Daily Broadside | Donald Trump is the Man to Beat

Happy Friday! I get to end the week commenting on Day Four of the Republican National Convention.

I tuned in last night just as Ivanka Trump was beginning to speak about her father. She gave a solid speech, hitting all the right notes. She was very poised, her delivery was natural and she used great pacing. You could tell that she’s very proud of her dad’s accomplishments. Her best line was, “Washington didn’t change Donald Trump. Donald Trump changed Washington!”

It might be the best line of the campaign so far. If you’re talking about shaking up the establishment, it’s absolutely true. Trump is rightly called the disrupter. He’s forced both parties to react to his unconventional approach to politics.

Republicans have cleaned house, revealing RINOs in the party to be the hollow figureheads they are and sending NeverTrumpers packing. (Well, they still have Mitt Romney.) The Democrats revealed the stunning depths of corruption and extremism that courses through their anti-American veins. They threw everything they could at Trump to remove him from office. Russian collusion. Obstruction. Harassing investigations. The sham impeachment. Wrecking the economy due to the Wu Lung Flu. Sitting back while Antifa and BLM burn our cities.

Donald Trump changed Washington, indeed.

Ivanka introduced her father, who appeared on the balcony with the first lady. They walked down the steps to the podium as more than 1,000 invited guests applauded in a standing ovation.

Trump is no Ronald Reagan when it comes to public speaking, but he delivered a long and focused speech that presented a positive image of the country and a vision for what we can still become. It was the antithesis of Biden’s acceptance speech last week.

There were several good moments, of which I can only hit a few.

On Joe Biden: “I’ve done more for African Americans than Joe Biden has done in 47 years.” He directly contradicted Biden’s claim that he’s running to save America’s soul. “Joe Biden is not the savior of America’s soul. He’s a destroyer of America’s jobs, a destroyer of American greatness.”

He referred to Almighty God several times throughout the speech, including that, “all children, born and unborn, have a God-given right to life.” He’s been the most pro-life president in history.

He spoke of border security. His administration has ended the practice of “catch and release,” have deported half a million “criminal aliens,” built 300 miles of border wall and continue to put up 10 more miles each week. And, he promised, “we will finish the wall.”

His vision for the next four years includes putting a woman on the moon and the American flag on Mars.

He ended by saying that this is the most important election ever because of competing ideologies, philosophies and vision for the country. The Democrats support a depraved nation, while Trump celebrates America as the greatest and most exceptional nation in the history of the world.

I think he’s right, not just because “every election is the most important election.” It’s because we have taken our freedoms for granted and have suddenly woken up to enemies in our midst, and they have momentum.

Trump is the man to beat in November. Be inspired by this great video, then turn out to vote.