Daily Broadside | It’s Quickly Getting to “Now or Never”

Daily Verse | Deuteronomy 7:22
The Lord your God will drive out those nations before you, little by little. You will not be allowed to eliminate them all at once, or the wild animals will multiply around you.

It’s Thursday. Introverts say there’s no people like no people (OregonMuse).

The nation once known as the Land of the Free continues to trail flames and thick smoke as it corkscrews against the sky. In yesterday’s Broadside, I noted with some alarm that it feels to me like someone, somewhere is stomping on the gas as we hurtle through the air, out of control.

I’m not the only one who feels this way, of course. I mentioned that well-known liberal Naomi Wolf declared on Tucker Carlson that we’re becoming a police state characterized by “the suspension of the rule of law.” Yesterday I came across an article by Max Morton over at American Greatness titled, “The Last Stop Before Thermopylae.”

In it he argues similarly (with my emphasis throughout) that,

We are facing the greatest threat to liberty the Republic has yet encountered—a ruling elite backed by the primary institutions of power in America: the media, academia, the permanent bureaucracy, and the defense-intelligence complex. These institutions are fully committed to a top-down rebellion of the elites determined to protect the wealth and power of the establishment. No enemy is as dangerous as the enemy within—and this enemy now controls the reins of national power in America.

I think he misses a couple of other participants among the “primary institutions of power”: Big Tech and Big Business. The near monopolies on social media represented by Facebook, Twitter, Apple and Amazon who can conspire to destroy a competitor or suppress any point-of-view they don’t like, without consequence, is unprecedented. And corporations all over the nation are pressuring employees to undergo what can only be described as indoctrination sessions.

Like it or not, we live in a police state, controlled by an increasingly authoritarian regime with near-total electronic surveillance. The national security apparatus views conservatives and free-thinkers as domestic terrorists, and there are now more military deployed in our nation’s capital than in war zones overseas. If America were any other country, it would be considered a non-permissive environment—not a free country.

I fully agree with his assessment of our rulers as an “authoritarian regime.” This isn’t a government of the people, by the people and for the people. He’s even more pessimistic than I am, although I’ve been progressing toward this realization for several months now.

We are facing a new post-justice, post-truth society. We won’t be able to debate our way out of it, vote our way out of it, or tweet our way out of it. No one is coming to save us. If traditional America wants to be free, it will have to stop living in the past, get up off the couch, and take action.

He’s absolutely correct that we can’t debate or vote our way out of this mess. I had already come to the conclusion that trying to reason with the Democrats and the extremists on the Left is futile. The time for talk is over. I see very clearly what they represent and what their intentions are. Any discussions about getting to “unity” is useless because unity to Democrats is “see things my way.” Otherwise, it’s all irrational tantrums and accusations.

As far as voting our way out — see “Exhibit A: the November 2020 election.”

Morton goes on to outline a plan to reclaim the power usurped by the Left though a “grassroots political movement” (his emphasis). It includes Organization, Funding, a Legal Defense Network, Communications and Community Outreach. More about each at the link.

He ends his essay with the same warning about time being of the essence that Naomi Wolf ended with.

This is the basic structure of a political movement that can effectively operate in a non-permissive environment. That said, traditional Americans are now in a race for time.

The current regime in Washington is moving fast to establish new legal authorities such as the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act (DTPA) and to rewrite Executive Order 12333.

David Horowitz, in a similar article about the dangers we face, writes,

The hour is actually late, and Americans better wake up and start fighting for their country or there will soon be nothing left to defend.

Three different opinion leaders say we’re running out of time (four, if you include me)—it’s now or never.

But here’s the catch. There isn’t anyone coming to save us “traditional Americans.” We are isolated and on our own, even though there are 75 million of us, because we have no visionary leader like Donald J. Trump to galvanize the movement.

We’ll need to do it, on our own, in pockets across the country.

My advice is to find like-minded people and build local community networks that can offer support and operate “off the grid” in terms of planning and execution. Focus on taking back village halls and the county seats where you live. The movement will have to grow from the ground up and we need to get started now.

But keep your powder dry. If our efforts fail, Morton’s title says it all: this is “the last stop before Thermopylae.”

2 thoughts on “Daily Broadside | It’s Quickly Getting to “Now or Never”

  1. I’m with you on the realization that we need to push back against the Powersthatbe.

    This focus on race lately seems a bit forced. I think the Powersthatbe want to cause division.

    After the Civil War, things were looking up for blacks…until racists like Woodrow Wilson and Margaret Sanger and those who perpetuated Jim Crow laws got power.

    Then after the Civil Rights movement, Americans thought we were past racism with more interracial marriages, a black President, and fame earned by various blacks (e.g., Oprah, the Rock, Michael Jordan, etc.)…

    I really think if it weren’t for the race hustlers like Jessie Jackson, Joe Biden, and Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who screwed up the minds of people like Barry Obama and Oprah, turning them against their fellow Americans, we’d have more peace in America. But it seems the grievance industry is growing with this “wokeness” that’s going on. Can you believe Coke?

    How do we solve the real problems in society by punishing whites? I don’t think the Powersthatbe want us to move forward. There’s power in complaining.

    Divide and conquer.

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