Daily Broadside | Democrats Hate Republicans and Aren’t Afraid to Say So

Daily Verse | Ezekiel 5:5-6
“This is what the Sovereign Lord says: This is Jerusalem, which I have set in the center of the nations, with countries all around her. Yet in her wickedness she has rebelled against my laws and decrees more than the nations and countries around her.”

Tuesday’s Reading: Ezekiel 7-11

Tuesday and it’s horrifying to realize that senior leaders in the Democrat party hate conservative Republicans and have minced no words in saying so. In just the last week, three different, powerful and nationally recognized Democrats have made statements that pull no punches on three consecutive days.

August 24
Charlie Crist, who won the Democrat nomination to oppose Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in November, accuses anyone who supports DeSantis for governor of having a hateful heart, and angrily declares that he does not want “your” vote.

Since the majority of people who will vote for DeSantis will be Republicans, he unequivocally labeled them all haters. That’s a helluva campaign strategy, because saying he doesn’t want their votes implies he doesn’t need their votes.

August 25
The next day at a Maryland fundraiser, Joe Biden denounced the more than 72 million Americans who voted for Donald J. Trump as semi-fascists.

Don’t forget that “MAGA” stands for “Make America Great Again.” Is wanting to make America great “extreme”? According to this despicable politician and the filthy liars who surround him, it is. It’s so extreme that it bleeds into fascism.

What do you do with fascists? You fight like hell to remove them as a threat.

August 26
Andrew Cuomo’s successor as New York governor isn’t any better than he was. The day after Brandon, the Great Unifier, scorched Trump supporters, Gov. Kathy Hochul said this at a campaign rally for Pat Ryan.

“I’m fighting to bring government back to the people, and out of the hands of dictators. And we’re here to say that the era of Trump, and Zeldin and Molinaro, just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong, okay? Get out of town, get out of town! Because you don’t represent our values. You are not New Yorkers. You’re not New Yorkers.”

Dictators? It wasn’t Republicans who shut down the country for two years, destroying businesses and education and handing out money we couldn’t afford. It wasn’t a Republican governor that sent Covid-infected patients to nursing homes from hospitals. It wasn’t Republicans who went on a rampage across the country causing $2 billion dollars of damage and killing at least 25 people over the death of Saint George Floyd, who was caught passing counterfeit money and was high on drugs at the time of his arrest.

If there’s any hateful, fascist, dictatorial enterprise in the United States, it’s the Democrats and their criminal party.

Daily Broadside | Everything is Broken and It’s All Being Done on Purpose

Daily Verse | Jeremiah 49:11
Leave your orphans; I will protect their lives. Your widows too can trust me.

Friday’s Reading: Jeremiah 50-52
Saturday’s Reading: Lamentations 1-5

Friday and for those of you who are reading through the Bible with me this year, we’re more than halfway through our third quarter of reading. By weekend’s end we’ll be through Lamentations, starting Ezekiel on Monday. After that, it’s Daniel and the minor prophets and we’re done with the Old Testament. We start the New Testament on October 3. For those of you who haven’t been reading along, think about joining us for the last quarter of the year and read the New Testament with us.

In addition to ruining the economy, running up mountains of debt, crushing the middle class, and harassing the Great Orange MenaceTM, let’s not forget that Brandon’s also burdening us with millions of illegals who make their way across our border unencumbered by any pretense of difficulty.

Nearly 5 million illegal immigrants have crossed U.S. borders in the 18 months since President Joe Biden took office, according to a new report.

A total of 4.9 million illegal aliens, including some 900,000 “gotaways” who evaded apprehension and have since disappeared into American communities, have entered the country by the end of July, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) said in a statement on Aug. 16.

“Roughly the equivalent of the entire population of Ireland has illegally entered the United States in the 18 months President Biden has been in office, with many being released into American communities,” FAIR President Dan Stein said in the press release.

Huh. Where do you suppose those NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND PEOPLE are now? We know some of them have been shipped off from Texas to Washington, D.C. and New York City, where the mayors are griping about having to deal with the lawbreakers.

Two million illegal aliens have entered the country in the first 10 months of this financial year, according to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). In June, more than 207,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended attempting to cross the U.S.–Mexico border, making this the highest number of June apprehensions in history.

Brandon’s setting new records all the time as he lays waste to what was once a uniquely American culture. We now have somewhere between 22 and 40 million illegals living among us who have become an unwelcome and unwanted drain on our economy, our medical system and our educational system.

I’ve addressed this issue many times before. Here’s a few paragraphs from a story by Jordan Boyd, from a post back in April:

“We’re getting to a tipping point,” Scott said. “This many people being released into the U.S. this fast is going to change the demographics of U.S. cities because nothing stays at the borders.”

This is a cause for concern for many states struggling with the criminal effects of an open border, not just states that sit close to Mexico. As Morgan noted in our conversation, “the overwhelming majority of illegal migrants do not stay in the border towns and states.”

“What happens and what comes through our borders does not stay there. The border cities and states there, they receive the additional brunt of it, but they’re just the throughput,” Morgan explained. “And it doesn’t matter what the danger is whether that’s an invasion of illegal migrant, or drugs or gang members or criminal migrant, or a threat to our national security vulnerability, the border towns and states are the throughput but they’re making their way to every town, city, and state.”

