Daily Broadside | Trump Candidates Win Bigly While Brandon Struggles to Stay Afloat

Daily Verse | Ezra 6:14
So the elders of the Jews continued to build and prosper under the preaching of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah, a descendent of Iddo.

Thursday’s Reading: Ezra 7-8

Thursday and while I’ve written several posts about the leaked SCOTUS opinion reversing Roe v. Wade and there are still a lot of ripples from that dastardly, unconscionable, cowardly, illegal and unAmerican act of sabotage, there are other things happening while we suffer under the fraudulent Brandon junta that need some daylight to encourage us.

The recent CIVIQS rolling job approval average shows that Brandon is underwater in 46 states. Might I remind you that we only have 50? That means the cockwomble in the White House is scorned by 92 percent of the country. The other eight percent in the four states where Brandon is loved are:

  • Hawaii: 49 percent approval, 41 percent disapproval
  • Maryland: 46 percent approval, 42 percent disapproval
  • Massachusetts: 46 percent approval, 42 percent disapproval
  • Vermont: 51 percent approval, 37 percent disapproval

What the heck is going on in Vermont that more than half of voters “approve” of the job he’s doing?

Overall, the poll showed Biden with only 35 percent approval from the respondents and a 55 percent disapproval, and ten percent who have no opinion. The poll showed Biden with net approval of negative 19.

Here’s Brandon’s perpetual popularity calculation over at FiveThirtyEight, where the gap is not quite as wide (10.5 points) but nonetheless disastrous for the “chief executive” of these United States. You know he’s not chief executive-ing anything.

And here’s RealClearPolitics favorability ratings chart from May 11 where he’s upside down by 9 points.

And still we’re expected to believe that Brandon totally got #81MillionVotes, you guys, because he was so wildly popular and would restore our norms and put the adults back in charge. The greatest fraud foisted on We the People in the history of these United States.

Meanwhile, as Brandon circles the drain, president-in-exile Donald J. Trump continues his streak as kingmaker.

Tuesday’s results make Trump-endorsed candidates 58-1 in the midterm primaries thus far, as all 22 candidates who received the 45th president’s nod in Ohio and Indiana won their races on May 3, while all 33 Trump-backed candidates in Texas either won their primaries or advanced to runoffs. Of the May 3 races, the most notable victor was J.D. Vance in Ohio, who earned the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate with the help of a late Trump endorsement.

The most puzzling of Trump’s endorsements is Pennsylvania Senate candidate Mehmet Oz over surging opponent Kathy Barnette. Oz is not a conservative; he has supported transgenderism, abortion and red flag laws, all of which are opposed by conservatives.

On the other hand, Barnette is a black conservative Christian woman who was conceived when her mother was raped at age 11 by a 21-year-old man. She is well within the margin of error in the polling.

Seems to me that Trump would do better endorsing Barnette. However, you can hardly argue with his record of 58-1 in the midterm primaries. The real test will be in November as Republicans try to heave the dead wood out of the swamp and gain veto-proof majorities so that come 2024, the table is set to permanently roll back the serious damage done by the anti-American communist stooges in the White House and the deep state.

On the other hand, Resident Brandon is slow on the endorsements. Not sure if it’s because he’s being selective or that no one wants him within spitting distance of their campaign.

Biden has made just four endorsements since taking office: Reps. Melanie Stansbury (D-N.M.), Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.) and Shontel Brown (D-Ohio), as well as former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who lost a bid to regain his old job last fall.

I’m guessing the latter.

This is all good news, for now. With the economy in decline, food shortages looming, inflation still up at 40-year highs, gas prices in the mid-four-dollar ranges, rising interest rates, mostly peaceful illegal protests outside of conservative Supreme Court Justices’ homes, a new Ministry of Truth headed by a partisan liar that is nothing more than a tool to go after conservative voices in the public square and so on and so on — it seems that even the liberals among us have had enough.

Let’s hope that holds true through the end of the year so that we can neuter Brandon and make him a lame castrated duck for the rest of his White House occupation.

Daily Broadside | The Mob Comes for the Justices and Demonizes the Right as “Extreme”

Daily Verse | 2 Chronicles 25:16
While he was still speaking, the king said to him, “Have we appointed you an adviser to the king? Stop! Why be struck down?

Friday’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 26-28
Saturday’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 29-32

Friday and the end of the first week of May. And what a week it’s been.

The leak of the SCOTUS draft opinion on Dobbs remains the focus and the extremism is ratcheting up.

In response to the Monday night leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, a leftist group called Ruth Sent Us posted what it claims are the home addresses of the Court’s six conservative justices online in preparation for an organized “walk-by protest” set to take place outside the justices’ homes next week.

This is nothing more than pure mob tactics, meant to intimidate and harass, figuratively holding a gun to the head of “conservative” justices.

It brought to mind this image of inmate James McClain, who aims a pistol at Judge Harold Haley in the Marin County Hall of Justice in August 1970. He also holds a sawed-off shotgun taped to the judge’s neck. Both McClain and Haley were killed in the hostage-taker’s attempt to escape.

The judge represents SCOTUS, the guy with the gun is the anti-American Left, and the guy with his hands up is Normal Americans. Conservatives who cherish the America we used to know have to stop being this kind of Normie and throw themselves at the guy with the gun.

