Daily Broadside | Easter Bunny Terrorizes Old Man Talking Politics

Daily Verse | 2 Kings 17:9
The Israelites secretly did things against the Lord their God that were not right.

Tuesday’s Reading: 2 Kings 18-21

Tuesday and for those of you who subscribe or follow this site, I’ve added a “Like” button to the bottom of my posts. That means you can give me an anonymous thumbs up if you like the post for the day. So have at it.

This has been making the rounds but if you haven’t seen it yet, take a gander at what anti-Americans like Mark Zuckerberg foisted on us in 2020.

The Resident looks completely startled by the “Easter Bunny” when the life-sized rabbit steps up to him while at the Easter egg roll at the White House. Just look at his face:

He looks like he’s just had a Jack-in-the-Box pop out at him. It takes a couple of parsecs for what he’s seeing to register. He is caught completely off guard and you can see his brain trying to decide: fight or flight? It’s like Putin showed up and Brandon realizes he’ll have to eat his words that Vlad “cannot remain in power.”

Seriously. Go back and watch it again. I’ll wait.

This isn’t a “gotcha!” moment; this is a costumed performer who interferes with some mouth mash Brandon is grinding through with reporters. It’s actually Brandon’s director of message planning, Megan Hayes, and apparently his message wasn’t planned.

So what, you say. You think I’m maybe being too nit-picky?

Here’s what happened at the start of the event. Make sure you have the volume up to hear what Doctor Jill Brandon tells him as he finishes his welcoming remarks.


And again, “wave.”

Brandon has to be directed and redirected throughout the event.

Here’s why this matters: If Brandon is cognitively unable to manage himself, WHO IS RUNNING THE COUNTRY?

All Brandon is right now is a script reader. And not a very good one, at that.

And here’s what it got him (and us):

CNN’s Harry Enten outlines new polls from Quinnipiac and NBC showing that Joe Biden has a lower approval rating than Donald Trump did at this point in his presidency, breaking Trump’s record for lowest ever recorded.

“It was always a thing, ‘Donald Trump had the lowest approval rating at this point in his presidency,’ we did it over and over and over and over again,” Enten recalled. “At this point in his presidency, Donald Trump’s average approval rating is actually one point higher than Joe Biden’s which is 41%. Donald Trump at 42%. For a first-term president at this point in his presidency, this is the lowest.”

“This is the lowest for anyone who was elected to the presidency and didn’t get there through the vice presidency.”

“Joe Biden at this point, minus 23 points. That is the worst on record since they started asking about economic job approval ratings back in 1978 with Jimmy Carter,” Enten said.

The talking heads of CNN look positively shocked. Their preferred candidate is more of a disaster than they could have ever conceived and it’s dawning on them that they own him.

82 million votes, you guys. Landslide victory, most ever in recorded history!

Let’s. Go. Brandon.

If anyone shouldn’t remain in power, it’s him.

Daily Broadside | The Invasion of America Will Accelerate

Daily Verse | 1 Kings 22:34
But someone drew his bow at random and hit the king of Israel between the sections of his armor.

Tuesday’s Reading: 2 Kings 1-3

It’s Tuesday of Holy Week. As millions remember Jesus making his way toward the cross on that Friday some 2,000 years ago, millions more today are anxious and angry that the current administration is planning to remove the final barrier to a flood of illegal aliens surging over our southern border.

Illegal entry and squatting in the United States is one of the subjects that severely triggers me when it comes to the issues we face. I absolutely loathe our government that not only allows the current invasion of foreigners to flood our nation, but actively encourages it, nay, invites it.

It’s a crime that’s being perpetrated on us by those in power who don’t give a rat’s patootie about American citizens.

The Biden government has publicly admitted that something bad will happen at the southwest border: an estimated 12,000 to 18,000 migrant apprehensions a day (versus the record-breaking 6,000 average now), or up to 540,000 a month (170,000 a month lately), and maybe six million by the end of 2022 (compared to the nationally historic two million apprehensions at the end of 2021). A Washington Post headline craftily understated that Biden’s Department of Homeland Security was bracing for “unprecedented strains.”

No one seems to be asking why as some 540,000 illegal migrants per month will soon be jumping the borders in all the front-line states. The overlooked real reason they will come is to defraud an American asylum system that Title 42 denied them but will now be returned, more prone than ever to abuse.

Title 42 was invoked during the Trump administration as a protection against the pandemic, denying illegal aliens access to the American asylum system and immediately expelling them from the country. But now that Joe Brandon and his handlers have decided to let Title 42 expire, foreigners are gathering in Mexico like Secretariat in the starting gate at Belmont.

Clues about the true reasons for Title 42’s demise can be found throughout the communiques of pro-illegal immigration organizations. It was never that the public health crisis had passed, only about reopening full access to the American asylum system. Why?

Because as it stands, the asylum system provides a reprieve from mandatory deportation and all but guaranteed release into the United States. An apt term for this is “Remain in America.” It allows almost anyone on U.S. soil who utters “I want asylum” to a federal officer to dodge otherwise mandatory deportation and get in for years.

So foreigners are already making their way here through Mexico because once they’re in by claiming asylum, they’re as good as settled, even though they are here illegally once they blow off their hearing.

Word about the end of Title 42 has already spread among smugglers and other migrant networks. As a result, thousands upon thousands of illegal migrants will trek to the U.S. southern border in coming weeks in hopes of filing an asylum claim and getting released into the United States for years.

Under the administration’s current policies, most of the illegal crossers will get into the United States — and be allowed to remain — without significant consequences. As my colleague John Daniel Davidson wrote earlier this week: “ending Title 42 under these circumstances means every migrant who gets over the border and claims asylum will get to remain in the United States, legally and with work authorization, for years. As a matter of policy, it is effectively indistinguishable from open borders.”