When illegal border-crossers are released without significant repercussions and without being forced to report to an immigration facility, it endangers the entire nation. In 2021, approximately 47,000 migrants were released into the United States because of Biden’s policies but did not report to ICE on time or at all, as they were required to do.

I’ve been calling this problem an “invasion” for a few years because there really isn’t another word for it. Now, even professional publications, like Issues & Insights, are using the same language.

No Matter How Many Times Biden Denies It, The U.S. Is Being Invaded

A new poll finds that more than half of Americans think the U.S. is being invaded by illegal aliens flooding into the country. And they are right, no matter what President Joe Biden claims, or how diligently the mainstream press tries to cover it up.

“More than half (54%) of Americans think it’s at least somewhat true that we’re experiencing an invasion at the southern border,” according to the NPR/Ipsos poll.

That is a shocking finding, given the denials from the administration that there is a crisis at all, and the fact that the mainstream media will cover anything but the flood of illegal immigrants under Biden.

Of course, Brandon denies that there is any such “invasion” and is triggered by the use of such words. The numbers tell a different story.

The chart below shows illegal crossings each month under Biden and compares that with the monthly average from 2012-2020. It also provides a sampling of what Biden and Co. were saying about this crisis at the time.

If this isn’t an invasion, what is?

The administration hates American citizens and is seeking to degrade our strength and uniqueness as a country as part of the Great Reset. They are putting enormous pressure on our culture, our economy and our standing in the world. They’re not stupid. This is all intentional.

And they’re doing their best to complete as much wreckage as possible before they potentially lose power in the midterms come November.

It’s galling, maddening, outrageous.

(Try to) Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | Brandon Illegally Transfers Student Loan Debt to Those Who Didn’t Borrow It While Enriching Those Who Did

Daily Verse | Jeremiah 42:19-20
“O remnant of Judah, the Lord has told you, ‘Do not got to Egypt.’ Be sure of this: I warn you today that you made a fatal mistake when you sent me to the Lord your God and said, ‘Pray to the Lord our God for us; tell us everything he says and we will do it.'”

Thursday’s Reading: Jeremiah 46-49

Thursday and Brandon has decreed that certain students or ex-students with outstanding loans do not have to pay them back. Loan forgiveness. It’s not that he has the power to do so; he simply declares it, and it is so. It’s like majik. POoF! Your debt is gone.

Akshully—it’s not gone. It’s just that you’re no longer responsible to pay it off. Someone else is going to pay it. Someone like your local plumber.

Better yet, just ask this union railroad worker.

But that’s not what it looks like from where I’m sitting. I’m a blue-collar worker, and when I talk to other blue collar workers about student loan forgiveness, it’s one of those subjects where no one disagrees. It gets a resounding, 100 percent “Hell no!” every time it comes up.

This isn’t because we’re anti-college. Most of the folks I work with and talk to have kids in college or have kids that graduated college. But if you ask if college students’ loans should be paid off by taxpayers, the answer is always the same: No way.

Unlike progressives, we don’t see student debt cancelation as an avenue out of poverty. We see it as a tax on those of us who chose not to go to college, who now have to pay for those who already got a big advantage in the labor market by way of their degree

How much of an elitist do you have to be not to give a damn about the cruelty of demanding that blue collar workers who didn’t go to college chip in and pay off student loans that they didn’t take out?

How much of an elite do you have to be to shove both middle fingers in the face of the middle class, too, and make them chip in to pay off student loans they didn’t take out? We’ve put four kids through college debt free because we worked our tails off and put some of the burden on them to contribute. We didn’t take out loans, although we could have. We did it with a combination of scholarships, saving money, and paying thousands of dollars a year.

Now the government is making us, and millions of others like us, pay back loans we didn’t take out, that we worked hard to avoid, and that aren’t our responsibility.

All so Brandon can buy votes for the mid-terms. And hand his White House staff a gift.

On the plus side, besides buying votes, cancelling some $300 billion in student loan debt will definitely help diffuse rampant inflation.

Nah, just kidding. Hey, Brandon! Why don’t you just add another third of a trillion dollars to the already over-taxed economy, along with the joke of the Inflation Reduction Act, which won’t reduce inflation and, in fact, will probably make it worse?

And, as an aside, get this: Democrats inserted in the climate change bill (that’s really what it is) a provision giving the EPA the right to control carbon dioxide, which SCOTUS just ruled it did not have the right to regulate, because Congress had not specifically given “the agency the broad authority to shift America away from burning fossil fuels.” Those [redacted]’s just re-empowered the administrative state to regulate CO2 across the country, which means onerous regulations on businesses and, of course, car manufacturers. (HT: Ace of Spades)

Way to go Joe Manchin!

Also, I’m told that Bradon’s action is an impeachable offense.