In collaboration with Vigil for Democracy, Ruth Sent Us generated and posted a Google Maps graphic pinning what it claims are the home addresses of Justices Barrett, Kavanaugh, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Roberts, where they presumably reside with their families. Vigil for Democracy titled the map, “Extremist Justices,” adding, “Where the six Christian fundamentalist Justices issue their shadow docket rulings.” The map has 3,185 views so far.

The irony in labeling the six Justices “extremist” and “Christian fundamentalist.” The demonization of Christians for their stance on abortion is also disturbing. Do you think activists who are willing to dox Supreme Court Justices and confront the police how they do below would have any hesitation to doing the same to “Christian fundamentalists”?

Add to all of this Brandon’s declaration that if you voted for Trump — and at least 74 million of us did — you’re an extremist.

I’m sorry, but who are the extremists on abortion?

At the same time, House Democrats pass legislation legalizing elective abortion up until the point of birth, and their counterparts in state legislatures push laws legalizing elective abortion up to and even after the point of birthIn 2019, Ralph Northam, then the Democratic governor of Virginia, infamously defended a late-term-abortion law introduced by his colleagues in the state by suggesting that, if a baby was delivered amid an attempted abortion while the mother was in labor, “a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother” about whether the child would be “resuscitated.” In March, Maryland Democrats introduced a law that effectively decriminalized letting a baby die due to neglect through the first 28 days after birth. Just a few weeks later, a bill was introduced in the California legislature legalizing death-by-neglect for babies up to six weeks after birth.

Democrats today hold the most unequivocally, unapologetically, and grotesquely radical line on abortion of any major political party in the Western world. So, [Resident] Biden, tell us again — and speak slowly, so we can understand: Who, exactly, is “the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history”?

You need to understand, if you don’t already, that we are rapidly descending into a state of anarchy, facilitated by those in power and carried out by the useful idiots in the street.

“When you conduct yourself in an utterly lawless way, attacking the institutions of this country, attacking the founding documents of this country, attacking the history of this country, this is what you get: lawlessness,” [Levin] insisted during “Fox & Friends.”

He added, “”It’s just a matter of time. All these institutions are going to collapse. This is a grave assault on the Supreme Court.”

It may be that we will face an incredibly violent era as these issues play out, but for 1,725 babies a day, it will be worth the fight.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | The Freak Out Over Leak On Roe

Daily Verse | 2 Chronicles 20:12b
“We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.”

Wednesday’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 21-23

In the wake of the leaked SCOTUS ruling in which they overturn Roe v. Wade, the godless anti-American morally vacuous progressive Marxists are seizing up and melting down over the threat to their Precious, starting with shrieking harridan and fake Indian princess Lie-Awatha Warren.

So much kabuki theater, so much performance art. Much like noted Resident Brandon, who was asked to provide his opinion on whether the Senate should kill the filibuster to codify Roe.


The Left has even gone after Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine)

Liberals on Twitter are enraged after the Monday night leak of an alleged SCOTUS draft opinion, which indicated that the conservative-majority Court will rule to strike Roe v Wade down. As such, they’ve gone after Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, for her decisive vote in confirming Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the bench in 2018.

At the time, Collins tried to assuage critics of her vote by saying, “I do not believe that Brett Kavanaugh will overturn Roe v. Wade,” but now that it appears that the conservative majority on the Supreme Court are poised to dismantle Roe v Wade and abortion rights, leftists are attacking the senator, calling her a liar and viciously insulting her.

As I wrote yesterday, the leak is shocking and unprecedented, meant to pressure the Court’s conservatives into switching their vote. The fact that it came from within the Court itself is alarming and has observers asking, why?

I called up one of the smartest professors I know at one of the top law schools in the country, and he echoed that: “To my knowledge, it’s never happened before in the modern history of the court. It is the most serious possible breach.”

Serious, severe, shocking, he said. But in the end, not surprising. Why not? Here’s how he put it: “To me, the leak is not surprising because many of the people we’ve been graduating from schools like Yale are the kind of people who would do such a thing.”

What did he mean by that? “They think that everything is violence. And so everything is permitted.”

He went on: “I’m sure this person sees themselves as a whistleblower. What they don’t understand is that, by leaking this, they violate the trust that is necessary to maintain the institution.”

Exactly the problem. The institution is expendable in the pursuit of political and cultural hegemony. I don’t know where this breach of ethics and tradition will take us, but it’s not anywhere good.

Daily Broadside | Dept. of Homeland Security Wants to Police Your Speech

Daily Verse | 2 Chronicles 1:10
“Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours?”

Friday’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 6-9
Saturday’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 10-12

Friday and the last post of April. Don’t forget to use the “Like” button below my posts. It’s an easy way to let me know I’m connecting with you. (Or not.)

I am convinced by any measure that we’re in an existential fight for the future of America. Middle-America conservatives who are just minding their own business as they diligently raise their families, work their jobs, attend church and take vacations to the beach may not fully realize it yet, but any patriotic, conservative America-first constitutionalist who has been paying attention has no doubt that there are anti-American forces seizing and holding national intellectual and institutional spaces, which is creating a dystopian future right this moment that will crush freedom if it is not just opposed, but actively resisted, stopped and obliterated from top to bottom.

