Daily Broadside | Mourning in America

Daily Verse | Genesis 50:20
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to
accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

Thursday and we’re into the first full day of an illegitimate regime headed by an elderly, corrupt anti-American sold-out grifter who’s losing his mind while in thrall to radical Marxist extremists.

To be perfectly transparent, I was not at peace much of the day yesterday. As much as I work to place and keep my confidence in God’s sovereign power over all that transpires in this world, I found myself battling a cold dread throughout the day.

I’m not the only one. My social media feeds were filled with fear, anxiety, disbelief and shock. Maybe you felt some of that, too. While Christ’s kingdom is not of this world and we are only passing through, we are still subject to the raging of the nations. That’s why keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus is essential to a life lived by faith.

I didn’t watch the inauguration activities. I didn’t listen to any speeches. I read some reports of what has taken place. None of it surprises me.

Biden is the anti-Trump.

In one of his first official acts as president*, Biden signed a stack of 17 executive actions, nearly every one undoing a Trump action.

With the stroke of a pen, Biden has halted funding for the construction of Trump’s border wall, reversed his travel ban targeting largely Muslim countries and embraced progressive policies on the environment and diversity that Trump spent four years blocking.

Biden also reversed several of Trump’s attempts to withdraw from international agreements, beginning the process of rejoining the Paris climate accord and halting the United States’ departure from the World Health Organization — where Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, will lead the US delegation.

His first action was to impose a mask mandate on federal property, a break in approach to dealing with the pandemic from Trump, who repeatedly downplayed the virus. Biden also installed a coronavirus response coordinator to oversee the White House’s efforts to distribute vaccines and medical supplies.

Press secretary Jen Psaki and other top Biden officials had told reporters on the eve of his inauguration that the first-day actions are only part of what will be a series of moves to undo Trump policies and implement Biden’s campaign promises in his first weeks in office.

Amazingly, no one is going to court to stop Biden, like they did when Trump tried to rescind Obama’s 2012 executive order that created DACA (Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals). DACA was fully restored just last year when SCOTUS ruled against Trump 5-4 with Chief Enabler John Roberts being the swing vote.

Some executive orders are more equal than other executive orders, proles!

What really disturbs me, however, is the longer-term implications of what’s happening. The levers of power in this country are now being pulled by cultural Marxists, and not just in government. The same ideology saturates our educational, religious, commercial, media and judicial institutions. If you’re a conservative who believes in the historic meaning and culture of America, you are a persona non grata.

Offering a bleak assessment of what’s to come, Alexander G. Markovsky writes,

Just to be clear, it is not Orwell’s 1984, it is the Soviet Union of 1937 returned from the hereafter with a human face.  There will be no Gulags; millions of people will not be executed. The dissidents will be dealt with “humanely.” They will be purged from the universities, media, government jobs, and major corporations. The Bolsheviks’ motto, “who does not work does not eat,” will be replaced with a new one – “who does not obey does not eat.”

Dissent will be suppressed by a brute force of government agencies, including the power of the DOJ to bring frivolous lawsuits and bankrupt its victims and destroy their families.

The ubiquitous sentinel of American democracy infamous for its colossal failures, the FBI, will regularly discover plots against the government, find caches of weapons and fabricate preposterous accusations against political opponents. As a deterrent, they will be given harsh sentences. The administration will harness every incident to seize greater control over the nation.

The people and businesses are beginning to fear the all-powerful government that is perfectly willing to deploy a full arsenal of state weaponry, such as DOJ, FBI, IRS, EPA, DOE and its powerful FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), DHS (Department of Homeland Security), DOL (Department of Labor), and other assets we may not know about. The corporations got the massage [sic], ending contributions to the Republican Party.

Marxist doctrine states that in order to control people, the government has to instill fear and hope. The FBI will be the fear and the press, subservient to the government, would offer hope by reporting ideologically nuanced interpretation of events. The process has already begun, the censorship is firmly in place, and will continue at a rapid pace. Websites like this will be shut down.

He goes on to say,

Any notion that the Republicans in this environment may reverse the process by winning the mid-term elections in 2022 is pure fantasy. Unfreedom of the press, suffrage to foreigners, vote harvesting, and mail-in ballots are just a few known elements of the Democrats’ system for organizing elections.  In the next four years, most of the Republican officials running for reelection, governors, senators, state representatives, etc. will be wiped out at the polls and replaced by the Democrats.

In other words, don’t fool yourself into thinking we can just vote our way out of our situation. If what Markovsky says is true—and we have no reason to doubt that it is—then there is only a short window of time to act before Biden’s “dark winter” is permanently on us.

[image: Photo by Martin Sattler on Unsplash]

2 thoughts on “Daily Broadside | Mourning in America

  1. “There is only a short window of time to act before Biden’s “dark winter” is permanently on us.”

    This is what I struggle with, Dave. Longtime reader, first time commenter. What can we do against such a reckless dismantling of all we hold dear? What would Christ compel us to do?

    “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34

    Are there limits to this command? Should we deny love to the enemies of our nation, even when they are our own countrymen? I have friends and neighbors who celebrated Biden’s win. Surely you do as well. They cried in relief when Biden was sworn in. They gleefully root for Trump’s arrest. It’s like they exist in another reality. How do we continue to love these traitors as Christ commanded, without sacrificing our freedoms and liberty?

    This is what keeps me awake at night in these dark times.

  2. I, too, struggle with what to do. I’m tired of all the commentary and analysis while we watch the structure fall apart. (That includes me and this blog!) I want to shout, “DO SOMETHING!”

    I can’t fully answer your question because I’m still grappling with it myself. But I can start with this: in our country, the people have the right to institute a new government “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. … But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

    By what means, then, do we institute a new government? We’ve tried “voting them out” and voting in a populist like Trump, but this last election proves that’s no longer viable. While I’m not advocating a violent uprising, I don’t see many alternatives. Do you?

    The question for believers then is, does God allow for violence in the service of confronting and defeating evil that good may triumph? While we are to love others (including our political enemies) are we not to defend and protect the innocent and the weak? Are we not to stand against evil? I believe the answer to both is “yes.” Our government is morally corrupt and is imposing an immoral agenda on us as citizens.

    I sometimes look at the example of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Christian man who chose to fight the evil embodied by the Third Reich. Is our government any less evil because it hasn’t reached that stage of its development yet? We can all tell where this is headed.

    And what about the ministers who supported the American Revolution? Were they wrong? I’m just reading through a two-volume book series called “Political Sermons of the American Founding Era: 1730-1805.” I also draw on Wayne Grudem’s “Politics According to the Bible.” Haven’t gotten through them yet, but they are helping me form my perspective more clearly.

    Final thought: we can’t “fight” without a leader. So far God has not seen fit to raise one up—unless we count Trump.

    Thanks for reading and thanks for commenting. I truly appreciate it.

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