But as I said in the first sentence of this article, the biggest issue here is that what Biden is set to do is illegal. There is no federal provision that allows him to “forgive” student loan debt on the backs of taxpayers via the stroke of his pen. Nancy Pelosi is on record saying Biden doesn’t have that power. The Department of Education has said Biden doesn’t have that power. For the president to still attempt this move wouldn’t just be a pushing of the envelope. Rather, it would be a conscious, deliberate decision to commit an impeachable offense.

The million-dollar question then becomes what Republicans are going to do about it. Crying on social media is not enough. The coming Republican House (and possibly, Senate) must move to hold Biden accountable. That should come in the form of making the treasury account for the “canceled” debt and burning the university system to the ground via taxes and investigations. The GOP can’t stop there, though. They must impeach Joe Biden.

Psst. C’mere. Closer—like Joe Biden is gonna sniff your hair. I’ve got a secret for you.

ThE RePUbliCanS aRE nOt gOInG tO iMpEAcH joE BidEn!

There are so many reasons to impeach Joe Biden. But what we will get is loudly worded denunciations of how unfair it all is, without nary a mention of how illegal it all is. You know, like this:

But it’s not illegal, right Mitch?

It’s all enough to make me want to pull out my hair.

If I had any.

Daily Broadside | There’s A Lot About the Raid That Really Doesn’t Make Sense

Daily Verse | Isaiah 62:12
They will be called the Holy People,
    the Redeemed of the Lord;
and you will be called Sought After,
    the City No Longer Deserted.

Thursday’s Reading: Isaiah 63-66

Thursday and the FBI’s panty raid on Trump’s personal residence keeps getting weirder and weirder. As disturbing as it is, Very Important People are disavowing any foreknowledge of the event and the pretext for the raid itself is beginning to look shaky.

The first black LBGTQ+ spokespyrson insists that Brandon only learned about the raid from the newspapers (just like Barack Hussein Obama did with many of his scandals, including the Fast & Furious gun-running operation).

If that’s true, then heads should roll, don’t you think? I mean, they didn’t give the current Resident a heads up that they were going to raid his predecessor’s—and likely future opponent’s—home?!? For the first time in American history? Breaking with 250 years of precedent?


Oh, and even Merrick Garland supposedly didn’t know about the raid. “Garland had no prior knowledge of the date and time of the specific raid, nor was he asked to approve it.

Here’s the rest of the stuff that is looking hinky at this point.

  1. The judge who approved the warrant, Bruce E. Reinhart, is a former US Attorney who went to work for Jeffrey Epstein in the middle of the investigation, donated $2,000 to Barack Hussein Obama’s presidential campaign and PAC, and was appointed a Federal Magistrate. Nothing here that would suggest bias!
  2. The FBI was ostensibly looking for classified materials that Trump took with him after leaving office. Sources also said National Archives and Records Administration referred the case to the Justice Department, which recovered 15 boxes of classified materials from the home.  But the FBI had already looked through the boxes back in May and had not taken anything then.
  3. I they were looking for classified documents, then they were looking in the wrong place because “we’ve known for months now that the documents in question were already declassified by then-President Trump,” according to Kash Patel, a former Trump administration official.
  4. That Trump had the documents may have been the result of an administrative error outside of his team. “A legal source said that the boxes had been packed up by the General Services Administration and shipped to Mar-a-Lago when Trump left office in January 2020.

In the same Newsweek article above that distances Garland from the raid:

The officials, who have direct knowledge of the FBI’s deliberations and were granted anonymity in order to discuss sensitive matters, said the raid of Donald Trump’s Florida residence was deliberately timed to occur when the former president was away.

FBI decision-makers in Washington and Miami thought that denying the former president a photo opportunity or a platform from which to grandstand (or to attempt to thwart the raid) would lower the profile of the event, says one of the sources, a senior Justice Department official who is a 30-year veteran of the FBI.

The effort to keep the raid low-key failed: instead, it prompted a furious response from GOP leaders and Trump supporters. “What a spectacular backfire,” says the Justice official.

The article goes on to say, “some 10-15 boxes of documents were removed from the premises. Donald Trump said in a statement that the FBI opened his personal safe as part of their search. Trump attorney Lindsey Halligan, who was present during the multi-hour search, says that the FBI targeted three rooms—a bedroom, an office and a storage room. That suggests that the FBI knew specifically where to look.”

They fail to mention that they also went through Melania’s wardrobe, which apparently wasn’t targeted, yet they specifically looked there.


The FBI needs to be disbanded and defunded. As does the DOJ and the IRS because what we’re witnessing is the centralization and consolidation of power in the hands of an unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy—exactly what the separation of powers that our Founders so wisely created was intended to prevent.

I’ll say it again: America as founded is dead. There isn’t any going back; you can’t undo what has now been done. The Democrats are the enemy of the people and must be destroyed at the voting booth. As I wrote yesterday, it’s important that the Right doesn’t respond violently to the provocation.

If New York Times reporting is right — and they never err on the side of being soft on Trump — then this raid was over documents the National Archives thinks Trump should not have, or perhaps classified documents in his possession. That is not something the FBI raids major political candidates over — See, In Re Hillary Rodham Clinton.

This is a provocation. They are trying to get a reaction that allows a further crackdown. See, In Re J6.

It’s a distressing time to be a patriot but be patriots we must.

