Daily Broadside | Was This The “Trunalimunumaprzure” Election?

Wednesday and—do we know who won!? When I logged off for the night, Trump was trailing Joe Biden by one point, 48.7 to 49.7. Of course, that changed over the course of the night, and now we all know who won—or we know we’re in the courts battling for the 20 electoral votes of Pennsylvania, where counting mail-in votes was halted last night. You don’t think they were trying to figure out how many votes to manufacture, do you?

I do know that the Democrats held the House; that squad members AOC and Ilhan Omar were re-elected; that Democrats in the Senate had a net gain of one seat; and that Arizona seemed to be called way too early for Biden by the time I scheduled this post. Republicans need to hold the Senate if they’re going to keep the Democrats from pushing us fully off the cliff.

I have to be honest—I sincerely don’t understand how anyone could bring themselves to vote for a 77-year-old career politician who is in obvious cognitive decline; who badly garbles his words and frequently gets lost in his speeches (even while reading off a teleprompter!); who shows flashes of anger when provoked; who is credibly accused of taking millions of dollars while vice-president through his son’s shady “business” dealings and is compromised by China; and has promised to roll back Trump’s tax cuts, gut religious protections against militant sexual anarchy, chose the most progressive Senator available as his running mate, and has been wrong on most decisions of international importance over his 47 years in public service.

I can think of only three probable scenarios for why this race was running so close:

1. The Likability Factor
A lot of people voted for Donald Trump in 2016 because they didn’t like Hillary. She had the requisite political experience, but she didn’t exude the warmth or a sense of genuine care that made people feel like they could sit down and have a drink with her.

Now, after four years of Donald Trump, a sizeable portion of Americans find him just as unlikeable as Clinton—maybe more so. In fact, it’s not too strong to say that for many, it’s a white-hot hatred. If that’s the case, the votes for Biden aren’t so much because he’s a better leader or politician, but because he’s the tamer choice.

2. The Stealth Candidate
Most of us suspect that the reason Biden’s age isn’t a factor is that he’s not really the candidate the Democrats are running. Their real candidate is Kamala Harris—Biden is just the Trojan Horse being used to get her into the White House.

As evidence, Biden himself pledged late in 2019 that he’d only serve one term, although he later disputed that characterization of what he’d said. In September both Biden and Harris referred to the “Harris-Biden administration.” While it raised some eyebrows, it didn’t stick, but it did beg the question: what have they been talking about?

Finally (and this is the strongest evidence for the scheme), Nancy Pelosi held a press conference on October 9 to unveil legislation that would create a bipartisan commission to evaluate a president’s fitness to serve under the 25th Amendment. While many thought it was aimed at Trump (and it might well be), it could also be aimed at removing Biden.

3. America Likes Biden’s Platform
The other probable option is that the American public supporting a Biden presidency does in fact like what Biden is selling. They want to move radically to the Left, embracing socialism while making health care and college “free;” pursuing the Green New Deal, banning fracking and shutting down the oil industry; repealing the Trump tax cut; continuing the war on police and pitting Americans against each other based on superficial traits. I can’t fathom why anyone would vote for these things, but then, I’ve pretty much remained a conservative my whole life.

Whatever the outcome of the election, we all have to live with it. Some of us will be exuberant; others will be gravely disappointed; and others will be relieved that we won’t have to do this again for another four years.

I remind you again that God “changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others.” Let’s keep the bigger picture in mind.

2 thoughts on “Daily Broadside | Was This The “Trunalimunumaprzure” Election?

    • If Biden comes out on top—maybe. The silver lining is that we hold the Senate and have cut into the House Dem majority. I’ve read a few opinions that say there will be a huge backlash in 2022 in the House. I come back to, God reigns.

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