Daily Broadside | Will President Trump Be “Our Last Hope”?

It’s Thursday and the final day of 2020. We got snow that finally stuck yesterday, so we’re looking at a white New Year’s Eve.

The Great Presidential Heist of 2020 is ambling slowly toward its conclusion. Either the traitors get away with it and consolidate their power, or the patriots pull the rug out from under them on January 6. I’d like to believe that there’s compelling evidence to be unveiled on or before that date; in fact, I do believe the evidence is there. We just need to get it before the proper authorities through proper procedure in the proper time.

Constitutional scholar, lawyer and former military attorney Joanna Martin (also known by her pen name, Publius Huldah) has an article posted over at NoisyRoom.net, based on an interview she did with Alex Newman of The New American Magazine. While the whole thing is worth the read (and I strongly encourage you to make the time; or even listen to the audio, linked above), I wanted to underscore a couple of points she makes.

First she points out that Article IV, §4, US Constitution, says: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government ….” After cataloguing how the U.S. Supreme Court, US Attorney General William Barr, and Congress itself were derelict in their duty to guarantee “a Republican Form of Government” to the states, she declares,

4. The Fraudulent Election is an Act of War against the People of the United States

This was not just another election. This was a planned and coordinated attack on the People of the United States. If we don’t defeat the fraud, the People of the United States will have been stripped of their sovereign power to choose their own Representatives.

This is an Insurrection against the sovereign power of WE THE PEOPLE. Traitors within our local, state, and federal governments have conspired with one another – and apparently foreign agents – to take our sovereign power away from us.

You may or may not agree that fraud was perpetrated (and I know some people who don’t), but you would have to agree that if the claims laid out by the Trump administration and by independent lawyers like Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are true, then it is an act of insurrection. And if it’s an act of insurrection, then the fraudulent result must be overturned—mustn’t it?

The next point Martin makes is that “President Trump has constitutional and statutory authority to carry out the duty imposed on him by Art. IV, §4.”

If, when it meets on January 6, Congress too shirks its constitutional Duty to guarantee honest federal elections and refuses to disqualify Biden & Harris; then the President is our last hope (within the purview of the Constitution). Not only does Art. IV, §4 impose this duty on the President; he is also bound by his Oath of Office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” (Art. II, §1, last clause); and, by Art. II, §3, to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” These three provisions impose upon him the duty to act so as to preserve the Federal Constitutional Republic created by our Constitution of 1787.

That, in turn, may require that he call out the Militia, which is provided for in Article I, §8, cl. 15, which authorizes Congress “to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.” She writes that Congress delegated to the President “the authority to use his own judgment respecting whether to send the Militia into any State.”

Finally, she explains that the Militia is comprised of armed and trained male citizens according to the Militia Act of 1792. It was the citizen militia that was called to enforce our laws. Of course, Congress complicated everything and redefined “militia” as two separate classes:

(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.”

Her conclusion? “[I]f President Trump calls up ‘the unorganized militia’—which remains in existence as recognized by 10 USC §246 and which has his back—to enforce Art. I, §4, cl.1; Art. II, §1, cl.2, and Art. IV, §4—he doesn’t need the cooperation of any deep state Secretaries of Defense.”

I wonder how many patriots would respond to President Trump’s call for armed citizen militias to enforce “a Republican Form of Government”? There are some several millions of guns in the hands of Obama’s “bitter clingers” along with a trillion rounds of ammunition.

It goes back to what I wrote a few days ago. “Each of us will have to determine whether we are willing to fight for our liberty; for the liberty of our children and our children’s children.”

For those of us who have decided—keep your powder dry and your musket within arm’s reach. Constitutionally, we may serve as our country’s “last hope.” Time is getting short.