Daily Broadside | Is it My Imagination or is it Getting Late?

Daily Verse | Deuteronomy 4:39
Acknowledge and take to heart this day that the Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth below. There is no other.

Good Wednesday morning, Broadside readers. Isn’t there anyone, anywhere, who can make a windshield wiper that works?

I’m a fairly even-keeled guy, not rising too high emotionally above my circumstances and not dipping too far below them, either. So when I say that I’m alarmed, it means something—at least to me. And I am alarmed.

Let me list for you a few things that are pinging my spidey sense, and not just the obvious ones.

  • The “election” of Joe Biden to the presidency in November, 2020. There were so many irregularities with how that election was run (i.e. fraudulent, illegal processes) that millions of us have every reason to question the “certified” outcome.
  • The many lower courts and state legislatures that refused to hear the collected evidence and, if they did hear it, refused to do anything about it.
  • The Supreme Court’s refusal this week to review two 2020 Pennsylvania presidential election cases, thus ending any inquiry—and any chance at determining whether it was constitutional or not. Justice Thomas wrote in his dissent, “The refusal to do so is inexplicable.”
  • The breach of the Capitol on January 6—which any decent and patriotic person condemns—was used as a pretext to impeach president Trump as responsible for the riot. He was acquitted.
  • The claims following the Capitol breach that it was 1) perpetrated by the “far right” i.e. white supremacists (there were members of the “far right” there, but a) that doesn’t prove Trump supporters are racist, b) there were thousands of “normal” Americans present who didn’t participate, and c) some Leftists helped lead the crowd); 2) that it was an “armed insurrection” (there are exactly zero reports that any person participating in the breach was armed with guns); and 3) that the breach was “a military-style coordinated assault” as claimed by the former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund in hearings yesterday (anyone looking at the chaos would not call it a “coordinated assault” of any kind, much less “military-style”).
  • The comments by former CIA Director John Brennan after the breach that American intel agencies “are moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about” the pro-Trump “insurgency” that harbors “religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians.”
  • The pledge by Biden’s pick for Attorney General, Merrick Garland, to continue investigating the Capitol riot, including “aiders and abettors who were not present on January 6.” 
  • The house panel—happening today—probing “conspiracy theories” in the news and specifically targeting Fox News, One America News Network and Newsmax TV.
  • The continued military occupation of Washington, D.C.
  • The blame Democrats are placing on “white supremacy” for a surge in attacks on Asian Americans—even one committed by a black man. Nancy Pelosi said, “White supremacy is the biggest bucket of concern when it comes to domestic terrorism.”
  • A “whiteness scale” created by a Northwestern University associate professor of African American studies that was sent to high school parents.
  • The revelation that the Coca-Cola company told their employees in an online training seminar to “Try to be less white.”
  • Finally, see this segment of Tucker Carlson’s show featuring Naomi Wolf, a committed liberal with whom most conservatives would disagree on just about everything. Even she is sounding the alarm:

WOLF: [W]e’re really moving into a coup situation, a police state situation and that’s not a partisan thing that you know, as you say, that transcends everything you and I might agree or disagree on and that should bring together left and right to protect our Constitution.

We’re absolutely moving into what I call Step 10. I wrote a book in which I pointed out there were 10 steps that would be tyrants always take when they want to close down a democracy. Whether they’re on the left or the right, they always do the same 10 things and now we’re at something I never thought I’d see in my lifetime.

You described it really, really well. It is Step 10. And that’s the suspension of the rule of law. That’s when you start to be a police state and we’re here. There’s no way around it.
– – –
So this is completely unprecedented. Lockdowns have never been done before in free societies. And really, we are turning into a version of totalitarian states before everyone’s eyes. And I really hope, you know, we wake up quickly, because history also shows that it’s a small window in which people can fight back before it’s too dangerous to fight back.

Here’s what I think is going on. Somewhere, somehow, the progressive Left has decided that now is the time to destroy conservative, patriotic sensibilities which are stereotyped as embodied by the majority white population. They’re using the pandemic and the Capitol riot to impose heavy restrictions on our freedoms as a precursor to stripping them from us completely. How else to understand the draconian and unconstitutional assault on our rights and the demonization of white America?

One conclusion of the bipartisan 9/11 Commission was that the principal reason we didn’t prevent the September 11 attack was a “failure of imagination.” We just couldn’t imagine a small group of attackers making their way onto American soil undetected, hijacking four planes simultaneously and flying them into pre-planned targets.

I increasingly believe that a similar failure of imagination is leading many of us to ignore the warning signs that have been building over the last decade and are coming to a head in 2021. We think that things will go on as they always have, that “America” is resilient and will always right itself after getting off track somehow. We can’t imagine that our national and state leaders are plotting to overthrow our republic. We can’t believe that we’re slowly succumbing to a totalitarian regime that is—and has been—undermining our rights, pebble by pebble and grain by grain.

Naomi’s comment that “it’s a small window in which people can fight back before it’s too dangerous to fight back” echoes what Winston Churchill once said about a belated British guarantee to Poland in early 1939.

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

If it’s true we’re at Step 10, our fight is with all the odds stacked against us. But the alternative is worse.

[Photo by Tristan Colangelo on Unsplash]