Due to these concerns of a rapid migrant surge at the end of May, there’s a small chance that the federal government will halt or at least delay rescinding Title 42. Keeping it, however, won’t deter illegal migrants who have heard the news from surging to the U.S.-Mexico border.

But who cares, right? Why should we be concerned?

“We’re getting to a tipping point,” Scott said. “This many people being released into the U.S. this fast is going to change the demographics of U.S. cities because nothing stays at the borders.”

This is a cause for concern for many states struggling with the criminal effects of an open border, not just states that sit close to Mexico. As Morgan noted in our conversation, “the overwhelming majority of illegal migrants do not stay in the border towns and states.”

“What happens and what comes through our borders does not stay there. The border cities and states there, they receive the additional brunt of it, but they’re just the throughput,” Morgan explained. “And it doesn’t matter what the danger is whether that’s an invasion of illegal migrant, or drugs or gang members or criminal migrant, or a threat to our national security vulnerability, the border towns and states are the throughput but they’re making their way to every town, city, and state.”

When illegal border-crossers are released without significant repercussions and without being forced to report to an immigration facility, it endangers the entire nation. In 2021, approximately 47,000 migrants were released into the United States because of Biden’s policies but did not report to ICE on time or at all, as they were required to do.

That’s the key. We’re facing the resurgence of a foreign invasion that has been going on for years but has increased in volume from hundreds of mostly third-world countries involving millions of people. This isn’t natural, organic growth that our institutions and communities can keep pace with.

It’s like dumping an Evergreen container ship full of invasive fish like the Asian carp into the Great Lakes. Here’s how one source describes the impact invasive species have on a native ecosystem.

Invasive species are any living organism, such as plants, animals, fungi, or bacteria, that have been unnaturally introduced into an ecosystem, and would not otherwise live in it.

Invasive species can negatively impact an ecosystem’s economic, agricultural, environmental, and public health. Non-native species change the structure of entire food webs and decrease biodiversity by adding to the competition of finding food among native species.

Invasive species affect all of the plants and animals living in an ecosystem, and can also hurt fishing industries.

Tell me how that’s any different from people all over the world rushing to our southern border and into the interior. They compete for resources with the natural population, often in the form of welfare. They overwhelm our health care and educational systems, often requiring teachers to diminish their standards for kids who don’t speak English as their first language. They compete for jobs, undercutting even the lowest wages, hurting the very citizens the Democrats supposedly champion: unskilled blacks and Hispanics. Other countries send us their very worst, releasing criminals from their prisons to find their way here, where they continue their criminal patterns and become our problem—as though we don’t have enough of our own.

I know, I know. You’re all uncomfortable with me comparing “illegal immigrants” and their impact to an invasive species. Listen to me closely: I don’t care. I’m not about nuance right now. This is an invasion, an intentional corruption of the American way of life that will affect our country not just now, but irreversibly for hundreds of years to come (assuming the United States still exists then).

It’s already too late to avoid a significant impact. And if you’re more concerned about the metaphor I’m using than the issue of foreigners spilling into our land by arrangement of the cultural Marxists, your hero is David French.

When people who come from poor, totalitarian, underdeveloped cultures are transplanted en masse into a free and prosperous country where they don’t ever take an oath to their host nation and illegally live in the shadows without integrating into society and break the laws by gaming a corrupt system, they will become a drag on that society and culture. It’s inevitable.

Resident Brandon and the cabal in Washington, D.C. should all be impeached and removed from office for their dereliction of duty. All of them. But it won’t happen because those in power, both Left and Right, won’t let it happen.

But you and I and our families, and our children’s families, and their children’s families, will experience the downstream impact of these anti-American decisions from those who make them and the cowards who refuse oppose them.

It won’t be the America we grew up in.

Daily Broadside | Rich Guy Tells the Plebes It’s Patriotic to Pay More for Gas

Daily Verse | Joshua 11:20
For it was the Lord himself who hardened their hearts to wage war against Israel, so that he might destroy them totally, exterminating them without mercy, as the Lord had commanded Moses.

Monday’s Reading: Joshua 13-17

Monday and we’re really beginning to feel the voter effect of #NeverTrump and the Democrats, and the insane globalist, racist, cultural Marxist, biology and science-defying, climate-terrified Covidiots who think utopia is just over the horizon if only we get rid of the historically reliable capitalist means that have created the once-greatest nation in the history of the world and replace them with a Tyrant.

They owe us an apology for their short-sighted and media-infected rejection of president-in-exile Donald J. Trump, who had gotten us back on our feet and made us energy-independent until the Fool they put in office cancelled the Keystone Pipeline and banned fracking on federal lands while demanding we all turn ourselves into lab rats for a medically-unnecessary jab for a virus that mainly killed the elderly and the obese while withholding proven treatments that would’ve save a lot of lives.

The allegedly 81 million Americans who voted for Biden in 2020 got played, hard. And they owe the rest of us a big apology, and a promise to never screw our nation over like this again.

Yes, Trump was a jerk. You know what he wasn’t? Dangerously incompetent. Or barely kept motoring with a personalized daily slushie of embalming fluid.

It’s time for the Americans who saddled us with this embarrassment of a president to realize that they did exactly what they self-righteously accepted from mass media they were saving our nation from: voting for a four-year national disaster.

One of my daughters sent me a picture of her latest fill up at a gas station, along with appropriate gratitude to the one who made it possible.

Gas is now over $4/gal. where I live and jumped to over $5/gal. where one of my other daughters live. She is now seriously thinking about moving to a lower-cost state.

Then there’s the self-righteous, no longer relevant George Takei, who’s worth $14M, telling us plebes to take one for the team. I won’t link you to this moron’s account, but the responses have been blistering, and rightly so.

