Daily Broadside | Some Cultural Norms Weren’t Made to be Broken

It’s Friday and we’ve put another work week in the rearview mirror. Hopefully you left a fair week’s work for a fair week’s pay in your wake.

This is not good (WARNING: LANGUAGE):

That’s Alecia Kitts at her son’s eighth-grade football game in Logan, Ohio. She was asked to put on a mask and refused because she has asthma. She was then asked to leave the stadium and wait outside, which she also refused to do. At that point, the officer told her she was under arrest for “criminal trespassing.” She resisted arrest, was tased(!), put in cuffs, booked and released at the scene. The CDC and Ohio state rules and guidelines mandate fans wear masks while on school property.

This is not good, either:

Here we have members of the congregation of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, participating in a “flash psalm sing at city hall” to, in part, peacefully protest that their city council extended a masking mandate into January 2021. Senior pastor Douglas Wilson, an outspoken pastor who blogs at Blog & Mablog (and whom I regularly read), explains what happened.

Yesterday Christ Church sponsored a flash psalm sing at city hall. We were going to appear there at quarter to five, sing three psalms or hymns, then the doxology, and then out. The songs were Psalm 20, Psalm 124, and Amazing Grace. When we arrived, the police were waiting for us. One of them informed me that people either had to social distance or wear a mask, or otherwise face a citation. I told him that I would inform everyone of that, which I did. I said a brief prayer, and we began to sing. Over the following fifteen minutes of singing, three of our people were arrested, and two others were cited.

I saw both of these videos yesterday, one after the other, and I’ve got to say that for the first time since the lockdowns and rioting started, I felt a tinge of real concern about the progression of power in our country. Set aside whether Kitts should have resisted arrest (she should not have) and whether the flash protest at City Hall was advisable (they have the right).

Think instead about what we just plainly witnessed: we just saw a young woman, sitting with friends, outdoors, in the bleachers, socially distancing, watching a middle-school football game, get tased and arrested for, at root, not wearing a mask. And we saw a parishioner, standing with dozens of others, outdoors, peacefully singing worship songs, be arrested for a “public health emergency order violation,” according to the MPD Daily Activity Log.

Got that? Law enforcement handcuffed and arrested two people doing what in any other context, in any other year, are perfectly normal, perfectly legal, and perfectly common activities.

This in spite of the newest data which shows the Chinese Lung Pox to be no worse a risk than the flu. In spite of the highly doubtful science about masks and social distancing. In spite of the maddening hypocritical double standards followed by our Overlords that allow BLM and Antifa to protest and riot throughout the country without masks and not arresting the punks for the violence and destruction but, instead, will use a Taser to subdue an unarmed, peaceful woman for resisting being taken into custody over these idiotic and probably illegal rules.

The junior commies who have imposed these heavy-handed rules are part and parcel of destroying American norms and traditions. When have we ever seen parishioners in America being arrested for doing nothing more than worshipping? When, ever, has a mom of an eighth-grader been arrested while peacefully sitting in the stands watching her son’s football game?

At the start of 2020, such affairs would have been unthinkable. But here we are. The unthinkable has happened. And once a cultural norm has been broken, it is not easy to fix.

Image: YouTube screengrab

A Personal Note
I write five days a week on personal time because it’s one way I can contribute to strengthening the resolve of Christians, conservatives and other like-minded compatriots in the face of unprecedented division in our country. I would like to eventually do more. If you like what you’re reading and think others would benefit from it, please consider regularly sharing and commenting on my posts. Also invite your friends to subscribe. They can do that right on the home page. Thanks for reading! — Dave