Daily Broadside | There Are Now Only Traitors and Patriots

Daily Verse
“I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the
sign of the covenant between me and the earth.”
Genesis 9:13

Thursday and it’s a new day in America.

A terrible new day.

I can’t remember a time when I’ve been so despondent over the condition of our country. It’s a mixture of grief over the accelerating freefall away from a constitutional republic; anger at the spineless, feckless and useless RINOs in Congress; and the chilling realization that the Democrats have gotten away with stealing a presidential election.

We’re about to inaugurate an insipid, shallow 77-year-old career politician who’s a puppet of the Chinese Communist Party, a grifter whose family has made a mint off the U.S. taxpayers, who is credibly accused of assaulting a female Senate aide, and whose onset dementia prevents him from stringing together a coherent sentence unless it’s racist.


You will never convince me or 80 million other Trump supporters that Biden won this election. It defies common sense and the overwhelming evidence presented by Trump’s team.

He will be president Asterisk* for at least the first 100 days he’s in office. Then all bets are off as Kamala Chameleon, Repug-nancy Pelosi, and Chuckles Schumer toss Biden’s carcass onto the front lawn of the White House using the 25th Amendment.

The crowd in Washington DC expressed the same sentiment yesterday, unfortunate as it was that some number of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building with members of antifa.

Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt, a white and unarmed female Air Force vet, was shot and killed while trying to climb through an inner door at the top of a stairwell in the Capitol building.

If she had been black, BLM would have torched DC. Just kidding. They wouldn’t care because Babbitt supported Literally Hitler.

The hysterical media revealed it’s deep-seated hypocrisy, calling the breach of the Capitol “insurrection” while having dismissed uninhibited anarchy, rioting, looting, murder and arson across the country for most of 2020 as “mostly peaceful protests.” With rare exceptions, the press is in cahoots with the Democrats, NeverTrumpers and RINOs, meaning we no longer have an independent press to act as a check on government.

The press reminds me of Bill Cosby’s routine about getting his tonsils out. The doctor explains that his tonsils guard his throat and fight off anything bad that comes into his mouth. “But in your case,” the doctor says, “your tonsils have lost the war. As a matter of fact, your tonsils have gone as far as to join the other side.” Too bad we can’t surgically remove the press.

When Trump ran for office in 2016, I “left” the Republican Party. I didn’t change my party affiliation, but I made known my disgust with their selection of Trump and voted for Cruz in both the primary and the general. Four years later and four years wiser, I’m convinced that there’s only one political party: the Uni-Party, made up of Democrats on the Left and their counterparts the Republicans, standing ready to “oppose” them in an American version of kabuki theater. Sort of like how the Washington Generals “opposed” the Harlem Globetrotters—a perfect foil for the pros.

In 1861, as the country geared up for civil war, Ulysses S. Grant recognized the truth about the South’s secession and told his father in a letter that he was joining the Northern cause.

Whatever may have been my political opinions before, I have but one sentiment now. That is, we have a Government, and laws and a flag, and they must all be sustained. There are but two parties now, traitors and patriots and I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter, and I trust, the stronger party.

That’s pretty much how I see it now. There aren’t Democrats and Republicans, progressives and conservatives. There are only traitors and patriots.

I’m ready for a party of Patriots. Trump could start it and I’d be the first in line.

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[Image credit: Grant via Wikimedia Commons. Collage by the author.]

5 thoughts on “Daily Broadside | There Are Now Only Traitors and Patriots

  1. I join you in your disgust. Glad I finally purchased my first firearm and only wish I could find a place to purchase additional ammo.

    • Ken, lots of online ammo sites. I had to buy in bulk from one; still expensive but less so than buying at a local store.

  2. Thanks for expressing my thoughts and angst so well.

    Hower, I have to disagree with one thing: Ashli Babbitt was no Trump supporter. She was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Trump supporters don’t break glass in barricaded doors, and then try to force their way through.
    When people act like ANTIFA, riot and destroy like ANTIFA, they *are* ANTIFA – no matter what hat they wear.

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