It reminds me of a co-worker who once told me she was willing to pay more taxes to take care of illegal aliens. Government creates problems, frames fixing them as a moral virtue, then takes your money to “fix” the problems.

And if you complain, you’re EVIL.

The problem is … the problems are never fixed. And there are always more problems to be fixed, requiring more of your hard-earned money to fix them.

Meanwhile, our politicians laugh all the way to the bank.

These people are absolutely shameless, yet they claim to be champions of the poor, the minimum wage earners, the less fortunate.

You know who Brandon’s policies are absolutely decimating? Yeah, the poor, the minimum wage earners, the less fortunate.

I’m solidly middle-class, and I’m feeling the pinch. But the very people progressives claim to be fighting for are the very ones who can least afford this administration’s policies.

The Democrats are in for a shellacking this November but unless we take back all three branches of government, nothing will change. We’ve got to wipe the Democrats out—I mean, COMPLETELY OUT—in November, and then put Trump or DeSantis in the Big Chair two years later.

Then we need to go on a total law-making tear that lock in truly patriotic goals, like term limits, teaching authentic American history to our children, a balanced budget law, making socialism illegal, mandating voter ID and in-person voting on election day, completing the wall on our southern border, and outlawing the Democrat party.

I jest on that last one. Or do I?

If you want to see the change, get out there and either run for office yourself (start local) or work on behalf of a trustworthy candidate. Knock on doors and donate what you can.

It’s the only way back.

Daily Broadside | The Secrets of the Russia Collusion Lie Are Being Revealed

Daily Verse | Numbers 15:30
‘But anyone who sins defiantly, whether native-born or alien, blasphemes the Lord, and that person must be cut off from his people.’

Wednesday’s Reading: Numbers 13-16

Wednesday and where do I start? Sandy Hook and Remington? Thousands of invalidated baptisms? The 30 Democrats leaving the House at the end of this term? The BLM supporter who tried to assassinate a mayoral candidate in Kentucky?


Let’s go with the most recent developments in the RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! collusion narrative that the Democrats and MSMSNBCNN alliance reported on pushed for years — that President Trump was a RUSSIAN agent and puppet of Putin and he was selling the United States out to RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! and our precious democracy was in Danger, Danger, Will Robinson!

It was all a lie, just as we knew it was.

Special Counsel John Durham continues to unravel the Trump-Russia “collusion” story, and his latest court disclosure contains startling information. According to a Friday court filing, the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign effort to compile dirt on Donald Trump reached into protected White House communications.

According to Fox News:

Lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to “infiltrate” servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an “inference” and “narrative” to bring to government agencies linking Donald Trump to Russia, a filing from Special Counsel John Durham found.

The tech company had privileged access to the servers which held non-public data. In other words, they were paid to exploit their access to private, non-public, secure information in the hopes of finding dirt on Trump.

Durham’s filing states that in July 2016, the tech executive worked with Sussmann, a U.S. investigative firm retained by Law Firm 1 on behalf of the Clinton campaign, numerous cyber researchers and employees at multiple internet companies to “assemble the purported data and white papers.”

“In connection with these efforts, Tech Executive-1 exploited his access to non-public and/or proprietary Internet data,” the filing states. “Tech Executive-1 also enlisted the assistance of researchers at a U.S.-based university who were receiving and analyzing large amounts of Internet data in connection with a pending federal government cybersecurity research contract.”

“Tech Executive-1 tasked these researchers to mine Internet data to establish ‘an inference’ and ‘narrative’ tying then-candidate Trump to Russia,” Durham states. “In doing so, Tech Executive-1 indicated that he was seeking to please certain ‘VIPs,’ referring to individuals at Law Firm-1 and the Clinton campaign.”

This after years of smears coming from the likes of Adam Schiff-for-Brains who claimed that “he has seen ‘more than circumstantial evidence’ of a Trump-Putin conspiracy” … a truly delusional and lying piece of Schiff. Don’t forget MSNBC’s star, Rachel Maddow, who was “the most prominent TV host to push the Russia collusion narrative.

Fox News’s Gregg Jarrett, who wrote a book about the hoax, “Witch Hunt,” writes,

The stunning revelation that lawyers for the Hillary Clinton campaign paid a computer technology company to surveil a sitting president, Donald Trump, shows that more than half a dozen crimes may have been committed to advance the false accusation that he colluded with Russia.

It’s likely true that no one of any importance will get jail time for this, least of all Clinton.

As with any well organized criminal exercise, it is exceedingly difficult to nab the person at the top. Hillary Clinton is no different.  She carried out her machinations in smart and clever ways. She had others do her dirty work for her and maintained a distance separated through an elaborate chain of people. It was akin to a money laundering scheme, except dirty information was being washed.

Unless people in the chain break their silence and implicate Hillary, she will likely escape culpability.

Evidence of her role has slowly emerged from declassified records. It was July 26, 2016, when Clinton personally approved the plot to vilify Trump with the bogus collusion claims, according to CIA documents.  The genesis of the smear came from Hillary herself as a strategy to distract from her own email scandal.

Two days later, President Obama was alerted but appears to have done nothing except keep the matter concealed. Intelligence officials then sent an investigative referral on Clinton to then-FBI Director James Comey and his deputy, Peter Strzok. Predictably, it was buried.

Make no mistake –it was Clinton who invented the elaborate collusion hoax, financed it, and directed the process by which it was circulated to the media and the FBI.  Her false claims were then disseminated by a cadre of cronies and dirty-tricksters working secretly in the shadows.

