Daily Verse | 1 Samuel 15:22b
“To obey is better than sacrifice.”
The wheel on the watermill goes round ‘n’ round – round ‘n’ round – round ‘n’ round … annnd now it’s Tuesday. We’re running out of reasons not to invade Greenland.
In yesterday’s Broadside, I catalogued the evidence that Resident Biden is mentally and physically falling apart. As if to confirm what is obvious to anyone paying attention, Biden’s team called a lid at 1:13 p.m. Monday afternoon, meaning that he wouldn’t be seen for the rest of the day.
Noted Democrat advisor and progressive feminist author Dr. Naomi Wolf, who I quoted once before, has again raised significant concerns about Joe Biden.
Addressing Biden’s health, Wolf stated that “as Americans, we would be remiss not to notice that this is a man who is struggling physically, and our national security kind of depends on our being grown-ups.” She said, “when a very elderly president is struggling physically, it’s an important national security concern” that all should be able to discuss “without partisanship.”
In what she terms “bio-fascism,” Wolf expressed concerns regarding the far-reaching implications of curbing freedoms during the current pandemic.
“The President of the United States has no right whatsoever under the Constitution of the United States of America to tell anyone where they can go or whom they can see or to say anything about what you do in your private home,” she said.
“I’m incredibly concerned that we’re at kind of step ten of the ten steps to fascism that I identified in my book The End of America and that it’s under the guise of what I call bio-fascism that this pandemic has been used as an excuse to suppress everyone’s liberties and to really usher in a totalitarian state,” she stated.
But other than that, Joe’s been working hard—HARD, I tell you!—for the American people. Remember, this is the man who promised to be the president for all Americans, even if you didn’t vote for him! You know who you are!

I’m not sure he’s even waking up every single morning, but let’s dig in on this and see how Joe is making all of our lives “better.”
Take “immigration” for instance. Joe and his expertly appointed staff of junior commies have thrown open the southern border to whoever wants to come in (they even have t-shirts!), keeping kids in cages, and spending $86,000,000 of our tax dollars putting illegal aliens “migrant families” up in hotel rooms along the border. Hey, future American citizen, Uncle Joe is giving you the red carpet treatment!
According to reports, that money will cover 1,239 beds “and other services,” such as “COVID-19 testing, medical care, food services, social workers and case managers to help with travel and onward destinations.” That works out to $69,410.82 per bed. If two people share a bed, that’s a measly $34,705.41 per person.
See how hard Resident Biden is working for you, American people? Enjoy your $1,400 checks, suckers. On the flip side, at least he saved us money by having the National Guard in Washington, D.C. sleep in a parking garage.
Also, Biden is ignoring that fact that many illegal aliens have the Chinese Bat Flu and are being released into our country. This is also a benefit to all Americans, because we will get to herd immunity sooner! See, better life! Besides, preventing these infected people from just waltzing into our country would probably be oppressive or white supremacy or something and the last thing the United States needs is to be seen as raaaasssissst while welcoming in the whole of the Third World because we can all see what a major benefit that “policy” is to all Americans.
No, but really, you Normal American, Joe says if the COVID-19 science is good, maybe you’ll be able to gather with a group of family and friends for a barbeque to celebrate Independence Day on July 4. Just as long as the group isn’t too big. Just you sit there and wait for the government to decide if you can celebrate the individual, God-given freedom you’re born with. I’m sure Joe or Jen or Kamala will circle back to let you know.
Finally, don’t forget that many illegal aliens “undocumented immigrants” who are already here are eligible for stimulus checks. They’re not supposed to be because, as Dick Durbin (D-Liar) said, “Undocumented immigrants do not have Social Security numbers, and they do not qualify for stimulus relief checks.” But because Joe is working SUPER HARD for all Americans, that’s not actually true. Many illegal aliens do have Social Security numbers, as the Center for Immigration Studies points out.
We estimate that there are 2.65 million illegal immigrants who have Social Security numbers that allow them to receive stimulus checks. We estimate that 2.1 million of these individuals have incomes low enough to qualify for checks, and they have 1.1 million U.S.-born dependent children. As a result, illegal immigrants could receive an estimated $4.38 billion in cash payments from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
That’s $4.38 billion dollars Joe Biden is taking from American citizens and giving to people who shouldn’t even be here. See how Joe is working to make your life better!
I don’t know about you, but with Joe Biden in charge (no matter how he got there), I’m feeling truly cared for and I know I’m a priority to his administration. He really is working hard for all Americans—especially the new ones!