Daily Broadside | America is Dying and We’re Here to See It

Wednesday is like the fulcrum in the middle of a see-saw. Whether the rest of the week is an uphill climb sort of rests on its shoulders.

Yesterday I wrote about anger. As I reflected on that post, I realized that I’m also feeling something else: sadness. I touched on it yesterday when I wrote that our nation “is on a collision course with a future in which the ruling class will severely limit our liberties, direct everything from a centralized bureaucracy, create a third-world dystopia and crush anyone who resists.”

In a nutshell, I’m sad that our country is dying and that we’re experiencing it in real time.

I hope that Trump prevails in the election. There are some signs that ballot counts are being corrected where there seemed to be undeniable “irregularities.” If the Electoral College eventually elects Trump, we can celebrate four more years of beneficial America-first policies and Trump will finally be unleashed to go after the Deep State—which will fight him every step of the way. As will Antifa, BLM, Democrats and the MSM (my apologies for being redundant).

But the question remains, what comes after Trump? Even if he wins, which is not a foregone conclusion, we’re at best delaying another battle royale in which our opponents will be even more highly motivated to win—and to win soundly and unmistakably.

In other words, it is not reasonable to think that the Democrats, the media and the cultural Marxists (am I stuttering?) will simply give up and go back to their grievance studies at the University of Victimhood. One of the things I’ve learned is that the Left is persistent. They are like the undead who keep coming, no matter how many times you beat them back.

What I see when I look across the fruited plain are the brainwashed masses, who have been bottle-fed the belief that this country is a monument to racism, arrayed against the Normals (as Kurt Schlichter calls them), who simply live life according to the individual freedoms granted in our Constitution. That life, however, is being threatened by the radical cultural changes that are rooted in the 1950s and have been working their way through our society like a cancer for the last 60 years.

We now have had thousands of young men and women, many barely out of college, rampaging through the streets, burning, looting and murdering. They block highways and neighborhood intersections to threaten drivers; they surround patrons at restaurants and demand they express fealty to BLM; they demand that police be defunded, and express their utter contempt for those who are still on the job, spitting on them, taunting them and attacking them with homemade objects like cement-filled water bottles.

We have a sitting member of Congress threatening other Americans who worked with the Trump administration.

Shortly after that incitement to retaliation, Hari Sevugan (former senior spokesman for the Barack Obama presidential campaign) set up the “Trump Accountability Project” to blacklist anyone who was part of the Trump administration.

Both Chris Hayes from MSNBC and Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration, suggested that we establish a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” the term given to panels in post-Apartheid South Africa.

These are not the panels of South Africa. As Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass writes,

These Reich/Hayes Truth Commissions are tinged instead with the angry passion of the zealot seeking revenge. It’s rather French. No, not the France of today, but of the French Revolution, of tribunals and trials and the Reign of Terror, the France of the Jacobins.

Add to that the not-so-subtle threat from one of CNN’s high-profile reporters, Jake Tapper.

This is what I’m sad about. Sentiments like these were whispered in dark corners among the outliers. Now they’re shamelessly delivered for all the world to see by leading voices in our society. These ruminations are better fit for a fascist or communist country, not the United States of America.

If those of us who are appalled by these written threats and the activists’ street violence do not stand firm against them, we are lost. Ever since 9/11, I’ve learned to take my enemies at their word. Jihadists yelled, “Death to America!” and then showed that they meant it.

Same now. When someone tells you that they plan to “change” our country, believe them. These TV personalities, Blue Checks and Congress-critters aren’t yelling the words, “Death to America!” but they might as well be. They’re already acting as if she’s dead.

[Photo by Philipp Sewing on Unsplash]