Neither the White House nor Hillary herself responded to requests for comment in the wake of the Special Counsel’s revelations. This even as Democrats want Clinton investigated:

[N]early three out of four Americans want to see Hillary Clinton investigated for her connection to the efforts to frame Trump for ties to Russia. That number includes 66 percent of Democrats.

It’s hilarious to me that Clinton is making noise about a comeback in 2024 for a third run at the White House. But I’m not stupid … the Democrats put an empty, self-promotional, racist grand-stander with zero brains in the White House in 2020, so I wouldn’t put it past them to do the same with Felonius Milhous Pantsuit (as Kurt Schlichter calls her).

I admit that once Trump was out of office, I expected that the Durham investigation would die a quiet death, simply fading from view without notice. The fact that he’s been chipping away all this time is encouraging and I hope—I hope!—that he can prove that the only collusion going on was between Hillary, Obama, Biden and the rest of the Democrat cabal, including the MSM.

Our republic is counting on it.

Daily Broadside | It May Take Even More Insanity for People to Quit Joe

Daily Verse | Exodus 35:21
… and everyone who was willing and whose heart moved him came and brought an offering to the Lord for the work on the Tent of Meeting …

Tuesday’s Reading: Exodus 38-40

Tuesday and the first day of the second month in the year of our Lord 2022.

A recent Marquette Law School poll claims Brandon beats both Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis by similar margins in hypothetical head-to-head match-ups for the 2024 presidential election.

The survey … found that 43 percent of adults nationwide would support Biden if the 2024 presidential election were held today, while 33 percent would vote for Trump in a one-on-one match-up.

In a hypothetical race against DeSantis, however, Biden polls slightly worse: 41 percent of adults nationwide said they would throw their support behind Biden, while 33 percent would support DeSantis.

All I can say is that their survey sample has to skew Democrat. Seriously, who did they talk to—voters in Portland?

After record inflation, open borders, more COVID deaths than under Trump, and near-anarchy in our cities, you’re telling me that 4-in-10 adults would still vote for Biden over Trump or DeSantis?

C’mon, man.

I mean, 40 percent is not 70 percent, so we have that going for us.

But then there’s this Harvard-Harris poll, which seems to herald a realignment of political loyalty.

In the latest Harvard-Harris poll, former President Donald Trump’s net favorability rating is 17 points higher than His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s.
Trump’s favorability is eight points higher than Slow Joe’s. Trump’s unfavorable rating is nine points lower. Trump is three points above the water. Biden is 14 points under the water.
Oh, and if the election were held today, Trump would beat Biden 46 to 40 percent. Oh, and when asked who’s been a better president, Trump beats Biden, 53 to 47 percent.

So which is it? The Marquette survey (Biden over Trump 43-33) or the Harvard-Harris poll (Trump over Biden 46-40)?

Here are two more data points to consider: In the RealClearPolitics poll of polls on favorability, Brandon is down -12.2 net points and Trump is only down -9.0 net points. That seems to match reality better than the law school’s survey.

The second data point is how Americans perceive Congress right now. Monmouth University Polling found that “Few Americans believe that either political party truly cares about the average family’s pocketbook.”

Just 19% of the public approves of the job Congress is currently doing. Almost 3 in 4 (74%) disapprove – including 81% of Republicans and 59% of Democrats. Just 24% of Americans feel the country is headed in the right direction. Another warning sign for the party in power is a shift in self-reported partisan affiliation. Currently, 26% of American adults identify themselves as Democrats, a number that ranged from 30% to 34% in Monmouth polling throughout last year. Republican identifiers currently stand at 31% of the population, which is up from a range of 23% to 27% in 2021. Moreover, when these numbers are combined with independents who say they lean toward either party, Republicans (51%) have a decided advantage over Democrats (41%).

A political consultant recently told me that people identify more and more as independents and that those independents are increasingly favoring Republicans. Not because Republicans are offering a more compelling story, but because Democrats have embraced the crazy and are scaring citizens.

Finally, one other poll from Politico and Morning Consult that has some interesting findings. When asked “If the 2024 presidential election were held today, would you vote for Joe Biden or the eventual Republican candidate?” 46 percent said they’d vote for the eventual Republican candidate and 37 percent said they’d vote for Brandon.

But when a specific person replaced the “Republican candidate,” the story was different. If the Republican candidate was Trump, Brandon would beat him 45%–44%; if it was Ron DeSantis, Brandon would beat him 44%–39%. Apparently, people are willing to vote for the “eventual Republican candidate” unless it’s the party favorites.

The conflicting results from different polls tell me that people are frustrated with Brandon and would like to make a change, but they don’t seem to like the choices for 2024. It also tells me that it may take a lot more pain for them to quit Brandon.

That is the most shocking thing of all.

Daily Broadside | So Glad We’re Back to a Stable World

Daily Verse | Exodus 12:40-41
Now the length of time the Israelite people lived in Egypt was 430 years. At the end of the 430 years, to the very day, all the Lord’s divisions left Egypt.

Monday’s Reading: Exodus 15-18

Monday and we’re now into the first full week of Brandon’s second year as Resident as Russia! Russia! Russia! threatens to invade Ukraine at the invitation delivered last week by the dunce in the White House; “minor incursion” and all that. Do you know that Trump was the only president in the last 30 years to not start or escalate existing foreign conflicts or war? Barring some kind of intervention, that’s all about to change as our military service members in their high-heels, pregnancy flight suits and vaccines prepare to defend Ukraine against Russian aggression and mockery of our woke civilian military.

The US and its allies will deliver a “swift, severe and united response” if Russia invades Ukraine, the secretary of state, Antony Blinken, warned on Sunday amid rising tensions.