Daily Broadside | Awesome Leadership Skills Only Show Up When No One Is Looking

Daily Verse | Isaiah 48:17
“I am the Lord your God,
    who teaches you what is best for you,
    who directs you in the way you should go.”

Monday’s Reading: Isaiah 52-57

Monday and I’m back after a week away. Even though I couldn’t check in with the Daily Broadside, I kept an eye on political shenanigans and the more serious developments in Washington, D.C., while I was gone.

Perhaps the most surprising event was the killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda. He was Usama bin Laden’s deputy during the 9/11 attacks and took over al-Qaeda after UBL was killed in 2011. Now both of them have gone to their reward, and thank God they’ve been removed from this world.

As regular readers of the Broadside know, I’m no fan of Joe Biden or his cabal of imposters in Washington, D.C. But credit where credit is due: they apparently learned where this cretin was, obtained detailed intelligence that confirmed his identity, put together a plan based on long-term observation of al-Zawahiri’s habitual routines, then eliminated him with a precision drone strike that killed him and caused no collateral damage, i.e., civilian casualties, including his wife and children.

So, props to Biden for approving the plan and his posse for pulling it off. The dirtbag got what he deserved.


I literally laughed out loud when I read a report of how the assassination was approved.

On July 1, Biden was briefed on a proposed operation in the White House Situation Room by key members of his Cabinet, including CIA Director William Burns, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines and National Counterterrorism Center Director Christine Abizaid, as well as other national security officials.

“The president was, as always, deeply engaged in the briefing and immersed in the intelligence. He asked detailed questions about what we knew and how we knew,” the official explained, noting that the president sought explanations of “lighting, of weather, of construction materials and of other factors that could influence the success of this operation and reduce the risk of civilian casualties.”

“He was particularly focused on ensuring that every step had been taken to ensure the operation would minimize that risk and he wanted to understand the basis upon which we had confidence in our assessment,” the official continued.

Biden then directed the intelligence community to prepare a series of impact analyses that he could fully understand, and directed that the U.S. government be “prepared to manage the ramifications of the strike in the region and beyond.”


Biden and officials met multiple times in person in the White House Situation Room over the course of June and July to “pressure test” the intelligence.

“At the conclusion of the meeting, the president authorized a precise, tailored air strike on the condition that a strike minimize, to the greatest extent possible, the risk of civilian casualties,” the official explained, noting that meant the government could conduct a strike “once an opportunity was available.”

“Deeply engaged”?

“Immersed in the intelligence”?

“Asked detailed questions”?

He “sought explanations of lighting, of weather, of construction materials and of other factors that could influence the success of this operation”?

He “directed the intelligence community” and “the U.S. government”?


The undistinguished bumbling idiot who can only speak using a teleprompter (and most of the time, not even then), who is hustled away as soon as the press starts asking questions, who looks lost on stage when he finishes a “speech,” who has to be instructed, “YOU take YOUR seat,” who has been on the wrong side of every major policy decision for the last 50 years, including disagreeing with the strike that killed Usama bin Laden—this moron is somehow “deeply engaged” and laser focused and asking detailed questions about lighting, the construction materials and the weather in Kabul, Afghanistan, as though he’s gamed it out in his head and is on par with intelligence experts and is directing intelligence agencies to provide him with “impact analyses” for him to scour so he can determine the right course of action?



No, he’s not.

First, Brandon and his gang lie to our face every single day. The border is closed. We’re not in a recession. The economy is the best ever. Raising taxes will reduce inflation.

You can’t trust a word they say.

Second, the media is only too happy to support this administration and their lies. Anything that makes Brandon look competent will be prominently displayed across their pages. This is clearly a report made-for-the-press to prop up an unpopular party boss who is going to be shellacked come November (assuming toilets can hold their water in Arizona).

Third, the claim is not verifiable. The planning was done in secret of necessity, but how conveeEeenient that no one objective was there to see this Great Man Working His MajickTM. The description of what happened makes Brandon sound like some kind of take-charge leader who is in the middle of all the planning and commands his staff with a firm hand.

I don’t buy it.

The take down of al-Zawahiri was bound to be a significant event that most Americans would perceive positively and connecting Brandon as tightly to it as possible a couple of months before the mid-terms is a cynical way to boost his ratings. But that senior administration official’s report is the greatest instance of gaslighting I’ve ever read.

Good for Brandon that he took down al-Zawahiri. But don’t expect me to believe that he was capable of anything more than nodding his approval before he had his tapioca pudding and went to bed.

Daily Broadside | Bombshell Email Reveals Who the “Big Guy” Really Is

Daily Verse | Isaiah 22:16
What are you doing here and who gave you permission to cut out a grave for yourself here, hewing your grave on the height and chiseling your resting place in the rock?

Friday’s Reading: Isaiah 24-27
Saturday’s Reading: Isaiah 28-30

Happy Friday and welcome to my last post for July 2022.

As I’ve written before, one of the biggest challenges writing this blog is that I run into limitations on my time when I’m required to be away and that’s happening again. I will be without access to the Internet next week, so the Daily Broadside will be on hiatus until August 8. I’m working on a solution to that dilemma, but not sure how it will eventually work out.

