abraham Lincoln.
  • Brandon promised that he would shut down the Peking Lung Pox, but its offspring are running rampant across the country. More people have died of the virus under his watch (426,000) than all that died under Trump. By his own logic, Brandon should resign: “220,000 Americans dead … anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States of America.”
  • Brandon has presided over the collapse of our southern border, with 1.7 million illegal aliens apprehended crossing our border in 2021.
  • Brandon sits at a 42 percent approval rating with at least on poll putting him at 33%.

Has Brandon restored our norms yet? Is everybody quite at peace and harmony now that Brandon is Resident and Orange Man Bad is gone? No more mean tweets, right?

If you were looking for Jimmy Carter 2.0, you must be thrilled.

Have a good weekend.