Maybe. I don’t trust anything that Blinken says nor the administration’s competence to deliver or sustain a smack-down on the Russians. Perhaps their attitude is the same as Megamind’s:

The only reason Russia is even making the move on Ukraine is that Brandon is an empty suit who reads whatever is put on his teleprompter. He’s certainly not a geopolitical genius, as his catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan showed us. Effects of the invasion could be harsh for the U.S.

Treasurys are a traditional haven during periods of geopolitical and economic stress. A rally in Treasurys would pull down yields, which move in the opposite direction of prices. A Treasury selloff has pushed up yields, with the 10-year Treasury rate TMUBMUSD10Y, 1.778% finishing near 1.77% Friday after hitting a nearly two-year high earlier in the week.

The Swiss franc, another popular haven, could also rally, with the euro/Swiss franc EURCHF, 0.12% currency pair likely to fall to CHF1.03 “on a frozen rope if Russia moves,” Donnelly said. The euro bought 1.043 francs Friday.


If Russia invades Ukraine, inflation-weary Americans will likely pay even higher prices at the pump.Oil prices have already shot up to seven-year highs in recent days. A conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which the White House has warned could be imminent, would have the potential to drive them much higher.That’s because Russia is the No. 2 oil producer on the planet, behind only the United States. And Ukraine is a key energy transit hub, where a large amount of Russian natural gas exports to Europe flow through.

An invasion of Ukraine would trigger immediate fears of sanctions from Washington on Russia’s vast energy resources, damage to the region’s energy infrastructure and raise the specter of Vladimir Putin weaponizing exports of natural gas and crude oil.

Investors would buy first and ask questions later.

What does Russia want?

The Kremlin wants what it says: an end to NATO expansion, a rollback of previous expansion, a removal of American nuclear weapons from Europe, and a Russian sphere of influence. However, Putin may accept less. The Kremlin’s primary goal is a guarantee that Belarus, Ukraine, and Georgia will never belong to a military or economic bloc other than the ones Moscow controls and that Russia will be the ultimate arbitrator of the foreign and security policy of all three states. In essence, this conflict is about whether 30 years after the demise of the Soviet Union, its former ethnic republics can live as independent, sovereign states or if they still must acknowledge Moscow as their de facto sovereign.

The G7 is threatening harsh economic sanctions that would severely hurt Russia, so it’s possible that an invasion can be avoided. But maybe not:

The United States has ordered the families of all American staff at the US Embassy in Ukraine to leave the country amid heightened concern that Russia, which has massed troops on the border, is about to invade.

In a statement on Sunday, the State Department also said that non-essential embassy staff could leave Ukraine at government expense and that all Americans should consider departing immediately.


The US Embassy in Kyiv warned that “military action by Russia could come at any time and the United States government will not be in a position to evacuate American citizens in such a contingency, so US citizens currently present in Ukraine should plan accordingly.”

Take them at their word, embassy staff.

A Russian invasion could lead to a much bigger conflict and pull focus away from Brandon’s problems at home and perhaps trigger aggression by China and Iran, two other foes who have, respectively, designs on Taiwan and avenging the loss of top commander Qasem Soleimani who died by a US drone strike two years ago. If either of them act while we’re dealing with Russia, all bets are off.

But at least the tweets are nice, right NeverTrump?

Daily Broadside | More Evidence That November Will Be a Blowout

Daily Verse | Genesis 47:1
Joseph went and told Pharaoh, “My father and brothers, with their flocks and herds and everything they own, have come from the land of Canaan and are now in Goshen.”

Wednesday’s Reading: Genesis 48-50

It’s mid-week as we grind on, one day at a time, toward the mid-term elections in November. Funny how when your guy is in office there isn’t enough time to get done everything you want, but when the other guy is in office time slows to a crawl and you can’t wait until his term ends.

January 2025 can’t come soon enough. However, Brandon is “in charge” for the next three years, so we still have plenty of work to do in opposing his and his Marxist stooges’ agenda to overthrow what little remains of the American experiment in self-governance. If they have their way, we’ll be little more than a third-world stinkhole, atop which they sit with the riches they’ve accumulated unto themselves.

I have some hope, as I wrote yesterday, that national sentiment is turning against Joey Sugar Cone and he’ll be hampered (legally) by a Republican majority House and Senate. If you want to troll the Left, suggest that the way that will happen is that Trump will be elected as a Rep. from his district in Florida, he’ll become Speaker of the House, which will then impeach Biden and Harris, removing them from office and leaving Trump to complete Brandon’s term since it was stolen from him anyway, and then Trump will run for another full term as president.

That won’t happen, but can you imagine the hysterics and complete meltdown of the Left if Trump was president for 11 years? I LOL very hard at the thought.

Still, one has to be heartened by the cratering approval ratings of the stuffed sock-puppet we know as the Resident.

Biden’s approval rating has suffered a similar decline, from 56 percent in the days following his inauguration to just 42 percent in recent weeks, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average. A Quinnipiac poll published last week measured Biden’s approval rating at just 33 percent, which matched the polling firm’s lowest recorded approval rating for former president Donald Trump in the days after the storming of the Capitol building in January 2021.

Eighty. One. Million. Votes. Either the election was rigged or we’re seeing the greatest case of buyer’s remorse ever recorded in American history. Maybe both.

Put the nose-diving approval rating (could it go even lower?) together with the great evaporation of Democrat leaning independents, add the number of current Democrats who are bailing out ahead of the midterms—29, with only 18 Republicans not seeking reelection—and you’ve got the makings of a major blowout come November. While not getting cocky, this is good news if for no other reason than it can restrain the damage that the criminal enterprise known as the Democrat Party can do to the nation over the remainder of Brandon’s term.

