Daily Broadside | Another coup d’etat in the Works

Thursday and I’m feeling a mix of disappointment, astonishment and anger.

The disappointment is easy enough to explain—my candidate didn’t win. He might still pull if off, but it won’t be a resounding victory with a clear mandate to govern. Back on September 1, I wrote in a post titled, “Democrats Can’t Cheat if it’s Not Close,” that,

We know [the Left] won’t accept the results if Trump wins, especially if it’s close, and it’s entirely possible those who support Trump won’t accept the results if Biden wins. It needs to be a once-in-a-hundred-years political tsunami, the likes of which we’ve never seen.

The result was not a political tsunami for Trump. The election isn’t, and can’t be, an overwhelming electoral victory for Donald Trump. If Trump loses—and it’s looking more than possible—it won’t be an overwhelming electoral win for Biden. We’re pretty much stuck where we were, with an evenly polarized nation.

And I do mean “polarized.” What else do you call the deep divide between those who vote for “democratic socialism” (which will stay “democratic” only until power is consolidated and they no longer need permission to go full socialist) and those who vote for our Founders’ vision for a free America where everyone has the opportunity to pursue “happiness”?

My astonishment I addressed yesterday. I can understand people who vote for a Democrat. I can even understand people who want a hard-Left Democrat. What I can’t understand are those who voted for the cognitively impaired mob boss of the Biden crime family who sheltered in place for roughly nine months this year. He barely campaigned at all.

Biden has to be the absolutely worst candidate ever fielded by either party in American history. And I mean that with only minor exaggeration. He’s a vacuous empty suit who’s an actual racist, not the fake kind the Left thinks Trump is. He’s uninspiring. He’s mentally addled. He’s nasty to anyone who challenges him about his questionable behavior. He’s credibly accused of assaulting a young woman who interned for him. Everything the Left accuses Trump of being—and much worse—is found in Joe Biden.

This election is a referendum on Donald J. Trump, not an endorsement of Joe Biden. He’s a shiny object, a utilitarian moderate to distract the masses. Biden is their tool of convenience to oust Trump in a naked power grab. Biden will be forced out of office using the 25th Amendment as soon as the Democrats have established their administration and no longer need him. Then we’ll all get to enjoy the Harris administration.

The other thing I feel is anger. Right now it appears as though the Democrats are cheating their way to victory. The party of “fairness” and “equity” is engaged in an enormous fraud, the culmination of four years of plotting the overthrow of a duly elected president in 2016. I hope Trump fights the results all the way to the Supreme Court and any state found to have engaged in any kind of fraud is severely rebuked, the results overturned, and Biden is stripped of all votes represented by the fraud.

This is very serious business. Voter fraud on this scale is something we see in third-world countries, tin-pot dictatorships and banana republics—not something we see in the greatest country in the free world.

People are calling for peace and “coming together” in the aftermath of the election, but I’m not so inclined. As Kurt Schlichter tweeted, “You owe no loyalty to any institution or individual that obtains or maintains power by fraud.”

If fraud is proven, it needs to be answered with a fierce and swift response. Officials need to lose their jobs. Some may need to face jail time. Structural changes—including Voter ID laws—need to be instituted. We need to clean house.

And if fraud is proven, as seems likely, I won’t be the only one who doesn’t want to hear anything more from Democrats about what’s “fair.” To be completely frank, I won’t want to hear anything more from Democrats, period.