Daily Broadside | Yellow Eyes Tell Yellow Lies

Tuesday and I hate to sound like a broken record but the troglodyte Democrats, #NeverTrump RINOs and the Media are so full of piss and vinegar their eyes are yellow.

Don’t @ me bro. They are.

First is the completely discredited New York Times 10,000-word chum they tossed into the water in the hopes it would create such a feeding frenzy that middle-America would blush and Trump would immediately resign and slink out the back door of the White House. Instead, all it did was underscore how sleazy the “Grey Lady” is as she prostitutes herself to partisan politics using illegally-shared tax documents.

Hey, A.G. Sulzberger, how about a 10,000-word “exposé” on how Joe Biden and son Hunter—who received a $3.5 million wire transfer from a corrupt Russian tied to Vladimir Putin—have enriched themselves on the backs of taxpayers? How about a 10,000-word “exposé” on how the Democrats, federal agencies and the media colluded to overthrow a duly elected president for the first time in U.S. history? Or maybe a 10,000-word “exposé” on how Rep. Ilhan Omar is one corrupt, ungrateful immigrant who probably shouldn’t be in office because of ballot harvesting?

No? You like the Trump “pee” tapes better? Figures.


Speaking of Ilhan Omar, the Muslim Somali immigrant, naturalized citizen and Democrat U.S. Rep. from Minneapolis, Minnesota, is facing controversy again, this time over election fraud.

James O’Keefe, of Project Veritas, catches fraudsters on video admitting that they are harvesting ballots, and films witnesses who claim absentee ballots are being filled out by “people who work for Rep. Ilhan Omar.” Watch the whole, shocking thing.

The most troubling thing about it is that the Somali community in Minneapolis—enlarged by Barack Hussein Obama—operates on the basis of clan loyalties. At one point in the video, AJ Awed, Ward 6 City Council candidate, says,

It’s not right. That there’s, you know, corruption. It’s pretty much an alliance between clan and the progressive left in the city of Minneapolis. Because you have a specific family, which Abdi Warsame, Mohamud Noor, Ilhan [Omar], Jamal Osman just got reelected. Or, should I say, elected for city, Ward 6. All are in the same cousin — the family — like they’re, it’s clan oriented.

At another point in the video, a driver, Liban Mohamed, boasts that he has “300 ballots” in his car for Jamal Osman. Election law limits to three the number of absentee ballots a person may collect in an election.

Omar Jamal, Project Veritas’s “inside” person, says that “it’s an open secret. It’s not something that, you know, they — she will do anything that she can to get elected. And she has hundreds of people on the streets doing that.”

This is infuriating. We welcome refugees here from corrupt systems like Mogadishu, Somalia, and those very people, instead of being grateful, operate like they’re still living in their $#!+hole country of origin, bringing their dysfunction here. Not only does it disenfranchise innocent Somalis, it undermines our national sovereignty, corrupts our political system, and allows junior authoritarians to gain power in our government.

But wait — there’s more!

None other than Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden is facing the revelation that his Texas Political Director is accused of running an illegal ballot harvesting operation.

Two private investigators, including a former FBI agent and former police officer, testify under oath that they have video evidence, documentation and witnesses to prove that Biden’s Texas Political Director Dallas Jones and his cohorts are currently hoarding mail-in and absentee ballots and ordering operatives to fill the ballots out for people illegally, including for dead people, homeless people, and nursing home residents in the 2020 presidential election.

At one point in the investigation, an employee bragged that he could “guarantee that the illegal ballot harvesting operation, with the help of mass mail-in ballots, could harvest 700,000 illegal ballots.”

The Democrats embody corruption and chaos. They are lawless anti-Americans who only want power so they can ram their junior commie agenda down our throats. They must be militantly opposed and thrown out office, starting at the voting booth this November.

Be sure you go in person and take one or two others with you. The only way to overcome this criminally corrupt racket posing as a political party is to beat them so badly that even cheating can’t help them.

[Image: HD-Pictures on wallpapershome.com]

A Personal Note
I write five days a week on personal time because it’s one way I can contribute to strengthening the resolve of Christians, conservatives and other like-minded compatriots in the face of unprecedented division in our country. I would like to eventually do more. If you like what you’re reading and think others would benefit from it, please consider regularly sharing and commenting on my posts. Also invite your friends to subscribe. They can do that right on the home page. Thanks for reading! — Dave

One thought on “Daily Broadside | Yellow Eyes Tell Yellow Lies

  1. Ilan Omar should be out of office, stripped of her citizenship, and sent back to Somalia, along with her cousin clan. She can defund the Police there, if there are any left (no pun intended).

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