It’s the last Friday in October. Halloween is tomorrow but all the witches, goblins, ghosts, skeletons, black cats and spiders can’t possibly deliver any horror worse than what the year 2020 has so far produced. Bring it on.
The only thing that would cap off a remarkably consequential year with fresh hell would be the election of Joe Biden next Tuesday. Imagine giving the keys to a vacuous phony in aviator sunglasses with a crooked smile who responds to criticism with empty threats along the lines of Ralph Kramden.
Even if Trump wins, as I increasingly suspect he will, open threats of rioting and mayhem will likely manifest themselves in the streets across the country. This year will not end with a bang, but with the rolling nationwide spasms of the left-wing mob destroying the country in the name of preserving “democracy.”
They’re not even trying to hide their contempt for those who vote for Trump. Robert Reich, whose last name is a perfect foil for his tweet, wrote this:
Robert “the Third” Reich wants to put Trump and his supporters on trial. He conveniently forgets to mention that it’s the Democrats who have been gnashing their teeth and harming our republic over the last four years. What a little wannabe tyrant.
This is why I again appeal to you and to others who might read this to take this election seriously. Only a landslide Trump victory will keep the election out of the reach of ballot fraud or from being susceptible to claims that Trump “stole” the election. As the title of Hugh Hewitt’s 2012 book says, “If It’s Not Close, They Can’t Cheat: Crushing the Democrats in Every Election and Why Your Life Depends on It.” Even then we saw what was coming.
Trump has exuded energy and a positive vision for the future. His rallies are attended by thousands. He talks for an hour, interspersing lines read from the teleprompter with his own, often amusing commentary. I watched him in Pennsylvania this week and was intrigued by the Amish men in the crowd behind him. Generally the Amish do not vote and, if they do, it’s usually for local office. So to see Amish men applauding and laughing along with the rest of the crowd is perhaps a sign of how consequential this election is.

Grassroot parades of thousands of cars or trucks or tractors on the roads or boats in the water pop up spontaneously, organized by enthusiastic supporters. There are a lot of people who don’t like Trump; but there are a lot of people who do. And it’s infectious. Just listen to this guy:
Part of what I hope happens is that with his re-election, Trump won’t be hamstrung by having to keep his coalition together for another election. He’ll have more leeway to go after the Deep State and Antifa. He’ll be able to confront Critical Race Theory in our government and in our colleges and universities. He’ll continue to push for a comprehensive peace in the Middle East and further isolate Iran.
Of course, having the Senate and the House would be ideal. And molding the Republican party into a leaner, meaner fighting machine wouldn’t be a bad thing, given the dire straits we find ourselves in.
Joe Biden wants to put us in masks, raise taxes, shut down the oil industry and encourage 8-year-olds to “transition.” He hasn’t accomplished anything worthwhile in the nearly 50 years he’s been in Washington, other than to apparently line his family’s pockets with millions of dollars in laundered money. And we all know that Kamala Harris is, in fact, the stealth nominee. Biden is just the Trojan Horse to get her into the White House.
Unfortunately, I think that every election for the foreseeable future is going to be “the most important” in our lifetimes. That’s certainly true for the one in four days. But what about the one in four years? And the one after that? Will they be any less existential?
Several opinion leaders have said that we should vote as if our lives depend on it. I will. I would add that we should vote as if our constitutional republic depends on it, because it does.
[Cover Image: StockVault | Trump rally: Screengrab]