Daily Broadside | Progressives Want to Destroy Our Country. Why?

Daily Verse | Deuteronomy 22:5
A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.

Happy Tuesday, Broadsiders. What are we doing here?

I have a discussion question for you:

Why does the progressive Left want to destroy our country?

Why do they want to destroy a country whose foundational belief is that all men (and women) are created equal?

Why do they want to destroy the freest country in the world?

Why do they want to destroy the most prosperous country in the world?

Why do they want to destroy the strongest military in the world?

Why do they want to destroy the one nation that has offered more opportunity to people from all over the world than any other country in the history of the world?

Why do they want to destroy one of the most innovative countries in the world?

Why do they want to destroy one of the most religiously diverse countries in the world where people can freely worship as they believe?

Why do they want to destroy the popular sovereignty of our country?

Why do they want to destroy the philosophical underpinnings of our country?

Why does the progressive Left want to destroy our country?

I’ve asked this question of myself for many years. I’ve asked others this question. Not everyone has an answer and I’m not sure there’s just one.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

[Photo by Willquezada from Pexels]

4 thoughts on “Daily Broadside | Progressives Want to Destroy Our Country. Why?

  1. The progressive left do not realize they are destroying the country because they have what the scriptures describe as ‘spiritual blindness’. The evil one has convinced them what they believe is right, and just, and good. Their rejecting of God’s Son and His teachings has created a spiritual vacuum within themselves that they’ve chosen to fill with a spirit the Bible describes as being able to transform himself into ‘an angel of light’. Since the progressive movement has now become their religion, they’ll fight to advance it to their last breath. The U.S. is only repeating the fate of all great nations of the past who turned their backs on God. Only the second coming of Christ will bring true righteousness and justice to the earth (Lord, come quickly!)

    • Terry, I’ve often thought of the Bible’s description of “spiritual blindness” and especially when Paul speaks to Timothy of the “seared conscience.” That seems right to me and appropriately describes what’s happening. Thanks for the thoughts! Dave

  2. I’ve never been convinced that everyone on the progressive left actively desires to destroy this country. But there are probably some. I imagine that some higher-ups may be working for/blackmailed by China. Maybe some of the mainstream media is too.

    Ultimately though, I think the root of the problem in the common progressive is that they, like all people, are sinners, but they don’t acknowledge all sin as a problem. Their sin manifests in the belief that every person deserves comfort and happiness, and that they should be able to get that happiness however they want, even if it’s in sin. To me, that seems to be the root of almost every evil thing they promote: abortion, “trans rights”, socialism, BLM riots, illegal immigration, free healthcare for all, gun control, etc.
    They almost have their own trinity: the media is the father, telling them what is true and what should be done, the government is the son, carrying out the will of the father, and public education is the spirit, planting the seeds of belief in them. Kinda scary. Those are my thoughts. Doesn’t fully explain everything, but I think it covers a lot.

    • Torian, I like your suggestion of an unholy trinity. It sure feels like those three institutions (government, media, education) are all working together to advance an agenda of decline. Terry’s comment above yours agrees that the progressive movement has become their “religion” and every religion has to get it’s dogma from somewhere. Thanks for the thoughts! Dave

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