We are seeing it …

… in the suspension of due process being foisted on a small group of American citizens who did nothing more than walk through the capitol at the invitation of the Capitol Hill police on January 6, 2021, still being held without bail and without proof for taking part in a so-called “insurrection” when it was nothing of the sort, while the dirty Democrats and a few turncoat Republican allies conduct an inquisition in the form of the J6 committee, trying to eliminate Donald J. Trump as a threat and disqualify certain Republicans from keeping their seats or standing for reelection;

… in the totalitarian Wuhan flu lockdowns and the make-it-up-as-I-go-along-ism of Tony Faux Chi MD, the highest paid government bureaucrat in the country and his governor imitators across the states

… in the open borders that allow millions of foreigners to invade our land with impunity and live anywhere the government pleases to put them;

… in the promotion of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in our high schools and colleges and in the claim from the DOJ that “white supremacists” are the greatest terror threat to this country;

… in the criminal conspiracy to undermine a duly elected, sitting president by his opponent with the collusion of the FBI trying to frame him as a Russian asset;

… in the destruction of the cohesion and discipline of the armed forces as transsexuals, homosexuals and women are forced into close quarters with men who are supposed to kill and destroy enemy armies, not be pawns in utopian social experiments run by sexual perverts;

… in the censorship of opinions and news on social media that doesn’t fit the woke narrative of the neo-marxists along with the doxxing of anonymous figures who embarrass the Left with their own material;

… in the groomers in public schools who push the sexualization and disfigurement of children as young as five;

… and on and on and on and scoobie-doobie-doo.

The latest development is almost as unbelievable as it is chilling.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified Wednesday that a Disinformation Governance Board had recently been created to combat online disinformation and Politico reported that Nina Jankowicz, who previously served as a disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center, will head the board as executive director.

The announcement comes just two days after Elon Musk struck a deal to buy Twitter—not that that had anything to do with it, comrade.

Seriously, I’m appalled. I’m not the first to use this term to describe it, but how is this any different from a “Ministry of Truth”? It’s Orwellian. It’s dystopian. It’s tryannical. It’s stinks to high heaven of a centralized nanny-state with the power to ruin your life if you step out of line.

Worse, it’s being set up by the very purveyors of disinformation that it purports to defend against.

They say its purpose is to combat “online disinformation” focused on “irregular migration and Russia,” along with fighting misinformation among minorities and will “reduce domestic threats to the United States.”

With a mission like that, I can’t imagine how it would be abused.

We can’t have a department or “board” like this defining what is misinformation and what is not. And once they do, what are the consequences of spreading misinformation? Are we all going to get January-Sixed?

The establishment of this department violates the First Amendment which, as you recall, prohibits Congress from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

And while it specifically says Congress can make no law that would abridge the freedom of speech, that does not mean that the Executive Branch of our government can take it upon itself to do so. The Executive Branch does not have law-making powers. Neither does the Department of Homeland Security.

Reaction was swift.

“A conservative movement that doesn’t fight this with everything it has isn’t worthy of the name. Or the name American.” I’m with her.

Call your Congresscritter and make some noise. Demand that they fight this “monstrosity” tooth and nail. Remind them that we’re governed by the U.S. Constitution that limits the reach of the federal government.

This is a real threat. Once established, it’s hard to kill an organ of the ever-growing Leviathan.

The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. And We the People are its authors. That means the elites are accountable to us. We’re the boss of them.

Never forget that.

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | In a Few Weeks, The Border Invasion Starts Again

Daily Verse | 1 Chronicles 5:20b
He answered their prayers, because they trusted in him.

Friday’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 6-10
Saturday’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 11-15

Friday and only nine days until May. This year is flying by.

Of course, it can’t go fast enough to get us to November, when we can begin to apply the brakes on our out-of-control federal government. If we’re reading the tea leaves correctly, the Democrats are in for a world of hurt. The House could get a veto-proof majority while kicking Nancy Pelosi back to her floor seat, Republicans could take over all the committees, including the January 6 fiasco, and not only could they legislate, but they could impeach both Brandon and Kamala Harris for their dereliction of duty in upholding the Constitution as they swore to do.

That is, we could see that happen if we aren’t swindled again at the polls when a toilet overflows in Atlanta and shuts down ballot counting in six other states. Even if we do overthrow the anti-American Marxists infecting our government, we still run the risk of the do-nothing GOPe, who never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. While there are fighters in the House and Senate (Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, and Tom Cotton come to mind), there are still too many RINOs like Lindsey Graham-Cracker, Mittens Romney, and Lizard Cheney. Here’s hoping Cheney is in need of employment come the fall — she could probably get hired by CNN or MSNBC as a token “conservative” by which I mean a Democrat masquerading as a Republican.

You were probably as horrified as I was by the murder of Orsolya Gaal, the 51-year-old Queens woman who was repeatedly stabbed with a kitchen knife, stuffed in an oversized duffle bag on wheels, and dragged nearly a mile from her home before being left for some pedestrian to find the next morning. Turns out police have arrested David Banola, “a Queens transplant from Mexico,” who was having an affair with the married woman and was angry because she didn’t want to continue the “intimate” relationship.

