Daily Broadside | Democrats Beclown Themselves and Embarrass America

It’s Wednesday and we’re on top of the mid-week hump, ready to jump in our wagon and free wheel it downhill to the end of Friday. Just avoid the mob in the parking lot at the bottom and you’ll be fine. Otherwise, you may have to shoot your way out. Not kidding.

There’s always a lot to talk about going on in our nation—the riots, the Asian Contagion, the presidential election, the idiocy of our professional sports complex. But today’s topic, which I am going to keep brief, is the Judiciary Committee “hearing” and “testimony” of U.S. Attorney General William Barr yesterday.

I put “testimony” and “hearing” in scare quotes because the alleged hearing was nothing of the sort. It consisted mostly of Democrats firing allegations disguised as questions at the AG, then snapping “reclaiming my time” when Barr tried to answer. It got so frustrating that at one point Barr said, “If it’s a hearing, aren’t I the one who’s supposed to be heard?”

It was a disgraceful showing for the Democrats, a circus led by chairman Jerry Nadler (D-Lilliput). It was an embarrassment. It was a debacle. It was a disgrace to America. And it was yet another proof point that the Democrats have abandoned any pretense of fairness and good judgment in their positions of power. They are a garbage party, and they produce garbage outcomes, all because of their hatred for Donald J. Trump.

They weren’t interested in discovering the truth. They weren’t using the occasion to gather information so that they could understand what is tearing this country apart and respond appropriately. No. They were using this occasion to grandstand and smear the AG with accusations of perjury, corruption, violating his oath and betraying the Constitution. It was all an attempt to paint the AG as a Trumpian stooge who has nothing to offer except unfettered loyalty to the president.

Would you sit there and take that? It’s a rude, craven, disrespectful, arrogant and coordinated act of hatred directed a man of integrity who genuinely wants to do the right thing. But he can’t, because the very people lobbing accusations and recriminations at him are the same people who tacitly support the rioters and downplay the violence.

These people—the Democrats—should be nowhere near the center of power in this country. November is critical to keeping the White House, the Senate, and getting a majority in the House.