Before I sign off for the next week, I need to point out that we no longer have a fair and impartial system of justice but have rather a two-tiered system; one for the ruling elites and their people, and another for the peasants.

It’s not hard to find examples: how about Hillary Clinton’s home-brew server that she used to illegally bypass our governmental system, potentially exposing classified information or top-secret documents to our enemies, especially China? Instead of being punished, James Comey let her skate with nothing more than a harsh rebuke. Anyone lesser—a Republican, maybe—who had done something like that would have faced criminal charges and been fined or imprisoned, or both.

How about Adam Schiff-for-Brains and his outright lies about the “evidence” he claimed to have that proved Trump colluded with Russia? Or Anthony Fauci’s claims that NIH never funded gain-of-function research?

If you or I lied to Congress we’d face the consequences, including jail time. Our dear leaders, however, continue to draw paychecks and lead institutions that investigate fake insurrections or demand universal compliance with virus protocols that destroy people’s lives.

Enter Hunter Biden.

On Thursday, Miranda Devine reported that the same day the New York Post broke the story about Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop (in 2020), including an email “from an executive at the corrupt Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, thanking Hunter for introducing him to Hunter’s then-VP ­father in Washington” …

… panicked phone calls and messages started flying between Hunter’s business partners and their advisers, even as social media giants Facebook and Twitter moved to censor the story and lock The Post’s account, while candidate Biden went into hiding.

That was because the email undermined Brandon’s claim that he didn’t know anything about Hunter’s overseas business dealings, which put his presidential campaign in jeopardy.

But whistleblowers have now shared emails with congressional investigators in which one of Hunter’s business associates, James Gilliar, unambiguously calls Joe Biden “the Big Guy.”

“It would be crazy to do that with all the information and all the facts we have [but what happens if] they try to make it ‘Oh, we were never involved. That was [Joe Biden’s brother] James’ idea . . . and try to basically make us collateral damage?” the person asks Gilliar in a message provided by a whistleblower to Republican congressional investigators and obtained by The Post.

Gilliar is unconcerned about potential backlash from the Biden family and Joe’s campaign: “I don’t see how that would work for them,” he replies.

“I think in the scenario that he wins they would just leave sleeping dogs lie.

“If they lose, honestly, I don’t think that the Big Guy really cares about that because he’ll be too busy focusing on all the other s–t he is doing.”

The communication, obtained by The Post Wednesday, is significant because it bolsters the claim by ex-Hunter business partner Tony Bobulinski that the Big Guy was a code name for Joe Biden.

The only person positioned to “win” or “lose” a campaign at that moment was Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

The reason the identity of the “Big Guy” is important is because it adds to the weight of evidence suggesting that Joe Biden not only knew about Hunter’s international influence-peddling scheme, but allegedly was cut in for a slice of the profits.

In an email written by Gilliar to Hunter on May 13, 2017, the “Big Guy” was allocated a 10% stake in a lucrative joint venture with Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC.

“10 [percent] held by H[unter] for the Big Guy,” Gilliar wrote.

The evidence that Hunter Biden and his father are corrupt, grifting leaches on the body politic has been building for years. Now we’ve got strong evidence that the “Big Guy” is, in fact, Joe Brandon.


Where is the DOJ? The FBI?

Why hasn’t Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel to investigate the overwhelming evidence we now have?

Didn’t “whistleblowers” cause the whole of Washington, D.C. to jump all over President Donald J. Trump on the thinnest of pretexts? Didn’t a whistleblower lead to his impeachment?

Where is the urgency to root out the corruption and self-dealing of U.S. presidents that Congress and the DOJ showed during the last administration? Aren’t they still concerned about our precious (*spit*) democracy?

No, they’re not concerned about any of that because Hunter Biden and Joe Biden are the right people. Donald J. Trump is the wrong people.

Imagine if the situation was reversed: Donald J. Trump is still in the White House but the evidence the Post has concerns Donald J. Trump, Jr. Do you have any doubt that Congress, the FBI, the DOJ and every other alphabet agency would be all over it like white on rice?

I don’t.

If any of what we now know about the Biden’s is true (and there’s very little reason to doubt it is) then it raises all kinds of questions about just how beholden Biden and his son are to the Chinese or to the Ukrainians. Is Biden making policy decisions based on the money he got or is still getting? How much money did Biden make off Hunter’s deals with the Ukrainians or the Chinese while Vice President of the United States? What do the Chinese or the Ukrainians hold over him or Hunter?

The answers to these questions potentially rise to the level of treason and betrayal—certainly to an abuse of office—and there’s a lot more evidence that Biden personally profited from the corruption than what was cited as an excuse to impeach Trump.

No, the system of justice has been weaponized by the progressive elites—especially the Democrats—to punish their political enemies, while they themselves get away with crimes that under a fair and impartial system would remove them from power.

It’s part of the corruption that has moved our country away from a government of the people, by the people and for the people. And that has a lot of normal Americans wondering what it’s going to take to restore our rightful form of government.

Have a good week. I’ll see you August 8.