It’s unfortunate that Gaal chose to be unfaithful and got herself into a compromising situation that didn’t end well. But what irritates me most is that Banola moved to the U.S. from Mexico about 21 years ago and police “would not discuss his immigration status.” I’m sure his “immigration status” will eventually be revealed, but the fact that they won’t discuss tell us whether he’s here legally or not is a sign that he’s probably here illegally.

Of course, I could be wrong. But I’d lay even money I’m not.

Mexico isn’t sending us their best, despite what all the open border zealots claim. Our country just wouldn’t be as rich and progressive without the diverse perspectives that people like David Banola bring, they insist. They’re right, you know: spontaneously slicing someone up and stuffing them in a zippered hockey bag for someone to find on a city sidewalk is unique.

Yet Brandon seems to be moving ahead with opening our southern border to thousands of more people just like David Banola: an unknown threat.

Rep. Henry Cuellar on Thursday said the [Brandon] administration told him it’s planning to use law enforcement officers from the northern U.S. to deal with a massive surge in migrants coming to the southern border when Title 42 ends.

Cuellar, D-Texas, who represents a border community and opposes many of President Biden’s border policies, also said it seems the administration seems more interested in quickly moving migrants into the country than border security.

You don’t say.

According to this report (read it all), Brandon is effectively participating in human trafficking by flying illegal border jumpers throughout the United States in the middle of the night.

If it were not for The Post, the public would not be aware of any of the Biden administration’s charter flights, which are fanning out every night, all over the country, delivering illegal migrants from the southern border to oblivious communities.

After a lull late last year, in recent weeks “the charters are back with a fury,” says a whistleblower from Avelo Airlines, one of three charter companies raking in millions of taxpayer dollars whisking migrants out of sight.

Staffers are disturbed by the secrecy of the operation, and the prospect that they are participating in a human-trafficking operation, the whistleblower says.

“The charters are not on our paperwork, not on the [air-traffic] breakdown, not on the schedule, not on the flight plan. They’re not listed anywhere.”

The journey for illegal migrants through Mexico to the US border is facilitated by people-smuggling cartels but the flights into the interior of the country, provided by the Biden administration, are simply the last leg of that human-trafficking operation.

Brandon solemnly swore to “faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God.”

Liar. He had no intention of doing so.

The presidency is not a solemn duty to him and his posse; it’s a means to an end. He grabbed the brass ring and the power to use executive orders to accelerate the fundamental change to the character and culture of this country.

One of the means by which he’s doing that is by not only allowing, but actively facilitating, the invasion of foreign hordes to our soil.

Did you know that,

More than 2.5 million illegal migrants have crossed into the US since Joe Biden took office. Among them were 42 people on the terror watchlist, according to CBP.

Yet when White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked about these suspected terrorists, she blew off the question, saying it was a tiny proportion of total illegal crossers.

Oh good. We’ll only have 42 terror incidents instead of 2.5 million. What a relief.

OK, that was sarcastic.

Did you know that illegal immigration is a victimless crime?

Sorry. Sarcasm again.

Support for victims, as it turns out, is denied by these activists to one particular group: those who have lost their lives as a result of illegal alien crime, and the families who must live with the loss. In a culture that elevates and too often embellishes victimhood, these “Angel families” are victims in the purest sense, yet they have been marginalized because the circumstances of their losses are at odds with the anti-borders narrative.


The activist corporate media that claims to give voice to the voiceless would have none of this. The Los Angeles Times was appalled, calling Trump’s spotlight on Angel families “tackiness and rank opportunism.” The Wall Street Journal cited reports from left-wing nonprofits that illegal aliens commit fewer crimes than the native population. The impact of such data is dead on arrival, however, as the amount of illegal alien crime would and should be near zero if our political leaders simply enforced the current immigration laws.

In social media debates I have had with crazed Leftists, the murder and mayhem illegal aliens inflicted on American citizens was excused by comparing percentages of “American” crime to “illegal alien” crime. It was maddening, since none of the crimes illegal aliens commit would have happened here if they were kept out of the country in the first place. But such logic had no impact on the deranged minds of the open borders crowd.

Did you also know that Maine is now a southern border state?

The alien invasion across America’s porous southern border has turned every state into a border state – and every Fake News editor into an agent and a cheerleader for a foreign occupation army.

Here in Maine, 2400 miles northeast of the Texas border, we are the final destination for thousands of illegal immigrants who are being resettled here at taxpayer expense, to the applause of all the really smart people in both political parties.


It was three years ago this summer when an estimated 500 foreign nationals, most of them from central Africa, crossed the southern border in Texas and boarded buses for Portland, where they were housed at the Portland Expo while state and local officials scrambled to find permanent housing for these asylum-seeking “new Mainers.”

Over the past year, another 1,000+ non-citizen newcomers have made their way from the southern border to Portland, overwhelming the city’s homeless shelters. Many are being housed at taxpayer expense in hotels across Cumberland and York Counties. One hotel in South Portland houses more than 400 non-citizens, half of them children, many of whom are now enrolled in local public schools.