Cultural Marxists have infiltrated and taken over nearly every facet of America that counts: education, politics, arts and entertainment, media, journalism, medicine, law, even certain quarters of the church. They may encounter resistance, but they are determined and indefatigable, always pressing forward, never retreating, never giving in, never giving up. They cannot be appeased, persuaded or bargained with. If they lose, they will come back at it again and again. They will never stop until they are in complete control or they are dead.

People need to wake up to the fact that we’re in a fight we didn’t choose, but it falls to us nonetheless. Winning the House and the Senate in November will help.

Daily Broadside | Finally, a Defense of Trump’s Amazing Presidency

Daily Verse | Revelation 9:16
The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million. I heard their number.

Wednesday’s Reading: Revelation 10-13

Wednesday and we’ve hit mid-week already and the Left has already peaked with hyperventilation about “Let’s go Brandon.” It’s mind-numbingly absurd, yet there’s undoubtedly a method to the progressive madness that we seem to be surrounded by.

Into the cyclone drops a book by Peter Navarro, one of President Trump’s three senior staffers who stayed with him all the way from the election in 2016 to the end of his first term in 2020. In his memoir, In Trump Time: A Journal of America’s Plague Year, Navarro reveals the disloyal staff Trump surrounded himself with, who ultimately became his undoing.

In Bruce Bawer’s review of the book he writes,

Mike Mulvaney, acting chief of staff, was a neverTrumper. Economic advisor Gary Cohn (now vice-chairman of IBM) “never saw an American job he didn’t want to offshore in the profane name of supply chain efficiencies.” Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross operated on “transactionalist Wall Street DNA.”

Navarro, who’d earned a Ph.D. in economics at Harvard, was brought aboard by Trump to deal with the China trade situation and build up U.S. manufacturing. He supported full instant tariffs to wipe out China’s trade advantages. But the White House was packed with people who passionately opposed tariffs and were uncomfortably chummy with the Chinese. Jared Kushner? A “panda hugger.” Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin? The “second coming of Neville Chamberlain” and as a “Judas” who’d made millions in Chinese business and who “simply couldn’t believe” that the PRC “posed any economic or military threat to the United States whatsoever.”

When virus deaths mounted in China, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s second-in-command Stephen Biegun, who’d been Ford Motors’ “offshorer in chief” to China, opposed a travel ban because he feared it would offend Xi. Living outside the Beltway but also exerting an outsized anti-tariff influence in the West Wing was the “Billionaires’ Cabal” – whose membership ranged from Sheldon Adelson and Steve Wynn (both heavily invested in Macao casinos) to Steve Schwarzman and Larry Fink.

He goes after Faux-chi, too, saying that “Fauci conspired to keep the first of the COVID vaccines from being unveiled until after the November 2020 election – the goal, of course, being to deprive Trump of electoral victory; as a result, tens of thousands of Americans were robbed of their very lives.”

But he also gives some insight into what happened with the Bat Flu response:

Trump has been widely criticized for the slowness with which his administration recognized the seriousness of COVID-19. In fact, according to Navarro, the fault lay not with Trump but with many of his advisors. Larry Kudlow publicly pooh-poohed the virus. Mark Short did a lousy job as head of the White House’s Coronavirus Task Force. Navarro, for his part, corralled U.S. business leaders into helping combat the pandemic. Among this book’s heroes are FedEx CEO Fred Smith, who, while fiercely opposed to Trump’s trade policies, readily provided planes to ship desperately needed testing swabs from Italy to six U.S. cities. Other corporate good guys include Honeywell, UPS, and Pernod (which shifted its factories on a dime from making booze to producing sanitizer). Among the bad guys: GM, which, it will be remembered, had to be forced to manufacture ventilators. Worst of all: Big Pharma.

Finally, he gets at the 2020 election:

After the shock of the 2020 election loss, Navarro was also shocked by the defeatism of many of his colleagues. When Rudolph Giuliani insisted on challenging the results, many White House officials accused him of “grandstanding”; after Rudy was put in charge of that initiative, Jared Kushner and others tried to foil his efforts. Trump attorney Cleta Mitchell complained that she’d warned GOP bigwigs since May 2019 about the Democrats’ plans to steal the election, but had been ignored. Meanwhile one major inside-the-Beltway law firm after another passed on representing Trump in his vote-fraud case – such being “the hardball Globalist Swamp reality of Washington, D.C.”

Voter fraud was scarcely in Navarro’s wheelhouse. But just as he’d switched from trade to COVID, now, confronted by apathy and duplicity all around him, he felt compelled to throw himself into the job of “definitively answering the question of whether the election was in fact stolen.” Poring through mountains of material from the four states under dispute, he concluded that the election had been “stolen beyond any shadow of a shadow of a probabilistic doubt,” and wrote a report to that effect.

Unfortunately, others who were expected to serve the cause failed it spectacularly. Lawyer Sidney Powell, who kept making extravagant claims on TV about election fraud, never produced any proof, thus making the whole effort look bogus. Attorney General Bill Barr also proved a crushing disappointment. But the greatest betrayal was that by Mike Pence, who on January 6, acting in his role as President of the Senate when that body met to certify the November 3 vote, could quite legitimately have paused the certification to give state legislators time to investigate claims of fraud. Instead Pence ended up, in Navarro’s words, being “the Brutus most responsible both for the final betrayal of President Trump and the unceremonious burial of electoral integrity.”

I don’t know much about Peter Navarro, but this book seems like it would be a good read … especially regarding the 2020 election which was, without a doubt, rigged (i.e. stolen) to favor the Democrats.

Daily Broadside | A Counter-Resistance Must Come to the Masses

Daily Verse | Obadiah 15
“The day of the Lord is near
    for all nations.
As you have done, it will be done to you;
    your deeds will return upon your own head.”

Welcome to Wednesday, friends. Now that striped pants are back in fashion, I’ll have to fight my dog to get mine back.