Daily Broadside | Biden Fiddles with Semantics While the Economy Burns

Daily Verse | Isaiah 15:27
For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him?

Wednesday’s Reading: Isaiah 17-20

Happy Wednesday, my friends.


That’s the word that comes to mind as I consider the gyrations that the current administration will go through to avoid taking any responsibility for the circumstances we find ourselves in. The latest twist by Resident Gumby is to redefine the longstanding definition of “recession.”

It is widely expected based on available data that the report from the Bureau of Economic Analysis on Thursday will show that the country’s real gross domestic product shrank again in the second quarter of 2022. That will be the second quarter in a row of negative growth, which means it will come with the additional determination that the United States has been in a recession since January.

This prospect has the Biden administration in a comical sort of falling-all-over-themselves panic. That’s because President Joe Biden’s defenders are now attempting to massage the definition of “recession” so that the current economic contraction no longer qualifies.

Never mind that the term “recession” has referred to two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth each of the last ten times we’ve experienced it.

But Brandon and his Council of Economic Advisors are trying to get ahead of Thursday’s numbers, which are expected to show that the economy contracted again in the second quarter. That’s why the White House published a blog post that is meant to sow doubt on what a recession really is.

The gambit is so transparently obvious that you have to wonder who they’re writing this stuff for—the average American, who knows better, or the Left’s base, who cheer any semblance of a rational answer to the corners they keep backing themselves into.

As I say, it’s silly. But it’s also Orwellian. The cultural Marxists are corrupting our language in a bid to hide the destruction they are wreaking on the country. It’s been going on at least since William Jefferson Clinton said, “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”

The bottom line is that Americans on both sides of the aisle aren’t going to buy what Brandon is selling. We feel the effects of inflation and frankly, we don’t care whether we’re in a recession or not. Right now, everything is too expensive, and the squatter in the White House is to blame.

Daily Broadside | The GOP is in Great Shape, But Tension is Rising with Evangelicals

Daily Verse | Isaiah 12:4
“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;
    make known among the nations what he has done,
    and proclaim that his name is exalted.

Tuesday’s Reading: Isaiah 13-16

It’s Tuesday and we’re in the home stretch of July already, with August just peeking over the weekend horizon.

More bad news for Team Brandon.

President Joe Biden in June achieved the highest disapproval rating in the history of modern polling. This month, his popularity declined even further.

About 60 percent of Americans disapprove of the president, according to FiveThirtyEight’s polling average. Just 38 percent of Americans approve. Biden’s disapproval has risen and his approval has fallen by a few points in the last month, when he first became the most unpopular commander in chief in recorded history.

Nobody likes Brandon as Resident, not even the corrupt Democrats. He’s a miserable, unaccomplished grifting poser who is in over his head and the heads of his “advisors.” But the whole cabal of leftists, RINOs, and their “conservative” NeverTrump brethren assured us that he would bring dignity back to the office, that he would restore our norms, and that the adults would finally be back in charge.

How are we all liking the return to our norms with the “adults” back in charge?

Voters are blaming Biden for runaway inflation and the poor state of the nation’s economy. Biden’s historically low approval could spell trouble for Democrats ahead of the upcoming midterm elections. Some polls suggest that even Democrats and racial minorities are beginning to turn on the embattled president.

Modern presidential approval polling began with Gallup’s surveys during the Harry S. Truman administration. Biden is the least popular president in almost 80 years of public opinion data collection.

But the tweets are nice, are they not?

On the other hand, Republicans are looking poised to recapture the House and Senate.

As the 2022 midterms loom ever closer, Republicans have increased their generic ballot lead by two points in the last fortnight. The latest Rasmussen Reports poll, released Friday, reveals that voters are ready to cast a ballot for Republicans over Democrats by a 10-point margin — 49% to 39%. This is a two-point improvement from the July 9 survey, which had generic Republicans up over Democrats by eight points (47% to 39%). According to Rasmussen, when asked, “If the elections for Congress were held today, would you vote for the Republican candidate or for the Democratic candidate?”—

“49% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Republican candidate, while 39% would vote for the Democrat. Just four percent (4%) would vote for some other candidate, but another eight percent (8%) are not sure.”

As always, the independent voter wields an enormous amount of power in the elections. “The Republican lead on the congressional ballot is due both to greater GOP partisan intensity and a 17-point advantage among independents.”

But here’s the kicker. While the Republicans hold a strong electoral advantage heading into the midterm elections, evangelicals are learning that they are increasingly ignored by the GOP. The latest example is the gay marriage bill, that passed with support of 47 Republicans.

For all of the media’s hyperventilating about the GOP’s “culture war,” most Republicans show little to no interest in fighting it. In truth, the “culture war” is hopelessly one-sided, pitting tenacious Democrats against irresolute or decadent Republicans. Take Nancy Pelosi’s recent gay marriage bill. It passed in the House of Representatives not in spite of the GOP but in part because of it: 47 Republicans, including members of GOP leadership, joined the Democrats in supporting the bill.

Imagine the cries of horror from the media and the Democratic base if 47 Democrats ever voted for a piece of GOP legislation on a crucial social issue. That’s inconceivable. The Democrats never wave the white flag in the culture war. But the GOP can’t even summon the energy to back Bill Clinton’s Defense of Marriage Act. That’s now considered an “extreme” stance by many GOP elites.