If you don’t have borders, you don’t have an ordered society.

Joe Biden, the failing fabulist who was installed as “president” on January 26, 2020 through a coup orchestrated by the media, tech oligarchs and corrupt state government officials and volunteers, is an anti-American extremist owned by China. He is everything the Left claimed Trump was, but wasn’t.

Once seated, Brandon proceeded to betray his “oath” of office and put Americans in danger and is not, in any sense of the phrase, “preserving, protecting or defending the Constitution of the United States of America.”

Have a good weekend.

Daily Broadside | A Tsunami of Loss Coming for the Democrats This Fall

Daily Verse | 2 Kings 25:9
He set fire to the temple of the Lord, the royal palace and all the houses of Jerusalem. Every important building he burned down.

Thursday’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 1-5

Thursday and although I deeply resent the presence of Resident Brandon not only for his lack of courage and character, but also for the way in which he attained his office, I admit that his failing mental acuity is a tragedy for him and makes him a more sympathetic figure for those who, like me, do have compassion for those who are handicapped by some kind of physical limitation.

I do have some sympathy for his deteriorating mental condition but — BUT — he and his handlers put him out there in public and he is clearly a menace to our nation. In addition, he’s an insufferable blowhard who thinks stratospherically more highly of himself than his performance allows. Even with all the shucking and jiving the media does to cover for Brandon, the public isn’t stupid, and it’s showing up in the polls.

More important than money, at least to us, is the political environment, which continues to look promising for Republicans. President Joe Biden’s approval rating remains just a little over 40% in averages, with disapproval a bit over 50%. Polls of congressional voting sentiment, the House generic ballot, continue to be relatively close, with Republicans generally up just a few points in averages. But if Biden’s approval continues to be weak, we would expect the Republican advantage to grow in the coming months.

So our main question about the House continues to be not whether Republicans will flip the House — although we would not completely shut the door on Democrats’ retaining control if the political environment improves markedly — but rather how big the Republicans’ eventual majority will be.

Toward that end, we are making 11 House rating changes, all in favor of Republicans

That’s from Sabato’s Crystal Ball. The other is from The Cook Political Report (paywall).

President Biden’s approval rating remains stuck at 42 percent, and if anything the political environment has deteriorated for Democrats since January as inflation concerns have soared and Build Back Better has stalled. That means no Democrat in a single-digit Biden (or Trump-won) district is secure, and even some seats Biden carried by double-digit margins in 2020 could come into play this fall, giving the GOP surprising “reach” opportunities.

This week, we’re moving eight Democratic-held seats into more competitive categories. With these changes, there are 27 Democratic seats in Toss Up or worse, and that list is certain to grow longer when Florida and New Hampshire finalize their lines. By contrast, there are only 12 GOP-held seats in Toss Up or worse – all of which are due to redistricting, not atmospheric factors. Republicans need to net just five seats to regain the House.

Both of these sites are well-respected in their political forecasts, and both are showing major shifts towards Republicans.

In addition, Brandon’s support among the youth vote has completely collapsed, as Stephen Green reports.

Canadian leftie Jeet Heer was sounding the alarm about the “collapse of support for Biden among young” people, which he described as “a disaster.”

That’s in no small part, as Heer also noted, because “Under 44 was the only age group Biden won a majority of in 2020.”
Snark aside, pollsters call the narrower 18-34 age group the youth vote, and taking just them into account, Biden’s support has dropped 18 points since Election Day, putting him 26 points underwater with a 55% disapprove/29% approve rating.

That’s crater territory.

Even worse, the Resident is down 26 points among Hispanics, and 30 points among Blacks. Black voters have been the most stalwart Democrat constituency for the last 60 years, but that support is falling apart. If you’ve lost a cornerstone of your support and aren’t making any headwind with other constituencies, that can only mean one thing: disaster.

Nothing is guaranteed, but the 2022 mid-terms are shaping up to be a tsunami of loss for Democrats this fall.

Just don’t get cocky, take nothing for granted, and vote.

Daily Broadside | Easter Bunny Terrorizes Old Man Talking Politics

Daily Verse | 2 Kings 17:9
The Israelites secretly did things against the Lord their God that were not right.

Tuesday’s Reading: 2 Kings 18-21

Tuesday and for those of you who subscribe or follow this site, I’ve added a “Like” button to the bottom of my posts. That means you can give me an anonymous thumbs up if you like the post for the day. So have at it.

This has been making the rounds but if you haven’t seen it yet, take a gander at what anti-Americans like Mark Zuckerberg foisted on us in 2020.

The Resident looks completely startled by the “Easter Bunny” when the life-sized rabbit steps up to him while at the Easter egg roll at the White House. Just look at his face:

He looks like he’s just had a Jack-in-the-Box pop out at him. It takes a couple of parsecs for what he’s seeing to register. He is caught completely off guard and you can see his brain trying to decide: fight or flight? It’s like Putin showed up and Brandon realizes he’ll have to eat his words that Vlad “cannot remain in power.”

Seriously. Go back and watch it again. I’ll wait.

This isn’t a “gotcha!” moment; this is a costumed performer who interferes with some mouth mash Brandon is grinding through with reporters. It’s actually Brandon’s director of message planning, Megan Hayes, and apparently his message wasn’t planned.