I hadn’t read much of Angelo Codevilla’s work, but did recognize his name when it was announced that he’d died at age 78 after being hit by a car a couple of days ago. Several opinion writers and bloggers shared their sadness over his death and their estimate of him as a ‘great and good’ man. Many of them also linked to influential articles that he’d written, proclaiming that,

It is hard to overstate the importance and brilliance of Angelo. If you only knew him by his many books and columns (including this 2015 piece he wrote for Power Line on Trump’s significance and prospects), it would be sufficient to establish his greatness. But he was also at the storm center of key aspects of American intelligence and foreign policy going back more than 40 years.

The sense of significant loss piqued my curiosity, and I clicked through several of his articles. One of them, “Clarity in Trump’s Wake” struck such a chord with me, that I want to encourage you to read the entire thing. It’s a long treatise on what he says is now “a classic oligarchy” that rules America and how that oligarchy came to be.

The reason the article resonates with me so powerfully is that he shades with clarity the contours of our current predicament that we all know is there, but can’t precisely put our fingers on. Here is how he starts:

Texas v. Pennsylvania et al. did not deny setting rules for the 2020 election contrary to the Constitution. On December 10, 2020, the Supreme Court discounted that. By refusing to interfere as America’s ruling oligarchy serves itself, the court archived what remained of the American republic’s system of equal justice. That much is clear.

In 2021, the laws, customs, and habits of the heart that had defined the American republic since the 18th century are things of the past. Americans’ movements and interactions are under strictures for which no one ever voted. Government disarticulated society by penalizing ordinary social intercourse and precluding the rise of spontaneous opinion therefrom. Together with corporate America, it smothers minds through the mass and social media with relentless, pervasive, identical, and ever-evolving directives. In that way, these oligarchs have proclaimed themselves the arbiters of truth, entitled and obliged to censor whoever disagrees with them as systemically racist, adepts of conspiracy theories.

Corporations, and the government itself, require employees to attend meetings personally to acknowledge their guilt. They solicit mutual accusations. While violent felons are released from prison, anyone may be fired or otherwise have his life wrecked for questioning government/corporate sentiment. Today’s rulers don’t try to convince. They demand obedience, and they punish.

Russians and East Germans under Communists Leonid Brezhnev and Erich Honecker in the 1970s lived under less ruling class pressure than do today’s Americans. And their rulers were smart enough not to insult them, their country, or their race.

In 2015, Americans could still believe they lived in a republic, in which life’s rules flow from the people through their representatives. In 2021, a class of rulers draws their right to rule from self-declared experts’ claims of infallibility that dwarf baroque kings’ pretensions.

In that self-referential sense, the United States of America is now a classic oligarchy.

The following explains how this change happened. The clarity that it has brought to our predicament is its only virtue.

Oligarchy had long been growing within America’s republican forms. The 2016 election posed the choice of whether its rise should consolidate, or not. Consolidation was very much “in the cards.” But how that election and its aftermath led to the fast, thorough, revolution of American life depended on how Donald Trump acted as the catalyst who clarified, energized, and empowered our burgeoning oligarchy’s peculiarities.

After explaining how the amalgamation of politics and corporations had slowly built the oligarchy, Codevilla explains the significance of Donald J. Trump.

By 2015, the right side of America’s challenge to the budding oligarchy was inevitable. Trump was not inevitable. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) had begun posing a thorough challenge to the “stakeholders” most Americans disrespected. Candidate Trump was the more gripping showman. His popularity came from his willingness to disrespect them, loudly. Because the other 16 Republican candidates ran on different bases, none ever had a chance. Inevitably, victory in a field so crowded depended on when which minor candidate did or did not withdraw. There never was a head-to-head choice between Trump and Cruz.

Trump’s candidacy drew the ferocious opposition it did primarily because the entire ruling class recognized that, unlike McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012, he really was mobilizing millions of Americans against the arrangements by which the ruling class live, move, and have their being. Since Cruz’s candidacy represented the same threat, it almost certainly would have drawn no less intense self-righteous anger. Nasty narratives could have been made up about him out of whole cloth as easily as about Trump.

But Trump’s actual peculiarities made it possible for the oligarchy to give the impression that its campaign was about his person, his public flouting of conventional norms, rather than about the preservation of their own power and wealth. The principal consequence of the ruling class’ opposition to candidate Trump was to convince itself, and then its followers, that defeating him was so important that it legitimized, indeed dictated, setting aside all laws, and truth itself.

He then goes on to explain how the Peking Lung Pox gave the oligarchy the vehicle they needed to increase their power over the average citizen and eventually leveraged it into gaming the 2020 presidential election.

Only in a few one-party Democratic states was universal vote-by-mail established by law. Elsewhere, especially in the states sure to be battlegrounds in the presidential election, mail-in voting was introduced by various kinds of executive or judicial actions. Questions of right and wrong aside, the Constitution’s Article II section 1’s words—“Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct”—makes such actions unconstitutional on their face. Moreover, in these states—Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin—the counting of votes in the most populous counties is firmly in the hands of Democratic Party bosses with a well-documented history of fraud.

To no one’s surprise, the 2020 presidential election was decided by super-majorities for the Democratic candidate precisely from these counties in these states. Yes, Trump’s percentage of the vote fell in certain suburbs. But Trump received some 11 million more votes in 2020 than four years earlier, and nearly doubled the share of votes he received from blacks. The Democrats’ gain of some 15 million votes came exclusively from mail-in ballots, and their victory in the Electoral College came exclusively from the supermajorities piled up in these corrupt counties—the only places where Trump’s share of the black vote was cut by three-quarters. Did people there really think so differently?

