Daily Broadside | Does Anybody Care that We’re in the Middle of an Insurrection?

I’ve haven’t been talking about the Democratic National Convention because I haven’t been able to watch it. As much as I keep current with political and cultural developments, I don’t have the privilege of being paid to watch and comment on them. Instead, I do my research and writing in the evening after my day job is done.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t have something to say about one of the constituent Democrat bases. If you’ve been watching reports of the rioting in Portland, you may have seen the video of a man being beaten nearly to death in the streets.

Adam Haner, the man who was beaten, had apparently stepped in to help a stranger who had several things stolen from him by “protesters.” After doing that, he was accosted, but managed to get into his pick up truck and drive away from the scene. Unfortunately, he was being followed, which meant that when he crashed his vehicle during a left turn at an intersection, the marauders caught up with him. This is what happened next:

It’s repulsive. The shameless violence that has been allowed to go on for 83 nights in a row is escalating to confrontations like this. Innocent civilians are not only being harassed in their vehicles on public streets, but now have been pulled from their cars and viciously beaten almost to death.

I look at this and wonder what’s happened to the America I knew. This is the kind of video you’d expect to see come out of some third-world tin pot dictatorship where lawlessness is the norm, not here.

We’ve got feral beasts running wild in the streets.

Yet our “authorities” do nothing. The governor of Oregon does nothing. The mayor of Portland does nothing. The DA does nothing. The police do nothing. The Republicans do nothing. And for sure the Democrats do nothing. Not only do they not do anything, some of them deny that there’s any violence at all, calling it a “myth.”

Here we are, watching a violent insurrection taking place, and our leaders shrug (or lie about it). But I know there are thousands of others out there who feel like I do. We are watching developments with a quiet severity, because either the silent majority rises up and confronts those who have made clear their desire to tear down America as we know it, or we lose this moment, and probably the country, to the radical social Marxists. A flash point is coming November 3.