So what, you say. You think I’m maybe being too nit-picky?

Here’s what happened at the start of the event. Make sure you have the volume up to hear what Doctor Jill Brandon tells him as he finishes his welcoming remarks.


And again, “wave.”

Brandon has to be directed and redirected throughout the event.

Here’s why this matters: If Brandon is cognitively unable to manage himself, WHO IS RUNNING THE COUNTRY?

All Brandon is right now is a script reader. And not a very good one, at that.

And here’s what it got him (and us):

CNN’s Harry Enten outlines new polls from Quinnipiac and NBC showing that Joe Biden has a lower approval rating than Donald Trump did at this point in his presidency, breaking Trump’s record for lowest ever recorded.

“It was always a thing, ‘Donald Trump had the lowest approval rating at this point in his presidency,’ we did it over and over and over and over again,” Enten recalled. “At this point in his presidency, Donald Trump’s average approval rating is actually one point higher than Joe Biden’s which is 41%. Donald Trump at 42%. For a first-term president at this point in his presidency, this is the lowest.”

“This is the lowest for anyone who was elected to the presidency and didn’t get there through the vice presidency.”

“Joe Biden at this point, minus 23 points. That is the worst on record since they started asking about economic job approval ratings back in 1978 with Jimmy Carter,” Enten said.

The talking heads of CNN look positively shocked. Their preferred candidate is more of a disaster than they could have ever conceived and it’s dawning on them that they own him.

82 million votes, you guys. Landslide victory, most ever in recorded history!

Let’s. Go. Brandon.

If anyone shouldn’t remain in power, it’s him.

Daily Broadside | March Data Proves the Liars in the White House Are Lying

Daily Verse | 2 Kings 2:23-24
“Go on up you baldhead!” they said. “Go on up you baldhead!” He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of them.

Wednesday’s Reading: 2 Kings 4-5

Mid-week and our society continues to splinter and spiral out of control as Joey McWafflebrains tries to spin the worst inflation in 40 years as a product of Russia’s war in Ukraine (while escalating the rhetoric he’s using to dangerous levels) and not of his own doing.

President Biden declared Tuesday that Russia was committing a “genocide” in Ukraine, a significant escalation of the president’s rhetoric and a notable shift that comes as U.S. officials have avoided using the term.

The comment initially came at an event in Menlo, Iowa, where Biden was decrying the effects of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine on gas and food prices. “Your family budget, your ability to fill up your tank, none of it should hinge on whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide a half a world away,” Biden said.

I’ve got news for you Fake President McLiarFace. The inflation and spiking gas prices are because of decisions you and your “brain trust” in the White House made that put us in the position we’re in. The Russia-Ukraine war is just accelerating our speed along the trajectory you set.

The Labor Department said Tuesday that the consumer price index – which measures a bevy of goods including gasoline, health care, groceries and rents – rose 8.5% in March from a year ago, the fastest pace since December 1981, when inflation hit 8.9%. Prices jumped 1.2% in the one-month period from February, the largest month-to-month jump since 2005.

Economists expected the index to show that prices surged 8.4% in March from the previous year and 1.2% on a monthly basis.

So-called core prices, which exclude more volatile measurements of food and energy, climbed 6.5% in March from the previous year – up from the 6.4% increase recorded in February. It was the steepest 12-month increase since August 1982.

Let’s see … who’s been in office for the last twelve months?

Price increases were widespread: Energy prices rose a stunning 11% in March from the previous month, and are up 32% from last year. Gasoline, on average, costs 48% more than it did last year after rising 18.3% in March on a monthly basis as the Russian war in Ukraine fueled a rapid increase in oil prices.

The March inflation data is the first to capture the full effect of the European war, which sent gas prices in the U.S. to the highest since 2008.

Food prices have also climbed 8.8% higher over the year and 1% over the month, with the largest increases in cereal and bakery products (10%), poultry, fish and meat (13.8%), fresh fruits and vegetables (8.1%), and eggs (11.2%).

I’m old enough to remember when we were newly energy independent and didn’t have to rely on foreign oil; in fact, we were a net exporter and gas was around $2.12/gal.

I am so tired of the lies we are told by those in charge. They know they’re lying; we know they’re lying; and they know that we know they’re lying. Yet they continue to lie.

What doesn’t lie are the data, and this administration that said they’d bring us back to “normal” after Trump sure did—we just didn’t know how far back they’d take us.

Daily Broadside | The Invasion of America Will Accelerate

Daily Verse | 1 Kings 22:34
But someone drew his bow at random and hit the king of Israel between the sections of his armor.

Tuesday’s Reading: 2 Kings 1-3

It’s Tuesday of Holy Week. As millions remember Jesus making his way toward the cross on that Friday some 2,000 years ago, millions more today are anxious and angry that the current administration is planning to remove the final barrier to a flood of illegal aliens surging over our southern border.

Illegal entry and squatting in the United States is one of the subjects that severely triggers me when it comes to the issues we face. I absolutely loathe our government that not only allows the current invasion of foreigners to flood our nation, but actively encourages it, nay, invites it.

