Daily Broadside | New Term Tries to Make “Normal” Just Another Brick in the Wall

Not sure if you’ve heard, but there’s a new term being bandied about that applies to me and my sexuality. Straight men are now “gynosexuals” and we’re just another stripe on the Pride flag.

Are You Gynosexual? Here’s What It Means, According to Experts

It isn’t easy being a straight male these days unless maybe you enjoy all the privilege that Hunter Biden does. Everybody else gets their own special color on that increasingly garish flag, gets to bobble their man-boobs on the White House lawn, and has the entire month of June dedicated to whatever naughty thing they’re doing with their private parts — slice it, dice it, even make Julienne fries!

But as a straight white male, I don’t get any of that stuff. I have to make do somehow with my gorgeous wife of 21 years, my two handsome sons, and the rewarding career that I’ve pursued for more than two decades. It’s a daily struggle.

As of today, though, I don’t have to settle for less. Thanks to the experts, I now understand that I’m a total freak with my own special made-up word and everything.

Bite me, normies, because my color just went up on the Pride flag. That’s right: I’m a gynosexual, unlike the rest of you squares.

Stephen Green’s tongue-in-cheek take on the latest development in the dynamic world of ever-evolving sexual freakisms is humorous, but there is something vaguely threatening about it.

Gynosexual, according to sex educator Lilith Fox “refers to being sexually attracted to femininity, irrespective of one’s own gender identity or the gender identity of the femme-presenting person they are attracted to.” In plain English, it means that whether you’re a man or a woman, you are a gynosexual if you’re attracted to femininity in either a male or a female.

It means that you can be a boy and like girls, or you can be a girl and like girls. You can also be a boy and like a girly-boy, or be a girl and like a girly-boy. Up until a minute ago, we’ve known boys who like girls as normal and girls who like girls as “lesbian,” and boys who like boys as “gay” and girls who like boys as normal.

But once the LGBTQWERTY+ mafia began defining every conceivable combination of sexual deviancy, they had to invent labels for the normies.

That’s what I find vaguely threatening. Don’t label me. Don’t add me to your endless list of sex-addled possibilities. Don’t try to force me into some little quadrant of your sexual matrix. Doing that destroys the historic “binary” norm of “men” and “women.”

Which is the point.

One guy has put up a fight on Twitter over being labeled “cis” by the trans-community.

He was, of course, taken to the woodshed by the TransElites, who told him that he had no choice. He was “cis” and that was that, you “cissy.”

That’s when Elon Musk jumped in.

This is a front in the war on cultural norms. Language is powerful; if the trans-activists can change the language, the terms of the debate, they win the culture. And so far they’ve been very successful.

Resist. Refuse to accept the label.