And then this:

The Democratic Party had promised a return to some kind of “normalcy.” Instead, its victory enabled the oligarchy’s several parts to redefine the people who do not show them due deference as “white supremacists,” “insurrectionists,” and Nazis—in short, as some kind of criminals—to exclude them from common platforms of communication, from the banking system, and perhaps even from air travel; and to set law enforcement to surveil them in order to find bases for prosecuting them. Neither Congress nor any state’s legislature legislated any of this. Rather, the several parts of America’s economic, cultural, and political establishment are waging this war, uncoordinated but well-nigh unanimously.

Perhaps most important, they do so without thought of how a war against at least some 74 million fellow citizens might end. The people in the oligarchy’s corporate components seem to want only to adorn unchallenged power with a reputation for “wokeness.” For them, causing pain to their opponents is a pleasure incidental to enjoying power’s perquisites. The Biden family’s self-enrichment by renting access to influence is this oligarchy’s standard.

As I said, it’s a long but powerful article. I’ve given you a taste of small portions of it to whet your appetite for the whole thing. It confirms your worst fears about what has happened in America — we are no longer a constitutional republic but in name only. We are being ruled by a cabal of elites in business, science, the courts, social media, entertainment and, of course, politics.

According to Codevilla, the central hope of overthrowing the ruling elite is this:

Increasingly, conservative Americans live as if under occupation by a hostile power. Whoever would lead them should emulate Charles de Gaulle’s 1941 basic rule for la résistance: refrain from individual or spontaneous acts or expressions that produce only martyrs. But join with thousands in what amount to battles to defeat the enemy’s initiatives, weaken his grip on power, and prepare his defeat. Thus, an aspirant to the presidency in 2024, in the course of debunking the narrative by which the oligarchy seized so much power over America, might lead millions to violate restrictions placed on those who refuse to wear masks. Or, as he pursues legislative and judicial measures to abolish the compulsory racial and gender sensitivity training sessions to which public and private employees are subjected, he might organize employees in a given sector unanimously to stay away from them in protest. They can’t all be fired or held back.

My thought: we must try.

Daily Broadside | Six Practical Things All of Us Can Do to Prepare for What’s Coming

Daily Verse | Hosea 7:2
But they do not realize
    that I remember all their evil deeds.
Their sins engulf them;
    they are always before me.

Happy Thursday, Broadsiders! Since being beset in ice suggests our Bahamas cruise went off course, won’t you join me for a jog on the Promenade deck to keep warm?

I’m painfully aware that most of my blogging simply breaks down the news of the moment, peppered with disbelief and some sass. What I don’t offer much of is answers, which frustrates me because I often complain to my computer screen that the commentary I’m reading does a great job analyzing and diagnosing the problem, but doesn’t offer any solution.

I’ve discovered that’s hard to do, because we live in a dynamic and ever-changing world, and culture doesn’t change over night. What can you do when one party steals an election? What can you do when one party demonizes your half of the national population? What can you do when one party acts unconstitutionally as a standard practice? When one party seeks to turn us into a socialist state?

There aren’t any easy answers. Nevertheless I’m sometimes asked, “So what do we do?”

My first response is, “Pray.” I think our society as a whole ignores the efficacy of prayer, myself included.

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. (1 Chronicles 16:11)

Most of us are looking for some kind of direct action to take that will effectively slow or stop the infrastructure from any further rot. We want immediate results and prayer requires faith, discipline and patience. But God will not be rushed.

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)

Unfortunately, there isn’t a quick fix to the situation we find ourselves in. Even if the Orange Savior, Donald J. Trump, were to make a comeback in 2024 (Save America!), he only has one four-year term available. I’m not saying that it wouldn’t help to have him in office again — it most likely would — but we can’t unwind 80 years of decay in just four.

Doug Wilson, whose blog I’ve recommended before, wrote something the other day that I thought would be very helpful for all of us to consider. Seven Ways to Prepare Your Family for What’s Coming is a thoughtful post on some things that Christians (and those who are beginning to see that the foxhole only provides so much protection) can do.

I will briefly list them here with a partial quote from his description of each one. I encourage you to click through to read the entire post. (Please note that although Wilson’s title says “Seven Ways,” I find only six.)

  1. Deal With Personal Sin. “Learn to confess your sins to God, honestly and forthrightly. He sees down to the sludge layers at the bottom of your heart anyway, so there is no sense trying to blow sunshine at Him. Simply acknowledge it. Ask Him to deal with it as only He can deal with it. You know He wants to.”
  2. Minimize Encumbrances. “In ordinary times, it is good and proper to use up all your available bandwidth with various projects, challenges, commitments, and so on. But now may be the time to streamline … you are freeing up available bandwidth so that you can protect your family more effectively.”
  3. Stock Up On the Word. “Now is the time to become serious about storing up the Scriptures in your heart and mind … In addition, you should be a regular, diligent, focused Bible reader.”
  4. Meet Regularly With God’s Umasked People to Worship Him. “Ironically, the willingness of countless pastors and elders to shut down worship, restrict numbers coming to worship, require masks (and/or vaccinations) in order to worship, has been a true unveiling.”
  5. Do Nothing That Feeds Your Fears. “It would be better to go into a time of trouble with a true evangelical confidence, and no freeze dried food, than to have a basement full of freeze dried food that represented, in a rather tangible way, the sum total of all your fears.”
  6. Assume the Posture of Victors. “We should be preparing in our hearts for that glorious moment—after fierce fighting—when we raise our flag on the top of a spiritual Iwo Jima.”

What can we do? Start with these six activities. Add to them prayer, as I mention above. And, as Wilson says in a couple of other posts, “don’t take the bait.”

I would also buy ammo. Really — not kidding. I’ve got some other things in mind that we can do, but those are for another post another time.

For now, consider these seven things a good place to start.