It’s a crime that’s being perpetrated on us by those in power who don’t give a rat’s patootie about American citizens.

The Biden government has publicly admitted that something bad will happen at the southwest border: an estimated 12,000 to 18,000 migrant apprehensions a day (versus the record-breaking 6,000 average now), or up to 540,000 a month (170,000 a month lately), and maybe six million by the end of 2022 (compared to the nationally historic two million apprehensions at the end of 2021). A Washington Post headline craftily understated that Biden’s Department of Homeland Security was bracing for “unprecedented strains.”

No one seems to be asking why as some 540,000 illegal migrants per month will soon be jumping the borders in all the front-line states. The overlooked real reason they will come is to defraud an American asylum system that Title 42 denied them but will now be returned, more prone than ever to abuse.

Title 42 was invoked during the Trump administration as a protection against the pandemic, denying illegal aliens access to the American asylum system and immediately expelling them from the country. But now that Joe Brandon and his handlers have decided to let Title 42 expire, foreigners are gathering in Mexico like Secretariat in the starting gate at Belmont.

Clues about the true reasons for Title 42’s demise can be found throughout the communiques of pro-illegal immigration organizations. It was never that the public health crisis had passed, only about reopening full access to the American asylum system. Why?

Because as it stands, the asylum system provides a reprieve from mandatory deportation and all but guaranteed release into the United States. An apt term for this is “Remain in America.” It allows almost anyone on U.S. soil who utters “I want asylum” to a federal officer to dodge otherwise mandatory deportation and get in for years.

So foreigners are already making their way here through Mexico because once they’re in by claiming asylum, they’re as good as settled, even though they are here illegally once they blow off their hearing.

Word about the end of Title 42 has already spread among smugglers and other migrant networks. As a result, thousands upon thousands of illegal migrants will trek to the U.S. southern border in coming weeks in hopes of filing an asylum claim and getting released into the United States for years.

Under the administration’s current policies, most of the illegal crossers will get into the United States — and be allowed to remain — without significant consequences. As my colleague John Daniel Davidson wrote earlier this week: “ending Title 42 under these circumstances means every migrant who gets over the border and claims asylum will get to remain in the United States, legally and with work authorization, for years. As a matter of policy, it is effectively indistinguishable from open borders.”

Due to these concerns of a rapid migrant surge at the end of May, there’s a small chance that the federal government will halt or at least delay rescinding Title 42. Keeping it, however, won’t deter illegal migrants who have heard the news from surging to the U.S.-Mexico border.

But who cares, right? Why should we be concerned?

“We’re getting to a tipping point,” Scott said. “This many people being released into the U.S. this fast is going to change the demographics of U.S. cities because nothing stays at the borders.”

This is a cause for concern for many states struggling with the criminal effects of an open border, not just states that sit close to Mexico. As Morgan noted in our conversation, “the overwhelming majority of illegal migrants do not stay in the border towns and states.”

“What happens and what comes through our borders does not stay there. The border cities and states there, they receive the additional brunt of it, but they’re just the throughput,” Morgan explained. “And it doesn’t matter what the danger is whether that’s an invasion of illegal migrant, or drugs or gang members or criminal migrant, or a threat to our national security vulnerability, the border towns and states are the throughput but they’re making their way to every town, city, and state.”

When illegal border-crossers are released without significant repercussions and without being forced to report to an immigration facility, it endangers the entire nation. In 2021, approximately 47,000 migrants were released into the United States because of Biden’s policies but did not report to ICE on time or at all, as they were required to do.

That’s the key. We’re facing the resurgence of a foreign invasion that has been going on for years but has increased in volume from hundreds of mostly third-world countries involving millions of people. This isn’t natural, organic growth that our institutions and communities can keep pace with.

It’s like dumping an Evergreen container ship full of invasive fish like the Asian carp into the Great Lakes. Here’s how one source describes the impact invasive species have on a native ecosystem.

Invasive species are any living organism, such as plants, animals, fungi, or bacteria, that have been unnaturally introduced into an ecosystem, and would not otherwise live in it.

Invasive species can negatively impact an ecosystem’s economic, agricultural, environmental, and public health. Non-native species change the structure of entire food webs and decrease biodiversity by adding to the competition of finding food among native species.

Invasive species affect all of the plants and animals living in an ecosystem, and can also hurt fishing industries.

Tell me how that’s any different from people all over the world rushing to our southern border and into the interior. They compete for resources with the natural population, often in the form of welfare. They overwhelm our health care and educational systems, often requiring teachers to diminish their standards for kids who don’t speak English as their first language. They compete for jobs, undercutting even the lowest wages, hurting the very citizens the Democrats supposedly champion: unskilled blacks and Hispanics. Other countries send us their very worst, releasing criminals from their prisons to find their way here, where they continue their criminal patterns and become our problem—as though we don’t have enough of our own.

I know, I know. You’re all uncomfortable with me comparing “illegal immigrants” and their impact to an invasive species. Listen to me closely: I don’t care. I’m not about nuance right now. This is an invasion, an intentional corruption of the American way of life that will affect our country not just now, but irreversibly for hundreds of years to come (assuming the United States still exists then).

