Daily Verse | Numbers 9:18
At the Lord’s command the Israelites set out,
and at his command they encamped.
It’s Tuesday in the third week of February. Socks are optional.
After each new travesty that our political class foists on us, I find myself muttering, “I can’t believe this is happening in the United States of America.” We are the land of the free and the home of the brave. We’re the last best hope on earth. We’re a beacon of freedom to the world.
But lately, not so much.
Take Democrats weaponizing the instruments of government—the U.S. Constitution, for instance—to bludgeon a political enemy with impeachment. Twice.
Or take a highly orchestrated hit job involving politicians, government agencies, private companies and foreign spies to fabricate a hoax meant to frame and remove a sitting president. Democrat Adam Schiff regularly swore he had seen the evidence of Russian collusion when in fact there was none. Zip. Zilch. Nada, according to the Mueller Report. Yet Schiff still sits in Congress without consequence for his outright lies.
Or take the theft of a national election with social media and legacy media conspiring with the Democrat party to suppress news unfavorable to them.
Or take a Democrat who implies gun owners will be nuked who refuse to comply with a theoretical gun buy-back program and accuse the politician of wanting to start a war.

What kind of person threatens a nuclear strike on his fellow American citizens after threatening to relieve them of their weapons and trampling on their Second Amendment rights? I mean, besides brainless. At the very least, Swalwell had arrogated to himself the attitude of a ruler rather than a representative.
In each case, respect for the rule of law, custom, and tradition played little or no role in restraining the baser impulses of the politicians and journalists (but I repeat myself).
Which brings me to the point of this mini rant. If the men and women who occupy political positions of power are willing to abuse that power to undermine or destroy the most powerful man in the world or casually throw down a threat of nuclear violence when challenged, what do you think will keep them from doing the same to you?
We need to begin impeachment on ALL that fall-in line with treason in the slightest