The GOP takes our votes for granted but won’t take our opinions seriously because … wait for it … we “have nowhere else to go.”

What makes it easy for Republican leaders and strategists to exploit the religious right without losing it is that Christians have nowhere else to go. They have to content themselves with the crumbs that fall from the GOP table. And because the positions of the Democrats are increasingly outlandish, it takes less and less for a Republican leader to appear like a “culture warrior” against them. The media slaps that moniker on almost any Republican who even slightly deviates from wokeness. But most of those Republicans don’t oppose the LGBTQ movement in principle. They accept the subjectivism underlying it. They just wince at some of its most obvious excesses and balk at the speed of the movement’s unfolding.

That’s another reason why I think that 80% of white evangelicals voted for Trump. He listened to them and he promised what he would do and he crusaded on behalf of life while in office. His record on LGBTQUERTY issues is less stellar in evangelical circles, but Christians found a champion in Trump. It will be hard for them to ignore him should he choose to run again in 2024.

Even Ron DeSantis is courting evangelicals in Florida, telling a cheering crowd at the Sunshine Summit’s Victory Dinner that, “you got to be ready for battle. So put on the full armor of God.” Whether he’s a genuine Christian or an opportunist, I don’t know, but language like that is red meat for evangelical Christians (see what I did there?).

Evangelical Christians find themselves in a quandary: we want our leaders to fight for righteousness and truth in our culture. We want them to be godly leaders. But the truth is that very few of them are interested in governing that way. They are more interested in the money and how to stay in power.

Our choices in 2024 are going to be very challenging.

Daily Broadside | Most People Don’t Want a Rematch in 2024, But The Majority Don’t Like Where We Are Now

Daily Verse | Ecclesiastes 7:10
Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?”
For it is not wise to ask such questions.

Thursday’s Reading: Song of Songs 1-8

Happy Thursday, my friends.

Dots? Those aren’t “dots” — those are stains. Stains on the beauty and promise of America.

Fortunately, normal Americans — including many independents, and even some of the blue-stained Americans — are preparing to send a massive rebuke this fall.

One and a half years since President Joe Biden took office, Americans give President Biden a negative 31 – 60 percent job approval rating, the lowest score of his presidency, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea- ack) University national poll of adults released today.

Republicans (94 – 2 percent) and independents (67 – 23 percent) disapprove, while Democrats approve (71 – 18 percent).

Registered voters give President Biden a negative 33 – 59 percent job approval rating, his lowest approval rating among registered voters in a Quinnipiac University national poll.

Americans were asked about President Biden’s handling of…
• the response to the coronavirus: 50 percent approve, while 43 percent disapprove;
• the response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: 40 percent approve, while 52 percent disapprove;
• foreign policy: 36 percent approve, while 55 percent disapprove;
• gun violence: 32 percent approve, while 61 percent disapprove;
• the economy: 28 percent approve, while 66 percent disapprove.

Republicans loathe Brandon, while Independents aren’t far behind. Blue-haired, nose-ringed beta weenies who don’t know what a woman is still think he’s fab.

Roughly 7 in 10 Americans (71 percent) say they would not like to see Joe Biden run for president in 2024, while 24 percent say they would like to see him seek a second term. Among Democrats, 54 percent say they would not like to see Biden run in 2024, while 40 percent say they would.

More than 6 in 10 Americans (64 percent) say they would not like to see Donald Trump run for president in 2024, while 32 percent say they would like to see him run. Among Republicans, 69 percent say they would like to see Trump run in 2024, while 27 percent say they would not.

America doesn’t like either Brandon or Trump. But if Trump is the eventual Republican nominee, I will crawl naked over broken glass to vote for him. I would prefer mean tweets and $1.98 gas over the “undistinguished, comically malevolent, supererogatory, opportunistic” empty suit currently masquerading as the Resident (thank you, Michael Walsh).

Then there’s the most recent CNN poll:

Americans question President Joe Biden’s priorities in new CNN polling released Monday that highlighted widespread displeasure with the direction the country is heading.

The latest CNN poll showed that 68% of U.S. adults believe Biden’s priorities are wrong and that the president hasn’t paid enough attention to critical issues facing Americans, like the economy and inflation. This is up 10% from November 2021, when the data was last tracked, according to the poll.
– – – – – – – –
The data showed that 79% of Americans said the U.S. is doing “pretty or very badly,” and 34% said it is doing “very badly.” Only one percent of U.S. adults believe the country is doing “very well,” and only 21% think it’s doing “very or fairly well,” according to the poll.

Comparatively, in June 2019, the poll showed that 18% of U.S. adults felt the country was doing “very well,” and 57% said the U.S. was doing “very or fairly well.”

When respondents were asked how the country is fairing economically, only one percent of U.S. adults said it is doing “very good,” and 18% said it was doing “good,” the data showed. Over 80% of Americans told the poll the economic conditions in the U.S. were “poor,” and 41% said they were “very poor.”

