Daily Broadside | 25 Reasons I Will Vote For Trump

Monday and the start of November—a November to remember because of tomorrow’s election. November 3, 2020 will be remembered as a vote for freedom and optimism or a vote for more government control and a monumental step closer to a socialist nightmare.

As most of you know by now, I was #NeverTrump through the primaries and the general election in 2016. The reasons were myriad: he was obnoxious, mean-spirited, and arrogant; he was a limousine liberal from New York City, a long time Democrat and an unrepentant adulterer; he was a semi-successful businessman, an untried politician, and couldn’t clearly articulate how he was going to keep all the promises he was making. Mexico is going to pay for the wall? Right. You’re going to bring all our businesses back? Sure you will. You’re going to hold China accountable? How?

What’s bewildering even to me is that I now consider myself onboard the “Trump Train.” I’m not as extreme as some in that I’m not foolish enough to believe that four more years of Trump will fix all of America’s problems (and there some big ones). But he’s the one man who is rightly positioned to stave off the rising tide of darkness that is washing across our land in the form of Critical Race Theory, full-blown socialism and a small but violent force agitating for the overthrow of our country. If he gets another four years, it will give us a chance to regroup (again) in an effort to blunt the forces that want to tear down America as originally envisioned by the brilliant men who founded this country.

Here, then, are 25 reasons why I will vote for Donald J. Trump on Tuesday.

  1. He has kept his promises. I admit that I didn’t think he would.
  2. He has governed as a conservative. Again, a surprise to many of us.
  3. He donates his presidential salary every quarter. He’s not doing it for the money.
  4. He is the most pro-life president in history, being the first to address in person the March for Life rally in Washington, D.C.
  5. He has appointed three Justices to the Supreme Court, each of whom hold more closely to an “originalist” interpretation of the Constitution.
  6. He has appointed nearly 230 federal judges to the lower courts, almost a quarter of all active federal judges in the United States.
  7. He has cut unnecessary regulations to give businesses more freedom.
  8. He called for and got the biggest tax cut and tax reform bill in U.S. history, allowing millions to keep more of what they earned.
  9. He created one of the hottest economies we’ve ever seen in the U.S., adding 6.7 million jobs with the lowest unemployment rate in half a century.
  10. He cut the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. If re-elected, he said he may cut it to 20 percent.
  11. He made us energy independent. We’re now a net exporter of crude (2019) and of natural gas (2017).
  12. He has built an effective wall along our southern border.
  13. He has increased our military preparedness by increasing defense spending.
  14. He led a massive government and private sector mobilization in a successful response to the Asian Contagion.
  15. He moved the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
  16. He has strengthened our alliance with Israel.
  17. He is reshaping the Middle East by brokering peace treaties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan with promises of more to come.
  18. He has forced members of NATO to spend more money on its own defense instead of relying mostly on American dollars.
  19. He has broken our dependence on China and revealed them to be the dangerous enemy they are.
  20. He defeated ISIS by giving our military the freedom to crush them, ending their slaughter of Christians and Yazidis in the region.
  21. He has kept previous sanctions in place on Russia for their invasion of Crimea, added his own and approved the sale of lethal weapons to Ukraine.
  22. He withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and from the disastrous Iran nuclear deal.
  23. He has not started a new war, the first president to do so since 1990.
  24. He fights!—and we need someone who fights for what is right and good about the United States of America.
  25. Donald Trump loves this country.

I don’t agree with everything Trump supports. I don’t like some of his tweets. I am especially turned off by his ego. But the man pursues policies that I agree with. He’s revealed the existence of a Deep State. He’s revealed the utter sellout of the mainstream media as the marketing arm of the Democrats. He seems to have had some kind of “spiritual realization”—I can’t call it an “awakening” because I don’t know exactly what has happened, but I see a man who unapologetically gives credit to God in many of his speeches. He advocates for the unborn. He constantly refers to the marvelous heritage we have as Americans. He seeks to return us to a love of country.

Many of you are turned off by Trump, too. I encourage you to look past his character flaws—and there are many—to the policies he pursues. A few days ago, Albert Mohler said something that put into stark relief our choice.

Let me put it another way. I cannot accept the argument that a calm man who affirms the dismembering of babies in the womb has a superior character to one who rants like Genghis Khan but acts to preserve that unborn life. In my ideal world, I would get to vote for a candidate in whom the personal, the principled, and the practical all earn my admiration. I do not live in that world. I live in this world, and I must act and vote accordingly.

Same here. In an ideal world, I’d get a candidate who pursued the right policies with a godly character. I do not live in that world. Neither do you. I pray that we will all vote accordingly.

[Image credit: Erik S Lesser/EPA]