It’s already too late to avoid a significant impact. And if you’re more concerned about the metaphor I’m using than the issue of foreigners spilling into our land by arrangement of the cultural Marxists, your hero is David French.

When people who come from poor, totalitarian, underdeveloped cultures are transplanted en masse into a free and prosperous country where they don’t ever take an oath to their host nation and illegally live in the shadows without integrating into society and break the laws by gaming a corrupt system, they will become a drag on that society and culture. It’s inevitable.

Resident Brandon and the cabal in Washington, D.C. should all be impeached and removed from office for their dereliction of duty. All of them. But it won’t happen because those in power, both Left and Right, won’t let it happen.

But you and I and our families, and our children’s families, and their children’s families, will experience the downstream impact of these anti-American decisions from those who make them and the cowards who refuse oppose them.

It won’t be the America we grew up in.

Daily Broadside | Some Republicans Help the Democrats Be Awful People

Daily Verse | 1 Kings 12:20
Only the tribe of Judah remained loyal to the house of David.

Friday’s Reading: 1 Kings 15-16
Saturday’s Reading: 1 Kings 17-19

Friday and the end of another week. Beware that next Friday is April 15, when you have to hand over everything you haven’t yet to the feds and your state gubmints. “Of, by and for the people,” my eye. No rant from me, but we’ve gotten so used to being fleeced by the people we elect that we don’t even notice it anymore.

The other thing that’s happening on the 15th is Good Friday. Don’t forget to set aside some time to reflect on the sacrifice of God’s Son for the sins of the world, including you and me. It makes seeing the rampant sin among us more bearable, knowing that it will all face a reckoning someday—soon, I hope.

Yesterday was another sorry day in our history as Judge “I’m-not-a-biologist” Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed by the Senate with the three votes of not-at-all-conservative Republican Senators Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and “severely conservative” (lol) Mitt Romney voting for Jackson.

The vote was 53-47. Brown Jackson would’ve been confirmed if the vote had been tied, with VP (Virtue Pick) Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote. But the three liberal Republicans still sided with the enemies of American culture, conscience and freedom, voting to confirm a woman who has a proven pattern of leniency for child sex offenders, supports Critical Race Theory (CRT), and refused to define a “woman.”

Republicans who opposed Jackson did so on several fronts: her dodging of questions on whether she favors court packing; her inability to define a “woman,” insufficient explanation of her judicial philosophy and her “soft on crime” sentencing record, including those of several child pornography offenders.

Democrats celebrated (or should I say, gloated) over the idealogue they forced on the American people.

Joe Brandon:

“Judge Jackson’s confirmation was a historic moment for our nation,” Biden said on Twitter with a picture of him taking a selfie with the newly confirmed Jackson. “We’ve taken another step toward making our highest court reflect the diversity of America. She will be an incredible Justice, and I was honored to share this moment with her.”

Chucky Schemer:

This is an “amazing day not only for Justice Brown Jackson but for the United States of America,” Schumer said. On the long road to equality, Schumer said, “sometimes you take a step back, but today we took a giant step forward.”

Don’t make me hurl.

Democrats are deeply immoral people. They stole the election in 2020, then they stole a SCOTUS seat by forcing Justice Breyer to resign.

“The Left bullied Justice Breyer into retirement and now it will demand a justice who rubber stamps its liberal political agenda,” Judicial Crisis Network president Carrie Severino said in a statement, adding “And that’s what the Democrats will give them, because they’re beholden to the dark money supporters who helped elect them.”

And give it they did, filling the vacancy with a pyrsyn who doesn’t know what the definition of a woman is.

But that’s not the worst of it. The worst of it is that the regressive, cultural Marxists elevated Jackson’s skin color over her judicial record, a record which indicates that she is a radical leftist who can’t be trusted to objectively and fairly interpret our Constitution. They put superficiality over substance.

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said, “Biden’s pick Ketanji Brown Jackson is a radical, activist judge, one who failed to answer simple questions on her record, including leniency for child porn offenders and support of CRT. Jackson has proved to be in lockstep with the far left’s political agenda, even refusing to define what a woman is. The RNC will hold Democrats accountable this November for supporting Biden’s radical pick.”

Yep. We all know how Jackson will vote, just like we all knew how the Wise Latina and Kagan would vote.

Yet all the Democrats talked about today was “equality” and “diversity.” It’s sickening.

Still, there may be some hope in the darkness. None less than The New York Times postulates that there isn’t much Jackson’s appointment can do to stop the more conservative bend of SCOTUS from dominating.

However collegial she may be, whatever her reputation as a “consensus builder” and whether her voting record will be slightly to the right or the left of Justice Breyer’s, the court’s lopsided conservative majority will remain in charge. Judge Jackson will most likely find herself, as Justice Breyer has, in dissent in the court’s major cases on highly charged social questions.

See that? Even the NYT concedes that there’s a “conservative” bias that includes Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Amy Comey Barrett (all three of whom, by the way, have made decisions disappointing to “conservatives” since ascending to the top court in the land). So spare me the moaning about the resistance to Jackson’s appointment.

Let’s hope that any damage KBJ has the potential to do is blunted by remaining in the minority on court decisions, a Republican take-over of the House and Senate this fall, plus the presidency in 2024.

Have a good weekend.