In May 2019, the poll reported that almost 30% of U.S. adults said the economy was “very good,” and 70% said the U.S. had a good economy.

Note that in May and June 2019, the president was Donald J. Trump. Now, a year-and-a-half into Brandon’s residency, “U.S. inflation climbed 9.1% over the past 12 months since Biden told Americans on July 19, 2021, that the rising costs facing Americans would be temporary.”

American is back, baby!

In addition to Brandon’s cratering ratings, Trump is racking up the victories in endorsements. His record is 147-10 this year, and he’s been perfect in 22 states. The latest win was his endorsement of Dan Cox in the Maryland primaries over current anti-Trump governor Larry Hogan’s hand-picked successor, Kelly Schulz, in the Republican gubernatorial primary.

This may be the way to defeat the GOP career elitists who sit on their ample bottoms in Washington, D.C. and lift nary a finger to fight the Democrats — primary by primary, placing MAGA candidates in positions of power and getting them to D.C., where, if Trump is reelected, he’d have an army of Congresscritters to help him implement an America-first agenda.

That’s not to say that I prefer Trump as my candidate, by the way. I’d love to see Ron DeSantis throw his hat in the ring. But if it is Trump … I will do the needful.

Daily Broadside | If You Believe the 2020 Election Was Righteous, You Won’t Believe It Now

Daily Verse | Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Tuesday’s Reading: Ecclesiastes 1-6

Happy Tuesday, my friends.

The wheels of justice turn slowly here in the U.S., but turn they do, especially when there aren’t Democrats or progressive Marxist activists involved. After 20 months of calling any dispute over the 2020 presidential election “the Big Lie,” evidence that the Democrats and Joe Biden acolytes are “the Big Liars” is being documented amid revelations from courts and investigative bodies including, believe it or not, the FBI and Homeland Security Department.

John Solomon at Just the News (via American Greatness):

But with each passing day, new irregularities, security vulnerabilities and illegalities are being unmasked by bombshell revelations from courts, legislators and other investigative bodies like the FBI and Homeland Security Department.

The latest came last week when the Wisconsin Supreme Court declared that state election regulators had no legal authority to allow voters to cast ballots in mobile drop boxes, a jaw-dropping decision that invalidated the way tens of thousands of voters — many of them Democrats — cast their ballots,

From Phoenix to Detroit, and Madison to Austin, there are now nearly two dozen credible confirmations of problems that undercut the claims of bureaucrats, journalists and Democrats that the November 2020 general election was perfect. In fact, it was quite imperfect.

You don’t say.

You Don’t Say.


See, when I questioned the outcome of the election, I was told, rather forcefully, that people were so sick of Trump that a record 81 MILLION OF THEM voted for Biden, the mendacious, racist political mediocrity who was on the wrong side of every issue during his career in the Senate, whose former boss told us not to underestimate his ability “to f*** things up,” and who couldn’t draw a crowd of more than a dozen at any “rally” he held during the campaign, who slurred his speech, was gaffe-prone, and hid after calling “a lid” at 1:00 p.m. every day.

No way.

When people don’t have a candidate they’re enthused about, they don’t vote. They aren’t motivated by the other team’s candidate to vote for their own. That’s why I don’t believe Biden got 81 million votes.

And now we’re beginning to find out where those “81 million” votes came from.

As American Greatness writes, “Just The News has compiled a comprehensive list of 21 confirmed instances of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, with many of them coming from the handful of key swing states that ultimately determined the outcome of the race.”

Here are my top five of the 21:

ONE: The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled July 8 that “ballot drop boxes used in the 2020 election were illegal and harmed Wisconsin voters.” That means that the 570 drop boxes that received hundreds of thousands of votes were “were unlawfully approved by the Wisconsin Election Commission,” and every single vote that passed through those drop boxes are invalid (both Democrat (and Republican — ha!)). Trump lost Wisconsin by less than 21,000 votes.

TWO: Hunter Biden’s laptop was a case of election interference. Solomon writes that more than “50 national security experts, countless news organizations and large social media firms falsely told American voters in fall 2020 that the Hunter Biden laptop with damning revelations about Biden family corruption was Russian disinformation. In fact, it was a legitimate laptop already in the FBI’s possession, and Hunter Biden was already under criminal investigation before voters cast their 2020 ballots. The false narrative had significant impact: polling shows a majority of American voters believe the pre-election censorship of the story amounted to election interference,

THREE: 50,000 ballots in Arizona have been called into question after an extensive audit by Arizona’s Senate, “including voters who cast ballots from residences they had left. The tally in question is nearly five times the margin of Joe Biden’s victory in the state.”

FOUR: Given the narrow margins of victory and defeat, a not insignificant number of foreigners and other non-citizens were found on the ballot rolls in Texas (12,000), Georgia, and Wisconsin after audits.

FIVE: Ballot harvesting (a vote collection operation) in nursing homes in Wisconsin, along with a massive operation in Georgia, where an unidentified whistleblower said harvesters were paid $10 per ballot. Clearly illegal activity.

The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him. (Proverbs 18:17)

I don’t know where any of this goes but, at the very least, no one can say with a straight face that the 2020 election was free from fraud.