Daily Broadside | We Can’t Spare the Man. He Fights.

Thor’s day. Hammer time. Can’t touch this.

In an article for American Thinker, J.B. Shurk examines what he calls the “Covfefe Revolution.” He describes the voting bloc of Trump supporters as “misunderstood” and claims “[n]ow that it exists, it will not go away.  A quiet revolution has occurred in America.”

I’m more of a pessimist than an optimist and I tend to be less excitable than imperturbable. So when someone says that “a quiet revolution has occurred” in the form of an alliance of Trump voters, I’m not prepared to jump onboard, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats (see H.L. Mencken). I am for the revolution, though.

What I do like about Shurk’s article are three paragraphs that make a solid case for why Trump appeals to a broad spectrum of Americans.

Then this non-politician with a big personality and even bigger ideas for America pointed out something that Washington politicians had been missing for entirely too long.  “Change” is meaningless without concrete direction.  It promises nothing; it aspires to nothing; it achieves nothing.  Generic “change” isn’t a goal that can be measured; it doesn’t put food on the table; it doesn’t send Americans to Mars or inspire Americans to greatness.

He asked many uncomfortable questions.  Why shouldn’t America have the best blue-collar workforce on the planet?  Why doesn’t America have the world’s best airports, bridges, and roads?  Why is America’s military protecting foreign borders around the world while America’s borders remain porous?  Why should Wall Street’s wealth matter more than Main Street’s survival?  Why should we enrich Communist China with American dollars and sacrifice American independence to international institutions that wish to rule us from afar?  Why should some religions matter more than others?  Why should the lives of unborn Americans matter less?  Why would we want to run away from the accomplishments of Western civilization?  Why should the federal government stick its nose into every nook and cranny of American society?  Why are federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies influencing political elections?  How is it not a danger to free speech for all of the multimedia news conglomerates and Silicon Valley tech monopolies to be run exclusively by one political party?  Why shouldn’t every American be self-sufficient enough to own a firearm?

For every question Donald Trump posed, Washington was silent, but more and more Americans began listening because they had been asking those same questions.  Donald Trump was an outsider arguing for common sense, and Washington hates nothing more.  For the elite in Washington to believe that only they are fit to govern after destroying American industry, crippling America’s culture by diminishing her history, sinking America into insurmountable national debt, and sacrificing America’s bravest for endless wars with questionable goals, common sense must be strictly forbidden.  It is derided as “populist” (a counterintuitive insult coming from a political class always babbling about “democracy”) and “nationalist” (as if anything good for the United States must be inherently bad) because what Democrats lack in argument and reason, they make up for with name-calling.  At the end of the day, though, Donald Trump’s policy proposals made too much sense for too many people, and the MAGA Era began.

I loudly second that.

If we’re the most wealthy and technologically advanced country in the history of the world, why shouldn’t we benefit first from our innovations? Why shouldn’t we protect our proprietary work, our inventions, our advancements in medicine, science and technology?

And what’s with how our feckless leaders spend our money? You do realize it’s the people’s money? The government collects taxes from us and then makes enormous spending decisions. In my opinion the only thing the federal government should be spending money on is national defense and infrastructure.

And don’t forget all the insults that the Left, including Obama and Clinton and Biden, have lobbed at average Americans. When they say something, take it at face value. It’s not a mistake that they’ve called us “deplorables,” “xenophobes,” “homophobes,” “bitter clingers,” “the dregs of society” and much worse. Why would fellow citizens in power who cared about us “normals” demonize us that way? That’s not who we are.

Trump’s bellicosity resonated with American voters because it was plain to the average citizen that the coastal elites were getting rich off the “normals” and running our country off a cliff economically and culturally. That’s not a partisan comment, either, because we know that while the Democrats have pulled us far to the left, Republicans put up almost no fight to prevent it from happening. They, too, like the money and prestige that comes with their positions of power.

People heard Trump asking common sense questions about the condition of our country and they said, “Yeahhh, what about that?” And now they’ve had four years to see him keep his promises and the success that he’s had as he’s led us back to putting America first.

I didn’t vote for Trump four years ago because I was put off by his lack of manners. I’ve since come to see that what I took as rude and arrogant is a necessary character trait in this era of American history. My thinking about Trump is similar to Abraham Lincoln’s thinking about Ulysses S. Grant when he was facing pressure to remove him from command: “I can’t spare this man—he fights.”

Same now. We can’t spare Trump—he fights.

[Image: DonkeyHotey | Creative Commons]

5 thoughts on “Daily Broadside | We Can’t Spare the Man. He Fights.

  1. Dave, I have to give you massive props for supporting Trump this year, especially in the wake of all the media bias and persecution he’s received, even in conservative circles. The fact that you’ve gotten on the Trump Train in 2020 along with other big names like Ben Shapiro and Tim Pool demonstrates just how much support Trump has garnered over the past four years. The numbers at his rallies is unbelievable, anywhere from 20,000 to 30,000 people with overwhelming percentages of non-republicans and first-time voters in attendance. I’m completely confident that he is going to win reelection, not only because of the earthly signs that we’re seeing, but because I truly believe God is going to divinely intervene in this election in a way that the world has witnessed, in a way that everyone will have to acknowledge the power of our almighty Father in Heaven! I’m so excited to see what He’s going to do and the ways that He is going to reveal Himself to a new generation of Christ followers!

    Let me temper my words a bit and say that even if Sleepy Joe wins and Crazy Nancy forces him to resign and then crowns Kamala Queen of the United States, God’s Will be done on earth as it is in heaven! He is the true decider of every election, and nobody can be raised up to any position of power without His authority and approval.

    Thanks for all the great articles, Dave! TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    • It’s encouraging to know there are others out there who recognize that even if Trump is beaten at the polls (arggh!), God’s will overrides anything that our political masters can throw at us. As Psalm 37:12-13 says,

      The wicked plot against the righteous
      and gnash their teeth at them;
      but the Lord laughs at the wicked,
      for he knows their day is coming.

      Thanks for the support.

    • Thank you very much. Feel free to share the post with your friends and see if we can’t convince them of the same!

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